Saturday, August 29, 2009



AUGUST 30, 2009

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sunday's Events:

The title of my sermon is "First Things First" and I will be preaching about how we should not let the little things get in the way of the big things in our lives. For background for this Sunday's readings go to

We will begin our new Sunday School year with a kickoff Rally at 9:45 am. We will have a new curriculum this year called "Witness". Go to this website for more information. The format goes back to the use of colorful handouts for children to take home with them.

We will be serving breakfast in the fellowship hall. We ask everyone to be there.

We will also be installing our Sunday School teachers and leaders at the 8:30 and 11:00 services. We will also be blessing our new Sunday school year.

We will also be having an inquiry luncheon for those interested in Peace Lutheran. We will meet after the 11:00 service in the Fellowship Hall for a meal and conversation.

ELCA Assembly

In August our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America met in a churchwide assembly with voters from all the synods to conduct the work of our national church. The theme of the assembly was "God's Work, Our Hands". I encourage all of you to go to the ELCA website to read and watch videos of the week’s events. Our synod's voters also have a blog at

The most controversial issue by far was the votes in support of the new social statement on sexuality called, "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust". You can read about it at:

This teaching document allows the church to have a standing disagreement about the ethics of homosexuality and lifelong same sex relationships. The statement does not support any position, but just states the obvious conflict on this issue in the ELCA. The statement calls for all members to respect "the bound conscious" of each other on this issue.

The assembly also voted to allow ordination of clergy who are in lifelong, publicly accountable same sex relationships on a local basis. You can read this statement at

The statement allows for a "structured flexibility". What this means is that no congregation will be forced to call a pastor they do not want and congregations will have the flexibility, in certain approved circumstances, to call the pastor they do want. The statement tries to find a middle ground. We are still waiting to see how the national church will implement these new ministry guidelines.

Even in our own congregation there is division on these sexuality issues. Here is my guidance.

First and foremost the church is always and forever local. What matters most in our congregation is our proclamation of the Gospel and our living out this evangelical mission in our community. God has sent us here and we stay focused on how we believe the Spirit is leading us to do mission and ministry in this community. What this means is that we do not let ourselves become distracted with issues that are not relevant to us. No pastor in a same sex publicly accountable relationship is seeking to serve our congregation. Same sex marriage is illegal in the state of Texas. We have enough challenges as a church without adding controversy that is not directly relevant us.

Second, we affirm the great gift of baptism and the love poured out on all people. We do not preach condemnation, but John 3:16, "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". What this means is that we respect everyone's conscience on this matter. We lay before people the teachings of the Word of God on sexuality and let them decide how they should respond. We do not excommunicate people about this issue.

Furthermore, I am not comfortable discussing sexuality in public and I leave it as a private matter as long as it is not abusive or exploitive of others. Because of my reluctance, I will not preach about this or have classes. If you want to discuss this privately, I am available.

The bottom line is this: God needs our hands to do his work here in our area. Let us roll up our sleeves and concentrate on the mission field before us. We have children to nurture. We have care to offer. We have the hungry to feed. We have prayer and worship to do. We have great truths from scripture to learn. We have a Gospel centered community to build. We have people lost in brokenness and despair all around us and we have a Gospel to share with them.

Remember: Stay focused on God's work, our hands.

Vocational Sunday, September 6

On this Sunday we will be recognizing the ministry of our vocations as part of our Sunday worship. We ask that you wear your work clothes if you want and we will have a bulletin board for you to share what you do during the week. Special note: This includes homemaker or those staying at home. Martin Luther teaches us the biblical truth that all vocations are callings from God and holy work. We practice our Christian service to others in daily work. We will have a special blessing as part of the service.

Bible Studies Resume

We will resume both the Wednesday Morning and Evening Bible Studies next week. I will be teaching a study of the upcoming Sunday readings on from 10-11:30 and Pastor Gary Morgan-Gohlke will be teaching an evening program from 7-8:30 on the Trinity with a discussion of the book, The Shack. Both are great opportunities to grow in your faith life and discipleship.

No Brotherhood Meeting in September due to holiday weekend

Pastoral Care Notes

Helen Shoppa: Kindred

Alice Parker: Kindred

Jason Elliott continues to his treatment for cancer.

Cindy Smith is awaiting a liver transplant

Our Christian sympathy is extended to Bill & Pam Dahse on the death of Bill’s sister, Maureen Jost, this past week.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Tart

From The Choir

We’re always looking for more people to join the choir. Our new rehearsal time is on Sunday mornings from 8:00 am to 9:30 am, and we now sing at the 9:45 service instead of 11:00. If you have ever thought about joining the choir, why not start now? If you have any questions, please see Martha Digges.

Adult Classes

Now that summer is over, we encourage you to join one of our adult classes offered on Sunday mornings:

"1001 Surprising Things You Should Know About the Bible". Begins August 30. Led by Pam Cronan, Room 202.

“Meeting God in Familiar Places”. This study can help us rediscover God in His intimacy, His majesty and His awesomeness. Begins September 13. Led by Joann Hutton, Room 201. A sign-up sheet and sample copy of the study is found on the table in the narthex.

Inspire Class: An ongoing study of the books of the Bible. Led by Geri Warren, upstairs conference room.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Response to the Churchwide Assembly Vote on Human Sexuality

This week our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America met in a churchwide assembly with voters from all the synods to conduct the work of our national church. The theme of the assembly was"God's Work, Our Hands". I encourage all of you to go to the ELCA website to read and watch videos of the weeks events. Our synod's voters also have a blog at

The most controversial issue by far were the votesin support of the new social statement on sexuality called, "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust". You can read about it at:

This teaching document allows the church to have a standing disagreement about the ethics of homosexuality and lifelong same sex relationships. The statement does not support any position, but just states the obvious that there is conflict on this issue in the ELCA. The statement calls for all members to respect "the bound conscious" of each other on this issue.

The assembly also voted to allow ordination of clergy who are in lifelong, publically accountable same sex relationships on a local basis. You can read this statement at

The statement allows for a "structured flexibility". What this means is that no congregation will be forced to call a pastor they do not want and congregations will have the flexiblity, in certain approved circumanstances, to call the pastor they do want. The statement tries to find a middle ground. We are still waiting to see how the national church will implement these new ministry guidelines.

Even in our own congregation there is division on these sexuality issues. Here is my guidance.

First and foremost the church is always and forever local. What matters most in our congregation is our proclamation of the Gospel and our living out this evangelical mission in our community. God has sent us here and we stay focused on how we believe the Spirit is leading us to do mission and ministry in this community. What this means is that we do not let ourselves become distracted with issues that are not relevant to us. No pastor in a same sex publicly accountable relationship is seeking to serve our congregation. Same sex marriage is illegal in the state of Texas.

We have enough challenges as a church without adding controversy that is not directly relevant us.

Second, we affirm the great gift of baptism and the love poured out on all people. We do not preach condemnation, but John 3:16, "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". What this means is that we respect everyone's conscience on this matter. We lay before people the teachings of the Word of God on sexuality and let them decide how they should respond. We do not excommunicate people about this issue.

Furthermore, I am not comfortable discussing sexuality in public and I leave it as a private matter as long as it is not abusive or exploitive of others. Because of my reluctance, I will not preach about this or have classes. If you want to discuss this privately, I am available.

The bottom line is this: God needs our hands to do his work here in our area. Let us roll up our sleeves and concentrate on the mission field before us. We have children to nurture. We have care to offer. We have the hungry to feed. We have prayer and worship to do. We have great truths from scripture to learn. We have a Gospel centered community to build. We have people lost in brokenness and despair all around us and we have a Gospel to share with them.

Remember: Stay focused on God's work, our hands.

weekly email for August 23, 12 Sunday after Pentencost


AUGUST 23, 2009

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

For the 12 Sunday after Pentecost, August 23

Sunday's Events:

Since August 24 is the first day of school we will have a special blessing for students, teachers, education staff and workers at all three services this Sunday. We will also recognize all children starting kindergarten and their first step toward graduation. We ask all the youth and children to bring their backpacks as part of the blessing. We will have a special gift for them.

This Sunday we will be concluding our reading of John 6, The title of my sermon is "To Whom Shall We Go" and I will be preaching about how turning to Christ is our only option.

We should have a lot of fun.

ELCA Assembly

This week our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is meeting in a churchwide assembly with voters from all the synods to conduct the work of our national church. The theme of the assembly is "God's Work, Our Hands". I encourage all of you to go to the ELCA website to read and watch videos of the weeks events. Our synod's voters also have a blog at

The most controversial issue by far is the vote yesterday in support of the new social statement on sexuality called, "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust". You can read about it at:

This teaching document allows the church to have a standing disagreement about the ethics of homosexuality and lifelong same sex relationships. The statement does not support any position, but just states the obvious that there is conflict on this issue in the ELCA.

Today and tomorrow the assembly will be voting on whether to allow ordination of clergy who are in lifelong, same sex relationships. You can read this statement at

I have been following the assembly online and there is much discussion on these issues and one can see the conflict in the headlights, so to speak, among our people.

Even in our own congregation there is division on these sexuality issues. Here is my guidance.

First and foremost the church is always and forever local. What matters most in our congregation is our proclamation of the Gospel and our living out this evangelical mission in our community. God has sent us here and we stay focused on how we believe the Spirit is leading us to do mission and ministry in this community. What this means is that we do not let ourselves become distracted with issues that are not relevant to us. No pastor in a same sex publicly accountable relationship is seeking to serve our congregation. Same sex marriage is illegal in the state of Texas.

We have enough challenges as a church without adding controversy that is not directly relevant us.

Second, we affirm the great gift of baptism and the love poured out on all people. We do not preach condemnation, but John 3:16, "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". What this means is that we respect everyone's conscience on this matter. We lay before people the teachings of the Word of God on sexuality and let them decide how they should respond. We do not excommunicate people about this issue.

Furthermore, I am not comfortable discussing sexuality in public and I leave it as a private matter as long as it is not abusive or exploitive of others. Because of my reluctance, I will not preach about this or have classes. If you want to discuss this privately, I am available.

The bottom line is this: God needs our hands to do his work. Let us roll up our sleeves and concentrate on the mission field before us. We have children to nurture. We have care to offer. We have the hungry to feed. We have prayer and worship to do. We have great truths from scripture to learn. We have a Gospel centered community to build. We have people lost in brokenness and despair all around us and we have a Gospel to share with them.

Remember: Stay focused on God's work, our hands.

Rally Day, August 30

We will begin our new Sunday School year with a kickoff Rally at 9:45. We will have a new curriculum this year called "Witness". Go to this website for more information. The format goes back to the use of colorful handouts for children to take home with them.

We will be serving breakfast in the fellowship hall. We ask everyone to be there. We will be installing our 09-10 teachers during the 8:30 and 11:00 services.

Google Groups

Please go to this link for access to Peace Google Groups. Google groups is a new way for us to collaborate on our mission and ministry at Peace without depending on face-to-face meetings. All you have to do to join most groups is to just click on the link. Some you might need to have an invitation. To fully use the Google Group you will need to have a Google Account using your normal email address. Just go to and click "sign in" on the top right corner and follow the instructions (I have a training video to help explain hi).

The model for leading our ministries will be workshops and Google Group online collaboration. Of course, ministry and mission at Peace is always more about the Indian than the bow and arrow. What matters most is your willingness to do the mission and ministry at Peace. We are moving away from a Pastor and Staff led church, to a mission and ministry led church. We are trying to establish a collaborative environment for ministry when lay people work together in doing the work of God. Collaboration is fun and exciting and I hope that you will give it a try. You can now do the work from the comfort of your home.

Property Outreach Improvement Projects

Playground Project: We are in the design stage and have met with a playground company for insight and direction. We have a bulletin board in the hallway by the offices for your input and ideas. We are asking especially for children to draw what they think the playground should look like. If you would like to be involved with the project, join the Google Group. The playground will be located on the education building side of the big lot in the back. We are looking to accommodate up to 30 children, ages 2-12. We are moving slow because we want to do a thorough job.

Labyrinth Project: We are still in the design stage. We are looking to place the labyrinth on the grass behind the fellowship hall with removable stone pavers. If you would like to be involved, we have a meeting on Tuesday. Feel free to come.

Sanctuary Repairs and Improvements. We are look at contractors to do the work and producing bids that have the improvements and repairs cost individually listed.

Vocational Sunday, September 6

On this Sunday we will be recognizing the ministry of our vocations as part of our Sunday worship. We ask that you wear your work clothes if want and we will have a bulletin board for you to share what you do during the week. Special note: This includes homemaker or those staying at home. Martin Luther teaches us the biblical truth that all vocations are callings from God and holy work. We practice our Christian service to others in daily work. We will have a special blessing as part of the service.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Tart

Inquiry Luncheon

Come and welcome our visitors who are interested in learning more about Peace! We are having a luncheon Sunday, August 30 at 12:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. If you are new to Peace, you are more than welcome to come to this informal and relaxed lunch where we welcome you to ask any questions you may have about our church family. This is a great opportunity for our members to meet with our visitors and share what Peace means to us! Please RSVP, if able, by calling the church office or emailing Judy Griffin at

Bullyingproofing Your Child

There will be an educational session on preventing bullying at home, in school and online next Thursday in the Fellowship Hall at 7 pm. People of all ages should plan to attend this valuable opportunity. Babysitting will be available. Please invite friends and neighbors and RSVP David Booher at 281-487-1635.

Godly Play Group at Peace

The Godly Play Group at Peace is for young children and their parents to enjoy free playtime and fellowship in Christ. It is geared for infants to 5 years old, but siblings are always welcome. What we do… usually we begin with free play time, have story and song time with David Booher then close with a coloring/art activity. We then move to the Fellowship Hall for prayer and lunch. (Bring a sack lunch.) This is a loosely structured play group where parents participate in play with their children. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. If you have any questions please contact Alycia at (281) 478-6070. We hope that you’ll join us on Tuesday, and bring a friend!

Stop the Choking Game

There will be an educational session on stopping the phenomenon of kids and teenagers harming themselves through the “Choking Game” tonight in the Fellowship Hall at 7 pm. Adults and youth are invited and encouraged to attend. Neighbors and visitors are (as always) welcome too!

Summer Trips Thank You Dinner

This Wednesday (August 26) at 7 pm there will be a special “Thank You Dinner” for all those who purchased Stock at our last fundraiser. Attendees will also receive a special DVD chronicling our Mission Trip and our Lutherhill Summer Camp weeks. It is not too late to purchase a DVD or a ticket to this dinner!

Jr High Lock-In

There will be a beginning of the year kick-off Lock-In for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students on Friday, August 28. We will meet here at the church at 8 pm Friday night for games, activities and a Bible Study. Saturday morning we will have breakfast and then head to the Wave Pool! For more details contact David Booher.

Sr High New Braunfels Trip

All Sr Hi are invited to join us for a trip to New Braunfels and the original Schlitterbahn! We will be leaving Sunday, September 6 after church, spending all Monday at Schlitterbahn and returning Monday evening. Discount tickets are available. Please contact David Booher.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

LH August Camp - Thursday

Weekly Email for Aug. 16, 2009 11th Sunday after Pentecost

Weekly Email for Aug. 16, 2009
11th Sunday after Pentecost

To all the baptized saints of God, working together for the sake of the Gospel,

Sunday Events

This Sunday we continue our reading of John 6 and Jesus identifying himself as the bread of heaven or bread of life. The title of my sermon is "Word in the Flesh" and I will be encouraging us to see God's Word as something we can feel, taste and touch in our lives. We as Lutheran Christians believe in Jesus as really present with us in the sacrament and in our lives. God's forgiveness and love is something that is real. Jesus also calls us to make this love real in our relationships with others. I hope that you will be blessed.

At the 8:30 service we will be celebrating the baptism of Addison Nolan Buskirk, the son of Ed and Kim. Sponsors are Tom and Andie Troutman.

We will continue offering bread and a flyer for you to take to someone who is need of emotional or spiritual encouragement. These loaves and flyers are found in the narthex.

On Sunday evening at 6:00 we will have an orientation for confirmation students and their parents. The orientation will be about this upcoming year. We hope that everyone will attend this important meeting.

Lutherhill Campers Return

Check out the videos of our children's week at camp on the blog.
Thanks to David B. for a great job of leading them. They will be returning from camp on Friday afternoon.

Google Groups
Please go to this link for access to Peace Google Groups. Google groups is a new way for us to collaborate on our mission and ministry at Peace without depending on face-to-face meetings. All you have to do to join most groups is to just click on the link. Some you might need to have an invitation. To fully use the Google Group you will need to have a Google Account using your normal email address. Just go to and click "sign in" on the top right corner and follow the instructions (I have a training video to help explain hi).

The model for leading our ministries will be workshops and Google Group online collaboration. Of course, ministry and mission at Peace is always more about the Indian than the bow and arrow. What matters most is your willingness to do the mission and ministry at Peace. We are moving away from a Pastor and Staff led church, to a mission and ministry led church. We are trying to establish a collaborative environment for ministry when lay people work together in doing the work of God. Collaboration is fun and exciting and I hope that you will give it a try. You can now do the work from the comfort of your home.

Property Outreach Improvement Projects

Playground Project: We are in the design stage and have met with a playground company for insight and direction. We have a bulletin board in the hallway by the offices for your input and ideas. We are asking especially for children to draw what they think the playground should look like. If you would like to be involved with the project, join the Google Group. The playground will be located on the education building side of the big lot in the back. We are looking to accompdate up to 30 children, ages 2-12. We are moving slow because we want to do a thorough job.

Labyrinth Project: We are still in the design stage. We are looking to place the labyrinth on the grass behind the fellowship hall with removable stone pavers. If you would like to be involved, we have a meeting on Tuesday. Feel free to come.

Sanctuary Repairs and Improvements. We are look at contractors to do the work and producing bids that have the improvements and repairs cost individually listed.

Blessing of Students, Teachers and Backpacks, Sunday August 23 all three services.

Since August 24 is the first day of school we will have a special blessing for students, teachers, education staff and workers at all three services on August 23. We will also recognize all children starting kindergarten and their first step toward graduation. We ask all the youth and children to bring their backpacks as part of the blessing.

Rally Day, August 30

We will begin our new Sunday School year with a kickoff Rally at 9:45. We will have a new curriculum this year called "Witness". Go to this website for more information. The format goes back to the use of colorful handouts for children to take home with them.
We will be serving breakfast in the fellowship hall. We ask everyone to be there. We will be installing our 09-10 teachers during the 8:30 and 11:00 services.

Vocational Sunday, September 6

On this Sunday we will be recognizing the ministry of our vocations as part of our Sunday worship. We ask that you wear your work clothes if want and we will have a bulletin board for you to share what you do during the week. Special note: This includes homemaker or those staying at home. Martin Luther teaches us the biblical truth that all vocations are callings from God and holy work. We practice our Christian service to others in daily work. We will have a special blessing as part of the service.

See You Sunday!
Pastor Tart

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Weekly Email for August 9, 2009

AUGUST 9, 2009

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website
If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

Sunday Events
I am returning after a great 5 days with family and friends at the beach. There has always been something renewing with the sound of waves and sea gulls for me. Thank you to all who filled in last Sunday, especially Pastor Gary for always bringing a great Word to us. Having him and his wife Carol as members of our congregation is a great blessing.

This Sunday we will continue our reading from John 6. Jesus talks about being the bread of life, but this bread is not like what God provided to the people of God in the wilderness when they escaped from Egypt. The title of my sermon is "The Great Bread" and I will be talking about the sustaining power of God's grace and hope in our lives. In order to get ourselves thinking about others, we will have loaves of bread available with a flyer for you to share with someone in need, or as invitation to worship on Sunday. Please feel free to take a loaf and flyer. We will be doing this for the next 3 Sundays.

This Sunday we will also be celebrating the baptism of Giselle Giuliana Sinisterra at the 11:00 service. We welcome Rev. Ricardo Sinisterra who will have the honor of baptizing his granddaughter. The proud parents, Mitch and Mary will also be received as members as part of the service.

We will also be saying thank you for a wonderful VBS this week. We had a lot of fun. If you want to see pictures from each day, visit our Facebook page. You will need to be a "friend of Peace" in order to watch them. We do this for security purposes.

We will also be sending off some children to Camp Lutherhill. They are Damien Gonzales, Jillian Sikes, Benjamin Stereff and Brandon Bowman. Camp is such a great experience for kids and I hope that you will continue to support this ministry. Again, we have videos on our Facebook page where you can see what camp is all about.

I have also done a video on our blog of the Executive Director, Evan Molin, talking about the Capital Funding Campaign that is raising money for much needed facilities at Lutherhill. He also invites us to be involved as a congregation. Our blog is at sure to watch it.

Congregation Meeting July 26 Results
The congregation voted overwhelmingly to direct the council to pursue expanding the sanctuary repairs to include improvements. The next step will be the actual cost for these items. We will have a congregation meeting to finalize the project. If you would like to help with these improvements, please contact Kenny Sanders.

Google Groups
Please go to this link for access to Peace Google Groups. Google groups is a new way for us to collaborate on our mission and ministry at Peace without depending on face-to-face meetings. All you have to do to join most groups is to just click on the link. Some you might need to have an invitation. To fully use the Google Group you will need to have a Google Account using your normal email address. Just go to and click "sign in" on the top right corner and follow the instructions (I have a training video to help explain hi). The model for leading our ministries will be workshops and Google Group online collaboration. Of course, ministry and mission at Peace is always more about the Indian than the bow and arrow. What matters most is your willingness to do the mission and ministry at Peace. We are moving away from a Pastor and Staff led church, to a mission and ministry led church. We are trying to establish a collaborative environment for ministry when lay people work together in doing the work of God. Collaboration is fun and exciting and I hope that you will give it a try. You can now do the work from the comfort of your home.

Property Outreach Improvement Projects
The playground and the labyrinth group are off to wonderful collaborative starts. They are enthusiastic and are now doing research. If you would like to join them, go to the labyrinth Google group on the Google Groups page or the Playground group. The playground group is meeting this coming Monday at 7:00 pm. if you would like to join the face to face meeting.

Blessing of Students, Teachers and Backpacks, Sunday August 23 all three services.
Since August 24 is the first day of school we will have a special blessing for students, teachers, education staff and workers at all three services on August 23. We will also recognize all children starting kindergarten and their first step toward graduation. We ask all the youth and children to bring their backpacks as part of the blessing.

Rally Day, August 30
We will begin our new Sunday School year with a kickoff Rally at 9:45. We will have a new curriculum this year called "Witness". Go to this website: for more information. The format goes back to the use of colorful handouts for children to take home with them.

Our Christian sympathy to Pearl Stockum and family on the death of her niece this week

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

Confirmation Class Begins August 16th
All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and parents are invited to join us at 6:00 pm on August 16th for our Orientation and Q&A Session for Confirmation. Confirmation is a special class designed to help these young students grow deeper in their faith through lessons, discussions, games, service projects and more. If you have any questions please contact David Booher or Pastor Tart.

LWR Fair Trade Coffee Project
The midweek Bible Study group continues to sell coffee, tea and hot cocoa mix through the Lutheran World Relief Fair Trade Coffee Project. By using Fair Trade coffee and other products in our congregation and homes, we are helping farmers receive a fair price that covers their cost of production and guarantees them a living wage for their labors. Stop by the table in the narthex on Sunday and pick some up.

Back To School Events For Parents & Kids
We will be having a special series of awareness events to provide safety and positive preparation for another school year. All of these events are open to the public, so please invite your friends and neighbors. Babysitting will be available.

(NOTE DATE CHANGE) August 20, at 7:00 pm, We Will Have A Special Guest Speaker Who Will Address The Rising issue of "The Choking Game," and the deadly risk it poses to kids who try it. This session will be for parents and adults.

August 27, at 7:00 pm we will be hosting very special professionals from Innovative Alternatives to train parents, students and teachers in Bully Proofing. They will teach kids and adults on how to prevent, address and stop bullying in all its forms. This is a must-attend event! See the form in your bulletin this morning.

If you have any questions about these events, please contact David Booher.

"Peace Alive" October Preaching, Teaching Reaching Mission Oct 4-7
"Peace Alive" will be a 4 evening (Sun-Wed) event that features a meal, 30 minute preaching service with an outside speaker and a variety of 60-90 minute workshops. The intent is to help Peace focus on our mission and ministry to the community. We have a Google Group and invite you to join. We will have our next workshop on Wednesday, August 12 at 7:00 pm at Peace to work on this project. This workshop and the Google Group are open to anyone interested in growing our church with the Gospel and reaching out to our community. We are looking for gifts of organizing, publicity, meal serving and music. Come with your ideas.

Mission Trip Thank You Dinner
Our second annual "Thank You Dinner" will be held Wednesday, August 19 at 7:00 pm. All those who purchased "stock" in our summer trips are invited to attend, enjoy this special dinner and receive a special DVD documenting our Mission Trip and Camp Trips this summer. If you have not purchased stock, you still have a chance to support Youth and Family Ministry at Peace with a $10 ticket purchase. Please note that Wednesday, August 19 is a change from the originally planned Tuesday, August 18.

Godly Play Group at Peace
The Godly Play Group at Peace is for young children and their parents to enjoy free playtime and fellowship in Christ. It is geared for infants to 5 years old, but siblings are always welcome. What we do… usually we begin with free play time, have story and song time with David Booher then close with a coloring/art activity. We then move to the Fellowship Hall for prayer and lunch. (Bring a sack lunch.) This is a loosely structured play group where parents participate in play with their children. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. If you have any questions please contact Alycia at (281) 478-6070. We hope that you’ll join us on Tuesday, and bring a friend!

Choir Rehearsal
The Sanctuary Choir will resume rehearsals starting Sunday morning August 23. We are going to rehearse on Sunday mornings from 8:00 to 9:35 and sing at the 9:45 service. If you have been wanting to join the group, this time may work out better for you. New and returning members are most welcome! For more information, contact Martha Digges at 832-498-1658.