Thursday, March 31, 2011

For Sunday, April 3, 2011 Fourth Sunday In Lent For a list of upcoming activities go to Be sure to check out our website If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry. We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining. Sunday’s Events Pasadena Community Ministries Food & Clothing Drive. On the first Sunday of each month we have a Food Drive of non-perishable items. (Peanut butter and jelly are always much needed items.) They also need in-season clothing, especially Easter wear and shoes and socks for children. Donations of food items can be placed in or on the cabinets in the hallway between the narthex and fellowship hall. Clothing can be placed under the large table in the narthex in the brown plastic containers. Monetary donations are always welcome. Please make your check out to Peace Lutheran Church and write “PCM” in the memo section. As always, thank you for your generosity, and please remember this ministry in your prayers. Communion Instruction begins at 1:00 pm. All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade-5th grade) are invited to attend classes at 1:00 pm on April 3, 10 & 17. We are going to learn more about how communion is our gift of God’s love and grace while learning how it helps us communicate our Christian message. Our children will receive their first communion on April 24th with their families. A Message from Pastor Galen Our First Reading on Sunday is 1 Samuel 16:1-13. Look closely at this verse: "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7. This was the Lord's instruction to Samuel, the prophet of God, when he was sent to anoint one of the son's of Jesse to be the future king of Israel. One by one Jesse presented his sons to Samuel, but each was rejected. When Samuel asked if all Jesse's sons were there, Jesse said there remains the youngest, but he is keeping the sheep. When the youngest was brought before Samuel the Lord said, "Rise and anoint him; for this is the one." That son was David. When Samuel anointed David, the "spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward." In our Gospel for Sunday, Jesus anointed a blind man with mud and saliva. Jesus spread the mixture on the man's eyes and said, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (which means Sent). And when he washed, his eyes were opened. And, look closely at this verse: Jesus told his disciples, "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:5. God's Spirit was revealed through a boy and through a man born blind. Let the light of Christ shine in your heart of faith, too! The other Scripture for Sunday: Psalm 23 and Ephesians 5:8-14. See you in church. Pastor Galen Midweek Lenten Worship Our midweek Lenten theme this year will be a reflection on our life together as a congregation. The springboard for this reflection will be Dietrich Bonhoeffer's little book entitled Life Together. This classic in spiritual literature is still available in print if you want to read it on your own. Our Lenten reflections will not be a book study or strictly speaking a Bible study, so having the book and reading it will not be necessary. Pastor Galen will offer his reflections on the five chapters of Bonhoeffer's book. April 6: Ministry. April 13: Confession and Communion. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is commemorated on our ELCA church calendar in remembrance of his resistance to Hitler and his death as a martyr in that cause on April 9, 1945. Bonhoeffer helped form the Confessing Church and headed its underground seminary. His well known books, The Cost of Discipleship and Life Together reflect his effort to establish a faith community that was faithful to the Gospel in the face of grave social injustice by the Nazis. Plan to join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for services at 12:30 pm and 7:00 pm. A soup lunch will be held at 11:45 am and our usual soup suppers at 6:00 pm. Pastoral Care Our Christian sympathy is extended to the family of Dennis Dunham, father of John & Pat Dunham, grandfather of Jody & David Wright and Katy & Dustin Parker, who entered into God’s glory on March 28th. Volunteers Needed For Maundy Thursday Worship The Maundy Thursday evening worship service on April 21st will include the rite of foot washing. We will need 12 volunteers (children and adults) to participate. If you would be interested, please call Monica Clark at (281) 991-7151, or the church office. Sign-up sheets are also available on the servant’s bulletin board in the narthex. Ben Remmert’s Commissioning As An Associate In Ministry On April 10 Thank you for those that were at our congregational meeting on February 27th to vote and call Ben Remmert as our Associate in Ministry for youth and family ministries. On April 10th Ben will be commissioned at Kinsmen Lutheran Church, 12100 Champion Forest Dr., Houston, at 4:00 pm. Ben would like to extend an invitation to you to celebrate this important event in his life, as well as witness a special ceremony where he will be commissioned by the Bishop Mike Reinhart. A light reception will be held afterwards. Please RSVP Sharon Peebles at if you plan to attend. Easter Lilies If you would like to donate a lily to be used for our Easter services, please be sure to write your name on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Lilies should be brought to the church on April 21st or 22nd, and can be taken home following the 11:00 worship service on Easter Sunday. Installation of Pastor Gary Morgan-Gohlke The congregation of Light of Christ Lutheran Church in La Porte, TX announces the installation of Pastor Gary Morgan-Gohlke as their pastor at a service on Thursday, April 7th at 7:00 pm. Buck- A- Chick: For ELCA World Hunger Relief This Easter, we are going to join congregations from across the nation by having a “Buck-a-Chick” sale. For one dollar, you can purchase and decorate a paper chick for yourself or in honor of a loved one and your gifts will help provide families living in poverty with chicks to provide a source of food and income. If you are going to write a check, please make your checks out to Peace Lutheran, with “Buck-a-Chick” in the memo line. ELCA Disaster Response to the Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami On March 11, one of the largest earthquakes struck Japan near the town of Sendai triggering tsunami warnings across the Pacific Ocean. The initial earthquake was followed by 30-foot waves, devastating Japan’s coastal areas, and more than 50 aftershocks. The death toll continues to mount as assessments of the damage are finding their way out through contacts on the ground. Local officials are also assessing impact to new technology such as nuclear power plants, transportation and communication networks. The Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church (JELC) has reported minimal damage to its churches in Tokyo and is assessing the full extent of impact to JELC congregations near the epicenter, particularly Sendai Lutheran Church. The ELCA, through the churchwide unit for Global Mission, currently has 22 missionaries serving in schools and parishes of the JELC; all have been found to be safe and secure. The ELCA stands in solidarity with its companion on the ground, the JELC, as it assesses the safety and security of its members and communities served by the church. Through its predecessor bodies, the ELCA has been present in Japan since 1892 and will accompany the JELC in its planned response to this disaster. Elsewhere in the Pacific region, the ELCA remains in contact with companions in the Pacific Islands, South America and throughout the coastal region of the United States to respond as needed to the tsunamis caused by the earthquake. If you would like to donate to the ELCA Disaster Response you can send your check directly to ELCA Disaster Response, 39330 Treasury Center, Chicago, IL 60694. Please write “Pacific Earthquake and Tsunami” on your check’s memo line. Youth Garage Sale on April 16th! To help raise funds for Camp Hope and summer ministries this summer, we are going to host a garage sale here at Peace. We will also be serving lunch at the garage sale. So if you have items in your closet, attic, or garage that are collecting dust and just need a reason to donate, why not help our youth as they are preparing for our summer outreach ministries. If you plan on donating items, please plan on bringing them over to Peace Lutheran Church and the items can be placed in Ben Remmert’s office. For more information, please contact Ben. Family Seder Meal on April 20th at 6:30 pm During Holy Week, we are going to celebrate our time together with a Seder Meal where we will come together to have a family friendly Seder Meal. After our meal, we will have our Jr. High and Sr. High perform their Easter production. It’s going to be a time to come together for fellowship, come together in prayer, and come together to learn more about our shared Christian history. We will need a count for food, so please be sure to sign the sheet on the table in the narthex. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert. Call Committee Minutes of March 27, 2011 Meeting Members present: Darla Haygood; Mary King; Gary Morgan-Gohlke; Joann Hutton; Bob Wells; Ernie McWilliams, Ed Buskirk, Sandy Tillis, Weldon Wilkerson, Dawn Lambert. Sandy called the meeting to order. Ed opened with prayer and a devotion based on Exodus 13. Let’s remember that God will get us (the call committee) to where we need to be (calling a pastor) in His time. Council Update - Darla and Mary There will be a congregational meeting on May 15th, after the 11:00 a.m. service. This meeting will cover the annual elections. They also suggested it may be a good time for the Call Committee to give an update to the congregation. The Call Committee Budget was approved by council. The $3,000 that was donated for the call committee has been paid to the synod. Confidentiality There was discussion regarding the individual nomination form and a reminder from Gary that the committee keep pastoral candidate names confidential. Congregational Survey The Congregation Survey form was finalized and Sandy will email the form to call committee members for any comments or changes that appear to be needed. We are to complete our review so that the survey can be put in the weekly email, the Sunday bulletin, an individual email. This needs to go to Judy Griffin by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 30th. Bob will try to get the information regarding the survey into the quarterly newsletter, which will soon be mailed out. The Survey will be made available to the congregation by email and a paper survey will be available to hand out to the congregation on April 3 and 10. The time for the survey to be open and completed will be from March 30th through April 13th. Bob and Sandy will have computers in the fellowship hall on April 3rd and 10th for those who would like to complete the survey on line. Darla and Joann will provide refreshments for those two Sundays. Weldon also offered to help with the refreshments. Also, there will be temple talks on April 3 and 10 regarding the congregational survey and the importance of the survey so that the committee can begin completion of the ministry site profile (MSP). A paper copy of the Survey will be available on April 3rd and April 10th for those who want them. The paper surveys, once completed, are to be placed in the Church Council lock box. (We need to mention this in the temple talks.) Bob will get information to Judy for the weekly email and the Sunday bulletin. He will also be talking to Bernie regarding identifying the webmaster for Peace Lutheran’s web site. The next meeting will be April 3, 2011. Sound Advise For Godly Living What if Jesus had your job At home…At your workplace…At school…At church… There are many wrong ways to do something: Indifferently: I have no interest in doing it. Stubbornly: I won’t do it. Independently: I’ll do it my own way. Rebelliously: I’ll do the opposite. Disobediently: I’ll do it, but not exactly. Slothfully: I’ll do it with as little effort as possible. Lazily: I’ll do it when I get around to it. Selfishly: I’ll do it if there’s something in it for me. Irresponsibly: I’ll let someone else do it. Negatively: I’ll do it, but why does it have to be me? Ungratefully: I’ll do it, but don’t expect me to be happy about it. There are also right ways to do the tasks at hand: Well Done Wholeheartedly: Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for me. Colossians 3:24 NASB Joyfully: Serve the LORD with gladness. Psalm 100:2 KJV Faithfully: Well done, good and faithful servant. Matthew 25:21 KJV Be mindful to pray for: The Call Committee, Pastor Galen, Ben and the Youth & Family Ministry, and the pastor the Lord is preparing for Peace. The Call Committee Prayer Team wishes you a good and Godly day. Congregational Survey As we move forward in the call process it is important that we get input from the congregation to help match us with the best candidates to lead our congregation in our ministry. To do this we have created a survey to help develop a profile of the congregation. The congregational survey is now available on-line through April 13. Additionally, paper forms will be available during all three services on April 3rd and April 10th. For those members who do not have a computer but would still like to complete the survey online, the Call Committee will have computers set up in the fellowship hall during church services on April 3rd and April 10th. Please go to the following link to complete the survey online. Your response to this survey is very important in helping us identify the right pastoral candidate to lead the ministries of our congregation. Thank you, The Call Committee Election of Church Council Officers Last year, PLC amended our constitution regarding the election cycle of Council positions to occur with terms starting September 1st each year to allow new Council Members an opportunity to be involved in the annual budget process for the term of their position. Council positions up for election this year are as follows: President, Treasurer, Personnel and Policy Chair, and two Member-at-Large positions. We will hold elections for these positions at a called Congregational Meeting to be held Sunday, May 15th, 2011, immediately following the 11:00am Worship Service. The Nominating Committee for 2011 is actively seeking candidates to serve in these two year positions. If you are interested or would like to nominate a qualified member of PLC, please contact the Nominating Committee by phone or fill out a form located on the table in the Narthex and drop it in the Church Council comment box. The Nominating Committee members are: Darla Haygood (281) 487-7173 Vernon Vanderford (713) 455-4975 Monica Clark (281) 991-7151 Carolyn Jones (713) 649-6954 Toni Bowman (281) 998-0230 If you are nominating someone else in the congregation, please ask that person prior to submitting their name. We ask that all names be submitted by Sunday, May 8th, so that the names may be included on the ballot at the Congregational Meeting. Council members are eligible to serve two consecutive terms. Of the positions above, Mary King, our current President, has agreed to serve a second term. Additionally, Randy Shaw, Member-at-Large, has agreed to serve as well. The Nominating Committee has also recruited a member to head the Personnel and Policy Chair. Please prayerfully consider if God is calling you to serve Peace Lutheran in this ministry of church leadership. From the Youth Director How are your Lent practices coming along? I know that I slipped on my practice of giving up fast food for Lent, but I took this time to remember the sacrifices that Jesus went through in his ministry here on Earth and the forgiveness that God gives us as we mess up. what a great God we have. So during this time of Lent, I would like to invite you to visit the prayer station that we have in the narthex. This is a time where you can write a prayer that you have and give this prayer to God by writing on a sticky note and placing it on the wooden cross, symbolizing how God takes our prayers and listens to them. There are also other Lent goodies that you can use to help make this time special for your friends and family. We also survived our 30 Hour Famine with our senior and junior high. Together with other Lutheran congregations around Houston, we raised over $500 dollars for the ELCA Hunger Relief, learned more about how we can help relieve hunger in our community, and helped out Cypress Assistance Ministry and I-45 Hope in their ministries. God is certainly working through our youth! God Bless, Ben Remmert Sr. High/Young Adults-Paintballing April 3 at 2 pm. We’re going to paintball with our neighborhood Lutheran church, House of Prayer, right after church on Sunday and we should be back for closing prayer and devotion. Cost is $20 which covers the paintballs and rental equipment. Make sure to also fill out a Release form. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board. Bring a friend. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert. Camp Hope Registration for Summer! This summer Camp Hope is themed as our own circus! Camp Hope is a ministry where our youth who are 5 years old through 5th grade are invited to our three week Day Camp. Expect an action packed day for school children which includes Bible stories, crafts, games, (indoor & outdoor), songs and more. Campers are cared for by trained High School and College age Small Group Leaders and Support Staff. Camp Hope is from July 11-15, July 18-22, July 25-29. So make sure to register now to get in on our early bird discounts by April 30th. Registration forms can be found on the table in the narthex. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert or Camp Manager Jessica Gaul. Youth Lent Focus: Becoming a Contagious Christian Lent is the time to focus our attention to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Our Wednesday night evenings are focused on how to equip our youth in relational evangelism by discovering your own style of communicating about Christ, how to build spiritual significant relationships, telling your own story, and having some fun doing so. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert. Jr. High Human Dignity Retreat: April 8-9 What this is not is a Sex Ed. Retreat. However, this is a place to have caring and warm discussions where we will talk about how we are relational beings and how God has given us the gift of sexuality. This is a lock-in only for our Jr. High students and we are going to Holy Comforter Lutheran Church where we will be with 5 other Lutheran congregations. There will be food, games, fellowship, and meaningful conversations. For parents, we just had our meeting, but we can email you a copy of the meeting which discusses about the weekend. We will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 6:00 pm and be back at Peace on April 9th at 8:00 pm. Cost is $30 which includes three meals, snacks, transportation, and our activities. Today is the last day to sign up. Sign ups are on the youth and family ministry bulletin board. More questions please contact Ben Remmert. Calling Our Jr./Sr. High Actors For An Easter Performance It’s closer than you think. With such a successful Christmas Program, we are going to be putting on another production for our Easter service and we need some help! As of right now we are looking for Jr. High and Sr. High students who would like to perform in a production that has to do with the Easter Message. If you are interested, please contact Ben Remmert for more information as we are beginning our rehearsal. Easter Extravaganza 2011 on April 23 At 10:00 am – 12:00 pm It’s almost here. Our time together for our Easter Extravaganza where we will have our church wide Easter Egg Hunt for our 2 year olds to 5th graders. We’ll also decorate our flower cross for Easter Sunday worship, create Easter Baskets for our shut-ins, and come together for a light meal. It’s going to be a lot of fun and we hope that all of our children and families can make it out to this very memorable event. The hunt starts promptly at 10:20 am, so don’t be late. We would also like the kids to bring fresh flowers to help decorate the cross. If you would like to donate individually wrapped candy for the hunt, there will be a box in the narthex for your donations. Jr. High, Sr. High, and Youth Group! Are you a youth and are searching for a community to belong to? Do you want to have fun with people your own age? Why not come and give youth group a try. This is a time where we are going to build on our community through fellowship, prayer, devotion, and a meal together as a group. We are wanting this to be an engaging time for our youth so the more the better! Here is the schedule for our youth groups for 2011. Jr. High- Sundays at 5 pm- 6pm Sr. High and Young Adults- Wednesdays at 7 pm-8:30 pm Children and Families Trip to the Bible Museum on May 7th! With the help from our Brotherhood, we are going to go to the Bible Museum at Houston Baptist University. The museum has creative exhibits to help awaken and enhance an appreciation of the history, preservation, and influence of the most influential in individual lives and in the culture of civilizations. Cost is free to the museum, but there is a cost for lunch so bring $10 dollars. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert. Sunday Refuge For Jr. & Sr. High @ 9:45 am! Are you ready for a new experience? Are you needing a time to be amongst people your age? Why not come to a place of Refuge where you can explore your faith while having a blast doing it! This will not be your typical Sunday School class you have experienced in the past. There will be food, games and activities, and time to listen to the gospel in a new light with a message that reflects our world today. Bring a friend! Lutherhill Summer 2011! If you are planning on going to Lutherhill this summer, we need you to sign up as soon as possible. Spots are filling fast and we need a good head count so we can put down our deposit. Remember that if you are in 1st-5th grade, we are going to Lutherhill on August 7th-12th, 2011 and 6th-8th are going to Lutherhill on June 19th-24th. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board for summer ministries and see the pictures form our Rally Day. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert. Family Meal Nights with the Youth Director Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I am still committed to meeting all of our families here at Peace Lutheran. I have placed a sign-up sheet on our youth bulletin board for families to sign up on the day and time that you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert. Family Roller Skating On May 14th! Bring out your disco fever as we take our children and youth out to the roller rink on May 14th at 12:00 pm where we will roller skate and have fun together. Cost will be $15 per person to cover cost of skates and using the facilities. This event is for our 3-5th graders! Be on the lookout for more information as we come closer to the event. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert. VBS 2011 Pandamania – July 31-August 5 Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! A wild celebration of God’s unconditional love! At PandaMania VBS, kids will discover that God has a purpose and a plan for everyone and that he crafted each of us with his own loving hands. Make sure to check out our VBS board in the narthex for more up to date information as we move closer to our event. Sr. High Summer Adventure in Corpus Christi, TX For this summer, we are going to head down to Corpus Christi, TX from June 15th-18th where we will camp on the beach, go deep sea fishing, catch a hooks game, and so much more. While down in Corpus Christi, we are going to talk about what it means to be Lutheran in the South and how rich our Lutheran identity is in this time of age. Sign ups will be on the youth and family ministry board. Cost will be $150 which will cover transportation, room and board, and meals. If you have any more questions, please contact Ben Remmert. Upcoming 50+ Bus Trips On May 27th we have 16 tickets for the Pasadena Little Theater performance of “Getting Sara Married” (comedy). Tickets are $6 per person. Contact Carol Thacker (281) 481-5202 or Virginia Rodriguez (281) 487-4961 to purchase a ticket. Church Facility Keys If you have a key to the church but have not notified the Administrator yet, please be sure to stop by the church office as soon as possible and complete the form needed for insurance purposes. Thank you for your help. Adults Game Night Bring a friend and a snack to share and join us in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, April 8th for an evening of games and good fellowship. Any questions please contact Ruth Meyer. Easter Breakfast on April 24th! Our Youth are going to be up early in the morning so that our congregation can enjoy a warm breakfast a church. After the Sunrise Service we will be cooking throughout the morning flipping pancakes pan frying sausage, and serving you. If you feel so moved, we are accepting donations for summer camp scholarships for Camp Hope and Lutherhill, just write in the memo line scholarship- Camp Hope or Lutherhill. Sarah’s House Just a reminder, as we do our spring cleaning, don't forget Sarah's House. They are always in need of clothing for women and children. Shoes and hand bags also accepted. Clothing must be clean and in bags, which may be placed in the collection baskets under the Parish Life table. Please prayerfully consider making a donation. Krause Center A big, big thanks to Nanette Hlavaty for the nice donation of 20 composition books. We will be starting on their journals shortly. Please remember to save your motel toiletries. We will need 60 plus shampoo, soaps, conditioners, and lotion. We are also collecting chapsticks, decks of cards, beanie baby-size stuffed toys, ladies’ size fun sport socks, men's size sport socks, tooth brushes. We make up gift bags with the items listed and they are well received. Creative Hands Ministry - Caring & Sharing We had a great and fun time with our Buck-A-Chick project. The money collected will go to the ELCA World Hunger Fund. Chicks are on display in the narthex. A few of the wooden chicks that we decorated are still available for $1.00. Our chickies will be judged and ribbons and prizes will be given. If you want to take part with a chick and the judging, they must be finished and displayed by Thursday, April 7th. You may pick up your chick the following Sunday. Monday, April 11th Card Day. Morning and night groups. We will be making our Easter cards. And if there is any interest for more Chicks Let me know so we can cut more and will have the painting supplies available. Please continue to save your used inks and toners. We use the rebates from the recycling program for our card stocks and papers and office goods for our carding, the materials for the journals and the blessings we are making for the women's retreat in September. Lutherhill Ministries Golf Tournament The 10th Annual Lutherhill Ministries Golf Tournament will be held at the Longwood Golf Club in Cypress on Friday, April 15th. 1:30 pm shot gun start. 4 Person Scramble Entry Fee: $110. Sponsorships are also available. Register by April 11th. See further information on the Parish Life bulletin board. Your generous participation and sponsorship of this event helps us to insure that no one is kept from camp due to cost. A Message from Ed & Kim Buskirk Kim and I are proud to announce that we are online with a new website. Please visit us at We are closing in on completing the new CD and we will be distributing copies to the congregation as soon as possible. In the meantime please visit us on-line. We will keep the site updated with what is going on with our band Evermore, song lyrics, lead sheets, and songs for you to download. We hope that it will become the online hub for our ongoing ministry. Peace, Ed & Kim Buskirk

Thursday, March 24, 2011

For Sunday, March 27, 2011
Third Sunday In Lent

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website
If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

Sunday’s Events
Saints of Faith Milestone At 11 Am Worship: Last week our third graders learned about what are saints, what does it mean to be a saint in today’s world, and about the people that helped spread the Christian faith. On Sunday the following students will receive a blessing and a milestone gift from the congregation: Charlie Beck, Noah Chicoria, Ariana Gonzales, Kaley Hagemeister, Rhiannan Hicks, Naoum Mashraqi, Michelle McDonald, Kadin Pettigrew, Mykenzie Shaw and Nathaniel Swick.

A Message from Pastor Galen
This Sunday we will meet a woman who received living water from Jesus. This Gospel story is told in John 4:5-42. She was a foreigner to Jesus. He was a Jewish man and she was a Samaritan woman. Jesus broke with social norms and engaged the woman in a theological conversation. But the deeper meaning of this encounter is the amazing grace of God. Jesus also offers us the gift of living water. That gift is mercy and forgiveness that we cannot earn. Like the woman of Samaria we need to receive it as a gift from God. Come to the waters of life! Meet Jesus once again! See you in church. Pastor Galen

Midweek Lenten Worship
Our midweek Lenten theme this year will be a reflection on our life together as a congregation. The springboard for this reflection will be Dietrich Bonhoeffer's little book entitled Life Together. This classic in spiritual literature is still available in print if you want to read it on your own. Our Lenten reflections will not be a book study or strictly speaking a Bible study, so having the book and reading it will not be necessary. Pastor Galen will offer his reflections on the five chapters of Bonhoeffer's book.

March 30: The Day Alone.
April 6: Ministry.
April 13: Confession and Communion.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is commemorated on our ELCA church calendar in remembrance of his resistance to Hitler and his death as a martyr in that cause on April 9, 1945. Bonhoeffer helped form the Confessing Church and headed its underground seminary. His well known books, The Cost of Discipleship and Life Together reflect his effort to establish a faith community that was faithful to the Gospel in the face of grave social injustice by the Nazis.

Plan to join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for services at 12:30 pm and 7:00 pm. A soup lunch will be held at 11:45 am and our usual soup suppers at 6:00 pm.

ELCA Disaster Response to the Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami
On March 11, one of the largest earthquakes struck Japan near the town of Sendai triggering tsunami warnings across the Pacific Ocean. The initial earthquake was followed by 30-foot waves, devastating Japan’s coastal areas, and more than 50 aftershocks. The death toll continues to mount as assessments of the damage are finding their way out through contacts on the ground. Local officials are also assessing impact to new technology such as nuclear power plants, transportation and communication networks.

The Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church (JELC) has reported minimal damage to its churches in Tokyo and is assessing the full extent of impact to JELC congregations near the epicenter, particularly Sendai Lutheran Church. The ELCA, through the churchwide unit for Global Mission, currently has 22 missionaries serving in schools and parishes of the JELC; all have been found to be safe and secure.

The ELCA stands in solidarity with its companion on the ground, the JELC, as it assesses the safety and security of its members and communities served by the church. Through its predecessor bodies, the ELCA has been present in Japan since 1892 and will accompany the JELC in its planned response to this disaster. Elsewhere in the Pacific region, the ELCA remains in contact with companions in the Pacific Islands, South America and throughout the coastal region of the United States to respond as needed to the tsunamis caused by the earthquake.

If you would like to donate to the ELCA Disaster Response you can send your check directly to ELCA Disaster Response, 39330 Treasury Center, Chicago, IL 60694. Please write “Pacific Earthquake and Tsunami” on your check’s memo line.

Girls’ Night Out: March 25, 6:30-8:30 pm
Flowers are blooming and soon our outdoor activities will be resuming. Spring is in the air as we roll buncos at our March Bunco affair. Don’t forget to wear your favorite Spring color! Cost is $5.00. Last names A-L bring desserts and last names M-Z bring main or side dishes.

Volunteers Needed for Maundy Thursday Worship
The Maundy Thursday evening worship service on April 21st will include the rite of foot washing. We will need 12 volunteers (children and adults) to participate. If you would be interested, please call Monica Clark at (281) 991-7151, or the church office. Sign-up sheets are also available on the servant’s bulletin board in the narthex.

Easter Lilies
If you would like to donate a Lily to be used for our Easter services, please be sure to write your name on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Lilies should be brought to the church on April 21st or 22nd, and can be taken home following the 11:00 worship service on Easter Sunday.

Ben Remmert’s Commissioning As An Associate in Ministry On April 10th-
Thank you for those that were at our congregational meeting on February 27th to vote and call Ben Remmert as our Associate in Ministry for youth and family ministries. On April 10th Ben will be commissioned at Kinsmen Lutheran Church, 12100 Champion Forest Dr., Houston, at 4:00 pm. Ben would like to extend an invitation to you to celebrate this important event in his life, as well as witness a special ceremony where he will be commissioned by the Bishop Mike Reinhart. A light reception will be held afterwards. Please RSVP Sharon Peebles at if you plan to attend.

Congregational Survey
As an effort to get the best picture of the congregation and your thoughts and hopes for a new pastor, a congregational survey will be distributed in the next few weeks. One method by which we will be offering the congregational survey is on-line. If you would like to receive a link to the on-line survey but do not currently receive the weekly Peace email, please make sure to include your email address on the worship attendance card.

Lunch Bunch
Bring your family and join us at the Grand Buffet, 8309 Spencer Hwy, on Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Any questions call Owen King (281) 961-0803.

Installation of Pastor Gary Morgan-Gohlke
The congregation of Light of Christ Lutheran Church in La Porte, TX announces the installation of Pastor Gary Morgan-Gohlke as their pastor at a service on Thursday, April 7th at 7:00 pm.

Sarah’s House
Just a reminder, as we do our spring cleaning, don't forget Sarah's House. They are always in need of clothing for women and children. Shoes and hand bags also acceptable. Clothing must be clean and in bags, which may be placed in the collection baskets under the Parish Life table. Please prayerfully consider making a donation.

Buck A Chick: For ELCA World Hunger Relief
This Easter, we are going to join congregations from across the nation by having a “Buck-a-Chick” sale. For one dollar, you can purchase and decorate a paper chick for yourself or in honor of a loved one where your gifts will help provide families living in poverty with chicks to provide a source of food and income. If you are going to write a check, please make your checks out to Peace Lutheran with “Buck-a-Chick” in the memo line.

Lutherhill Ministries Golf Tournament
The 10th Annual Lutherhill Ministries Golf Tournament will be held at the Longwood Golf Club in Cypress on Friday, April 15th. 1:30 pm shot gun start. 4 Person Scramble Entry Fee: $110. Sponsorships are also available. Register by April 11th. See further information on the Parish Life bulletin board. Your generous participation and sponsorship of this event helps us to insure that no one is kept from camp due to cost.

Creative Hands Caring and Sharing: Monday Night, March 28 6:30 Pm
We are going to take part in the "Buck A Chick". Join us for a fun, silly night. I will have pictures of the Chick and we will paint, color, dress, decorate, add embellishments, etc. This is open to all and all ages. Everything will be furnished, however you may bring extra jewels or trims, whatever you think will make your chick the best. Who knows, someone might win a prize but one thing for sure your buck will help provide a family in need of eggs to eat and sell at market. The chicks will be on display in the narthex. Cost $1.00 per chick. (Monies will go to ELCA World Hunger.)

Creative Hands will again be making journals for the boys and girls at the Krause Center in Katy. We will need 60 plus black and white non-spiral composition books. I have a few on hand and will purchase a few with our ink rebates but will need more. We appreciate any that you might care to donate. Please watch for times and dates to come and help with this project.

We will also do gift bags for the Krause Center. We are asking for all who travel to please save your unopened and unused hotel toiletries. These are perfect for the gift bags. We need 60 plus shampoos, soaps, lotions and conditioners. We also need small beanie size stuffed toys, decks of cards, toothbrushes and white sport socks for the boys (men sizes) and ladies size sport fun socks for the girls.

PLEASE CONTINUE TO SAVE YOUR USED INKS AND TONERS. The rebate we get back helps us get our supplies that we need for card making, the blessings and other projects.

Communion Instruction- April 3rd, April 10th, And April 17th At 1:00 pm
It’s coming up, our spring class of Communion Instruction! All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade- 5th grade) are invited to attend classes every Sunday at 1:00 pm on April 3rd , April 10th, and April 17th. We are going to learn more about how communion is our gift of God’s love and grace while learning how it helps us communicate our Christian message. Our children will receive their first communion on April 24th with their families. Please contact Ben Remmert if you have questions. Please sign up today so we can have enough supplies for our class.

From the Youth Director
So we are on our second week in Lent and how have your Lenten practices coming along? I know that many people take this time to give something up in their lives and when they break their commitment, they give up for the rest of Lent. But I challenge you to get back to your practice. When this happens, this is a wonderful time to realize the sacrifice that Jesus did for us as he died for our sins. Take this time to remember the love that God has for you as you go through your journey this Lent season.

Also I would like to invite you in this time of Lent to a prayer station that we made in our narthex. This is a place where you can write a prayer that you have and give this prayer to God by writing on a sticky note and placing it on the wooden cross symbolizing how God takes our prayers and listens to them. There are also other Lent goodies that you can use to help make this time special for your friends and family.

God Bless,
Ben Remmert

Youth Lent Focus: Becoming a Contagious Christian
Lent is the time to focus our attention to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Our Wednesday night evenings are focused on how to equip our youth in relational evangelism by discovering your own style of communicating about Christ, how to build spiritual significant relationships, telling your own story, and having some fun doing so. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High Human Dignity Retreat: April 8-9
What this is not is a Sex Ed. Retreat. However, this is a place to have caring and warm discussions where we will talk about how we are relational beings and how God has given us the gift of sexuality. This is a lock-in only for our Jr. High students and we are going to Holy Comforter Lutheran Church where we will be with 5 other Lutheran congregations. There will be food, games, fellowship, and meaningful conversations. For parents, we just had our meeting, but we can email you a copy of the meeting which discusses about the weekend. We will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 6:00 pm and be back at Peace on April 9th at 8:00 pm. Cost is $30 which includes three meals, snacks, transportation, and our activities. Sign ups are on the youth and family ministry bulletin board. Please sign up by April 3rd. More questions please contact Ben Remmert.

Family Seder Meal on April 20th at 6:30 pm
During Holy Week, we are going to celebrate our time together with a Seder Meal where we will come together to have a family friendly Seder Meal. After our meal, we will have our Jr. High and Sr. High perform their Easter production. It’s going to be a time to come together for fellowship, come together in prayer, and come together to learn more about our shared Christian history. We will need a count for food, so please be sure to sign the sheet on the table in the narthex. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Calling Our Jr./Sr. High Actors For An Easter Performance
It’s closer than you think. With such a successful Christmas Program, we are going to be putting on another production for our Easter service and we need some help! As of right now we are looking for Jr. High and Sr. High students who would like to perform in a production that has to do with the Easter Message. If you are interested, please contact Ben Remmert for more information as we are beginning our rehearsal.

Sunday Refuge For Jr. & Sr. High @ 9:45 am!
Are you ready for a new experience? Are you needing a time to be amongst people your age? Why not come to a place of Refuge where you can explore your faith while having a blast doing it! This will not be your typical Sunday School class you have experienced in the past. There will be food, games and activities, and time to listen to the gospel in a new light with a message that reflects our world today. Bring a friend!

Camp Hope Paid Staff Interviews-April 2 & 3
Camp Hope is an opportunity for our Jr. High and Sr. High to lead in a 3 week day camp where we teach the good news of Christ through games, worship, interactive story telling, snacks, crafts, expressive arts, and service. If you have not turned in your staff application, please contact Ben Remmert as we will begin our interviewing for staff on April 2nd. Please sign up on a time that you can come in to interview on our Camp Hope bulletin board in the narthex.
Youth Garage Sale on April 16th!
To help raise funds for Camp Hope and summer ministries this summer, we are going to host a garage sale here at Peace. We will also be serving lunch at the garage sale. So if you have items in your closet, attic, or garage that are collecting dust and just need a reason to donate, why not help our youth as they are preparing for our summer outreach ministries. If you plan on donating items, please plan on bringing them over to Peace Lutheran Church and the items can be placed in Ben Remmert’s office. For more information, please contact Ben.
Easter Extravaganza 2011 on April 23 At 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
It’s almost here. Our time together for our Easter Extravaganza where we will have our church wide Easter Egg Hunt for our 2 year olds to 5th graders.

We’ll also decorate our flower cross for Easter Sunday worship, create Easter Baskets for our shut-ins, and come together for a light meal. It’s going to be a lot of fun and we hope that all of our children and families can make it out to this very memorable event. The hunt starts promptly at 10:20 am, so don’t be late.

We would also like the kids to bring fresh flowers to help decorate the cross. If you would like to donate individually wrapped candy for the hunt, there will be a box in the narthex for your donations.

Lutherhill Summer 2011!
If you are planning on going to Lutherhill this summer, we need you to sign up as soon as possible. Spots are filling fast and we need a good head count so we can put down our deposit. Remember that if you are in 1st-5th grade, we are going to Lutherhill on August 7th-12th, 2011 and 6th-8th are going to Lutherhill on June 19th-24th. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board for summer ministries and see the pictures form our Rally Day. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

Deep Leadership Meeting: Sunday at 2 pm Upstairs
Our leadership team is called “DEEP” because we are going to dive into our ministry together, head first. We are going to begin our times together discussing about the research done on the spiritual lives of American youth by Kendra Dean in Almost Christian. Kendra Dean has made some new discovers that can help us grow in our ministry. This meeting will be about finalizing our ministries in April, discussions about Camp Hope, and also about our summer ministries together. So if you are interested in becoming a leader in our youth and family committee, please contact Ben Remmert.

Family Meal Nights with the Youth Director
Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I am still committed to meeting all of our families here at Peace Lutheran. I have placed a sign-up sheet on our youth bulletin board for families to sign up on the day and time that you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High, Sr. High and Young Adults
Are you a youth and are searching for a community to belong to? Do you want to have fun with people your own age? Why not come and give youth group a try. This is a time where we are going to build on our community through fellowship, prayer, devotion, and a meal together as a group. We are wanting this to be an engaging time for our youth so the more the better! Here is the schedule for our youth groups for 2011.
Jr. High – Sundays at 5-6 pm
Sr. High – Sundays at 4-6 pm
Young Adults – Wednesdays at 7-8:30 pm

Camp Hope Registration for Summer!
This summer Camp Hope is themed as our own circus! Camp Hope is a ministry where our youth who are 5 years old through 5th grade are invited to our three week Day Camp. Expect an action packed day for school children which includes Bible stories, crafts, games, (indoor & outdoor), songs and more. Campers are cared for by trained High School and College age Small Group Leaders and Support Staff. Camp Hope is from July 11-15, July 18-22, July 25-29. So make sure to register now to get in on our early bird discounts by April 30th. Registration forms can be found on the table in the narthex. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert or Camp Manager Jessica Gaul.

VBS 2011 Pandamania – July 31-August 5
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! A wild celebration of God’s unconditional love! At PandaMania VBS, kids will discover that God has a purpose and a plan for everyone and that he crafted each of us with his own loving hands. Make sure to check out our VBS board in the narthex for more up to date information as we move closer to our event.
Sr. High Summer Adventure in Corpus Christi, TX
For this summer, we are going to head down to Corpus Christi, TX from June 15th-18th where we will camp on the beach, go deep sea fishing, catch a hooks game, and so much more. While down in Corpus Christi, we are going to talk about what it means to be Lutheran in the South and how rich our Lutheran identity is in this time of age. Sign ups will be on the youth and family ministry board. Cost will be $150 which will cover transportation, room and board, and meals. If you have any more questions, please contact Ben Remmert.

Sr. High/Young Adults- Paintballing: April 3
We’re going to paintball with our neighborhood Lutheran church, House of Prayer, right after church on April 3rd and we should be back for closing prayer and devotion. Cost is $20 which covers the paintballs and rental equipment. Make sure to also fill out a Release form. Sign ups are on the youth and family bulletin board. Bring a friend. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

The Brotherhood
Gentlemen, mark your calendars, bring a guest and plan to join us on Saturday, April 2nd at 8:00 am in the Fellowship Hall for our monthly breakfast and meeting. If you have any questions please contact Weldon Wilkerson.

Friday, March 18, 2011

For Sunday, March 20, 2011
Second Sunday In Lent

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website
If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

Sunday’s Events
LWR Fair Trade Coffee on Sale
The midweek Bible Study group is a “partner” in the coffee business and sells coffee, tea and hot cocoa mix through the Lutheran World Relief Fair Trade Coffee Project. By using Fair Trade coffee and other products in our congregation and homes, we are helping farmers receive a fair price that covers their cost of production and guarantees them a living wage for their labors. Look for the table in the narthex.

St. Patrick Day Celebration: March 20, 12:30 pm-2:00 pm
It’s that time of the year again. Wear your green with pride, but it’s also a time of celebration of Saint Patrick, the Saint that helped spread Christianity. We’ll have a church family picnic here at Peace Lutheran with games, food (Potato Bar: $6.00/Adults, $3.00/Children under 10, an enjoy our Christian community together as we share our church’s history.

A Message from Pastor Galen
The Scripture readings for Sunday, March 20th are rich: God's call to Abram and Sarah in Genesis 12:1-4a, Psalm 121 where we are told to lift up our eyes to the hills in expectation of God's help, Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 where Paul speaks of Abraham's faith, and John 3:1-17 where Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about a new birth by the Spirit. It's a richness fit for a feast. Some of you may have celebrated St Patrick's Day. Did some of you celebrate St Joseph's Day with an Italian feast? Come to worship this Sunday for a foretaste of the feast that is to come! Let us remember, "God so loved the world." You are God's creation. Let us remember, God doesn't make junk! Like Abraham and Sarah, we have been blessed to be a blessing.

Midweek Lenten Worship
Our midweek Lenten theme this year will be a reflection on our life together as a congregation. The springboard for this reflection will be Dietrich Bonhoeffer's little book entitled Life Together. This classic in spiritual literature is still available in print if you want to read it on your own. Our Lenten reflections will not be a book study or strictly speaking a Bible study, so having the book and reading it will not be necessary. Pastor Galen will offer his reflections on the five chapters of Bonhoeffer's book.

March 23: The Day with Others.
March 30: The Day Alone.
April 6: Ministry.
April 13: Confession and Communion.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is commemorated on our ELCA church calendar in remembrance of his resistance to Hitler and his death as a martyr in that cause on April 9, 1945. Bonhoeffer helped form the Confessing Church and headed its underground seminary. His well known books, The Cost of Discipleship and Life Together reflect his effort to establish a faith community that was faithful to the Gospel in the face of grave social injustice by the Nazis.

Plan to join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for services at 12:30 pm and 7:00 pm. A soup lunch will be held at 11:45 am and our usual soup suppers at 6:00 pm.

Ben Remmert’s Commissioning As An Associate in Ministry On April 10th-
Thank you for those that were at our congregational meeting on February 27th to vote and call Ben Remmert as our Associate in Ministry for Youth and Family Ministries Ben will be commissioned in a service at Kinsmen Lutheran Church on April 10th at 4:00 pm. A light reception will be held afterwards. Ben would like to extend an invitation to you to celebrate this important event in his life, as well as witness a special ceremony where he will be commissioned by the Bishop Mike Reinhart. If you have any questions, please contact Ben Remmert.

Call Committee Notes of March 13, 2011 Meeting
Great progress was made in our meeting and we are looking forward to getting input from the congregation. There will be a Congregational Survey form available soon for your input.

A part of the Call Process involves identifying candidates for review. This "list of candidates" usually comes from the Synod as they look for an adequate match of pastor and church. But members of the congregation may also nominate pastors for The Call Committee to consider. Here is the process to nominate possible candidates:
Complete the "Pastoral Candidate Nomination Form" – which is located on the Call Committee Bulletin Board.
Drop the form in the "Council Suggestion" Drop Box located on the table in the Narthex. The Call Committee Council representative will then forward this to the Call Committee for consideration.

It is important that the Congregation has input into the call process and your opinions are valuable to us.

Think on this – "What is God’s will for Peace?"

Peace Lutheran Call Committee
From the Special Call Committee Prayer Group
Your thoughts,
For they become your words.
Your words,
For they become your actions.
Your actions,
For they become your habits.
Your habits,
For they become your character.
Your character,
For it becomes your life.

Have a blessed, careful day!
"Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet."

Remember to pray for:
The Call Committee, the pastor the Lord is preparing for service at Peace, the ministry of Pastor Knutson, as he serves as interim pastor and for Ben Remmert, as he leads the Youth and Family Ministry of Peace.

Congregational Survey
As an effort to get the best picture of the congregation and your thoughts and hopes for a new pastor, a congregational survey will be distributed in the next few weeks. One method by which we will be offering the congregational survey is on-line. If you would like to receive a link to the on-line survey but do not currently receive the weekly Peace email, please make sure to include your email address on the worship attendance card.

Lunch Bunch
Bring your family and join us at the Grand Buffet, 8309 Spencer Hwy, on March 27th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. So that we can plan for enough seating please be sure to sign up on the Parish Life bulletin board in the narthex, next to the chapel. Any questions call Owen King (281) 961-0803.

Senior Citizen’s Day Cancelled
Senior Citizen’s Day, scheduled for Wednesday, March 23rd, is cancelled for this month. Join us at 11:45 am for our midweek Lenten soup lunch followed by our worship service.

Installation of Pastor Gary Morgan-Gohlke
The congregation of Light of Christ Lutheran Church in La Porte, TX announces the installation of Pastor Gary Morgan-Gohlke as their pastor at a service on Thursday, April 7th at 7:00 pm.

Sarah’s House
During the month of March we will be collecting items in Jars: peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti sauce etc, and also canned soups. Sarah’s House is a shelter for women and their children who have fallen on hard times. They rehabilitate the women and get the children back in school. Please prayerfully consider donating one or two items. It would be greatly appreciated.

Lutherhill Ministries Golf Tournament
The 10th Annual Lutherhill Ministries Golf Tournament will be held at the Longwood Golf Club in Cypress on Friday, April 15th. 1:30 pm shot gun start. 4 Person Scramble Entry Fee: $110. Sponsorships are also available. Register by April 11th. See further information on the Parish Life bulletin board. Your generous participation and sponsorship of this event helps us to insure that no one is kept from camp due to cost.

Creative Hands
We will again be making journals for the boys and girls at the Krause Center in Katy. We will need 60 plus black and white non-spiral composition books. I have a few on hand and will purchase a few with our ink rebates but will need more. We appreciate any that you might care to donate. Please watch for times and dates to come and help with this project.
We will also do gift bags for the Krause Center. We are asking for all who travel to please save your unopened and unused hotel toiletries. These are perfect for the gift bags. We need 60 plus shampoos, soaps, lotions and conditioners. We also need small beanie size stuffed toys, decks of cards, toothbrushes and white sport socks for the boys (men sizes) and ladies size sport fun socks for the girls.

PLEASE CONTINUE TO SAVE YOUR USED INKS AND TONERS. The rebate we get back helps us get our supplies that we need for card making, the blessings and other projects.

Lutheran World Relief Sewing Kits
March & April items will be collected for World Relief Sewing Kits. Many retailers will be running their yard goods on sale. Wal-Mart in Pasadena is a great place to purchase your material also. The following items are needed to assemble a sewing kit:
Cotton or cotton blend fabric (no knits or 100%
2- 1/4 yds of 60" wide fabric, or
3 yds of 44" wide fabric, or
4 yds of 36" wide fabric
1 pkg of 10-15 needles
1 spool of matching general purpose thread, 250-
300 yds
6 to 10 average size matching buttons (1/2 to 3/4
Please prayerfully consider a sewing kit for World Relief. Thanks for your support and help through out the year. Remember to continue to save your cancelled stamps.

From the Youth Director
So we are well underway for Lent as we approach this time to reconcile with God. This includes sorrow for our sins as your life changes when you admit that Christ suffered and died for your sins, a time of spiritual growth, and a renewed commitment in the hope and faith of Jesus Christ. But the popular notion of lent is the fasting of something that is close in our lives to remember Christ’s temptation with the devil. However, did you know that you can also take this time to study scripture, a time for prayer and reflection, or a time for good deeds? So my question for you is what are your spiritual practices that you are doing for Lent? Come on over to my office and write your practices on my dry erase board.

Also I would like to invite you in this time of Lent to a prayer station that we made in our narthex. This is a place where you can write a prayer that you have and give this prayer to God by writing on a sticky note and placing it on the wooden cross symbolizing how God takes our prayers and listens to them. There are also other Lent goodies that you can use to help make this time special for your friends and family.
God Bless,
Ben Remmert

Sunday Refuge for Jr. & Sr. High @ 9:45 am!
Are you ready for a new experience? Are you needing a time to be amongst people your age? Why not come to a place of Refuge where you can explore your faith while having a blast doing it! This will not be your typical Sunday School class you have experienced in the past. There will be food, games and activities, and time to listen to the gospel in a new light with a message that reflects our world today. Bring a friend!

Camp Hope Paid Staff Applications- Turn Them in Asap!
Camp Hope is an opportunity for our Jr. High and Sr. High to lead in a 3 week day camp where we teach the good news of Christ through games, worship, interactive story telling, snacks, crafts, expressive arts, and service. It’s an opportunity for Peace to be a part of one of the most successful outreach and youth leadership programs that our synod offers to our youth and families. If you have not turned in your staff application, please contact Ben Remmert as we will begin our interviewing for staff on April 2nd so please sign up on a time that you can come in to interview.

Saints of Faith Milestone: March 20 at 9:45 am and March 27 at 11 am Worship
We are given our time together as a gift of God’s creation. People are given the choices to do what they want with their time. Our Christian faith calls us to live the life of the servant, the life that Jesus Christ lived. But can we truly live this life style? For those that accept the call to live the life of the suffering servant and preach the good news of Jesus Christ to the community, these are saints. This is what we are going to ask of our third graders for this milestone celebration as they will be learning about the people that helped shape our Christian story and heritage and how we can continue to shape the Christian story. So be sure to mark your calendar for this important milestone. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Youth Garage Sale on April 16th!
To help raise funds for Camp Hope and summer ministries this summer, we are going to host a garage sale here at Peace. We will also be serving lunch at the garage sale. So if you have items in your closet, attic, or garage that are collecting dust and just need a reason to donate, why not help our youth as they are preparing for our summer outreach ministries. If you plan on donating items, please plan on bringing them over to Peace Lutheran Church after March 20th. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Lutherhill Summer 2011!
If you are planning on going to Lutherhill this summer, we need you to sign up as soon as possible. Spots are filling fast and we need a good head count so we can put down our deposit. Remember that if you are in 1st-5th grade, we are going to Lutherhill on August 7th-12th, 2011 and 6th-8th are going to Lutherhill on June 19th-24th. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board for summer ministries and see the pictures form our Rally Day. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

Deep Leadership Meeting: Next Meeting Sunday March 27th @ 2 pm
Our leadership team is called “DEEP” because we are going to dive into our ministry together, head first. This is again a time for us to come together to gather and share the vision of Peace Lutheran’s ministry but also a time for our leaders to come together for devotion and have some discussions about passing on the faith to our youth. We are going to begin our times together discussing about the research done on the spiritual lives of American youth by Kendra Dean in Almost Christian. Kendra Dean has made some new discovers that can help us grow in our ministry. So if you are interested in becoming a leader in our youth and family committee, please contact Ben Remmert.

Family Meal Nights with the Youth Director!
Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I have been here for 9 months and I am still committed to meeting all our families here at Peace Lutheran. I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High, Sr. High and Youth Group!
Are you a youth and are searching for a community to belong to? Do you want to have fun with people your own age? Why not come and give youth group a try. This is a time where we are going to build on our community through fellowship, prayer, devotion, and a meal together as a group. We are wanting this to be an engaging time for our youth so the more the better! Here is the schedule for our youth groups for 2011.
Jr. High- Sundays at 5 pm- 6pm
Sr. High- Sundays at 4 pm- 6 pm
Young Adults- Wednesdays at 7 pm-8:30 pm

Communion Instruction- April 3rd, April 10th, And April 17th At 1 pm
It’s coming up, our spring class of Communion Instruction! All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade- 5th grade) are invited to attend classes every Sunday at 1pm on April 3rd , April 10th, and April 17th we are going to learn more about how communion is our gift of God’s love and grace while learning how it helps us communicate our Christian message. Our children will receive their first communion on April 24th with their families. Please contact Ben Remmert for more questions. Please sign up by March 27 so we can have enough supplies for our class.

Sr. High and Jr. High Hunger Famine Lock-In- March 25th- March 26th
Final Sign Ups Sunday! We will be going over to Kinsmen Lutheran Church with other Lutheran congregations from March 25th – March 26th! All Senior High and Junior High are invited as we will have activities for both grades and activities that are to engage them on their own level. We are going to learn more about world hunger and participate in a 30 Hour Famine to help raise money for Lutheran World Relief to help the world fed the world. It’s going to be a blast! Please bring $5 to help pay for dinner and breakfast. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High Human Dignity Retreat: April 8-9
What this is not is a Sex Ed. Retreat. However, this is a place to have caring and warm discussions where we will talk about how we are relational beings and how God has given us the gift of sexuality. This is a lock-in only for our Jr. High students and we are going to Holy Comforter Lutheran Church where we will be with 5 other Lutheran congregations where there will be food, games, fellowship, and meaningful conversations. For parents, we will come together on March 21st at 6:30 pm to discuss what we will be talking with your youth about. We will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 6 pm and be back at Peace on April 9th at 8 pm. Cost is $30 which includes three meals, snacks, transportation, and our activities. Sign ups are on the youth and family ministry bulletin board. Please sign up by March 21st. More questions please contact Ben Remmert.

Youth Lent Focus: Becoming A Contagious Christian
Lent is the time to focus our attention to the ministry of Jesus Christ. So with Lent coming around the corner, we are going to have our Wednesday Night evenings focused on how to equip our youth in relational evangelism by discovering your own style of communicating about Christ, how to build spiritual significant relationships, telling your own story, and having some fun doing so. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Calling Our Jr./Sr. High Actors For An Easter Performance
It’s closer than you think. With such a successful Christmas Program, we are going to be putting on another production for our Easter service and we need some help! As of right now we are looking for Jr. High and Sr. High students who would like to perform in a production that has to do with the Easter Message. If you are interested, please contact Ben Remmert for more information as we are beginning our rehearsal.

Family Seder Meal on April 20th At 6:30 pm
During Holy Week, we are going to celebrate our time together with a sedar meal together where we will come together to have a family friendly seder meal. After our meal, we will have our Jr. High and Sr. High perform their Easter production. Its going to be a time to come together for fellowship, come together in prayer, and come together to learn more about our shared Christian history. We will need a count for food, so please sign the sheet on the table in the narthex if you plan to attend. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Buck A Chick: For ELCA World Hunger Relief
This Easter, we are going to join congregations from across the nation by having a “Buck-a-Chick” sale. For one dollar, you can purchase and decorate a paper chick for yourself or in honor of a loved one where your gifts will help provide families living in poverty with chicks to provide a source of food and income. If you are going to write a check, please make your checks out to Peace Lutheran with “Buck-a-Chick” in the memo line.

Camp Hope Registration for Summer!
Camp Hope this summer is themed as our own circus! Camp Hope is a ministry where our youth who are 5 years old through 5th grade are invited to our three week Day Camp. Expect an action packed day for school children which include Bible Stories, crafts, games (indoor & outdoor), songs, & more. Campers are cared for by trained High School and College age Small Group Leaders and Support Staff. Camp Hope is from July 11-15, July 18-22, July 25-29th. So make sure to register now to get in on our early bird discounts by April 30th. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert or Camp Manager Jessica Gaul!

VBS 2011- Pandamania – July 31 – August 5
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! A wild celebration of God's unconditional love! At PandaMania VBS, kids will discover that God has a purpose and a plan for everyone and that he crafted each of us with his own loving hands. Make sure to check out our VBS board in the narthex for more up to date information as we move closer to our event!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

For Sunday, March 13, 2011
First Sunday In Lent

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website
If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

Sunday’s Events
The Transition Team will be installed on Sunday morning. Members of the team are: Rev. Gary Morgan-Gohlke – Transition Coach, Barbara Hagemeister, Carolyn Calley, Nanette Hlavaty, Sam Smith and Toni Bowman. Please keep these people in your prayers.

A Message from Pastor Galen
"Temptation and Trust" will be my theme for Sunday's sermon. We will focus on Jesus' temptation in the wilderness as told by Matthew in chapter 4:1-11. Those who want to read ahead might also look at the First Reading: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7, that tells our human story of yielding to temptation. On the First Sunday in Lent we always read about Jesus' 40-day time of temptation in the wilderness. Our Lord's story of temptation also invites us to enter into a 40-day spiritual journey in preparation for the Church's celebration of God's work of salvation in Jesus' death and resurrection. I will uplift an additional text, Psalm 91, in Sunday's proclamation. The tempter quoted this scripture to Jesus in a perversion of faith. We might ask, "When does our prayer for God's will to be done in our lives cross the line of temptation and become putting God to the test?" Trust in relationships is beautiful. Trust is a gift in our relationship with God. We might also ask, "How is trust broken, and how can we build trust in our relationships with one another, in congregation life as well as our family and friendship networks.

Pastoral Care
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer.
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.
Bill Cook: Released from hospital

Congratulations To…
David Speck & Angela Turlington who were united in marriage on March 4th. David is the son of Lester & Judy Speck.

Midweek Lenten Worship
Our midweek Lenten theme this year will be a reflection on our life together as a congregation. The springboard for this reflection will be Dietrich Bonhoeffer's little book entitled Life Together. This classic in spiritual literature is still available in print if you want to read it on your own. Our Lenten reflections will not be a book study or strictly speaking a Bible study, so having the book and reading it will not be necessary. Pastor Galen will offer his reflections on the five chapters of Bonhoeffer's book.

March 16: Community.
March 23: The Day with Others.
March 30: The Day Alone.
April 6: Ministry.
April 13: Confession and Communion.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is commemorated on our ELCA church calendar in remembrance of his resistance to Hitler and his death as a martyr in that cause on April 9, 1945. Bonhoeffer helped form the Confessing Church and headed its underground seminary. His well known books, The Cost of Discipleship and Life Together reflect his effort to establish a faith community that was faithful to the Gospel in the face of grave social injustice by the Nazis.

Plan to join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for services at 12:30 pm and 7:00 pm. A soup lunch will be held at 11:45 am and our usual soup suppers at 6:00 pm.

Ben Remmert’s Commissioning As An Associate in Ministry On April 10th-
Thank you for those that were at our congregational meeting on February 27th to vote and call Ben Remmert as our Associate in Ministry for Youth and Family Ministries Ben will be commissioned in a service at Kinsmen Lutheran Church on April 10th at 4:00 pm. A light reception will be held afterwards. Ben would like to extend an invitation to you to celebrate this important event in his life, as well as witness a special ceremony where he will be commissioned by the Bishop Mike Reinhart. If you have any questions, please contact Ben Remmert.

Call Committee Notes of March 6, 2011 Meeting
Members present: Darla Haygood (non voting member/council liaison); Gary Morgan-Gohlke (Transition Coach); Joann Hutton (Secretary); Bob Wells (Correspondent); Ernie McWilliams, Ed Buskirk, Dawn Lambert, Weldon Wilkerson.

The devotion was based on scripture from Matthew 6:26-33, followed by the question: "God desires us to be successful, and lead others to His love. How does God’s vision of success differ from that of the world in which we live?"

The Call Committee is filling out the Ministry Site Profile (MSP), which takes a significant amount of time and input. We will be gathering input from the congregation, looking at how Peace is reaching out to the community, and obtaining information for compiling the MSP. Once the MSP is finalized and approved by council, we will have a major milestone completed, which will help us on our path to getting names of Pastors who are interested in being the Pastor for Peace Lutheran Church.

Please take a look at the bulletin board in front of the sanctuary. THANK YOU, ERIN MEHLING, for the wonderful job! This will give you an up to date visual of progress being made in the Call Process.

God’s blessings to all,
Peace Lutheran Church Call Committee

From The Special Call Committee Prayer Group
“If I shut myself off
so I can’t hear you cry,
What good am I?

What good am I, if I know and don’t do,
If I see, and don’t say, if I look right through you,
If I turn a deaf ear to the thunderin’ sky,
What good am I?

What good am I, while you softly weep,
And I hear in my head what you say in your sleep,
And I freeze in the moment like the rest who don’t try,
What good am I?

What good am I then to others and me,
If I’ve had every chance and yet still fail to see,
If my hands are tied, must I not wonder within
Who tied them and why, and where must I have been?

What good am I, if I say foolish things,
And I laugh in the face of what sorrow brings
And I just turn my back while you silently die,
What good am I?

Father God, help me to be honest with myself, about what I can do. Then, Lord, help me to go and do. Amen.

From the Youth Director
The season of Lent is upon us! It’s our time together where we come together to recall the Easter story and absorb its meaning in our lives today. So as we are entering into this important time in our church calendar, here are some hints on how to observe Lent effectively. 1) Take some time to observe Lent with others. This is a time where we can strengthen our family ties and help others see the great news of Christ. 2) Develop some helpful attitudes. We should approach Lent joyfully, thinking of it as a time of opportunity instead as a sacrifice to be loving towards others and open to God’s love. 3) Be fair in your practices. Make sure to try and incorporate these spiritual practices into your life without making others feel guilty or uncomfortable as some people may not understand the true meaning of Lent.

Also, we have made a prayer station in our narthex. I would like to invite you in this time of Lent to stop by the station and write a prayer that you have and give this prayer to God by writing on a sticky note and placing it on the wooden cross symbolizing how God takes our prayers and listens to them. There are also other Lent goodies that you can use to help make this time special for your friends and family.

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministry

Buck-a-Chicks: For ELCA World Hunger Relief
This Easter, we are going to join congregations from across the nation by having a “Buck-a-Chick” sale. For one dollar, you can purchase and decorate a paper chick for themselves or in honor of a loved one where your gifts will help provide families living in poverty with chicks to provide a source of food and income. If you are going to write a check, please make your checks out to Peace Lutheran Church, with “Buck-a-Chick” in the memo line.

Sunday Refuge for Jr. & Sr. High @ 9:45 am!
Are you ready for a new experience? Are you needing a time to be amongst people your age? Why not come to a place of Refuge for you to explore your faith while having a blast doing it! This will not be your typical Sunday School class you have experienced in the past. There will be food, games and activities, and time to listen to the gospel in a new light with a message that reflects our world today. Bring a friend!

Camp Hope Paid Staff Applications- TURN THEM IN ASAP!
Camp Hope is an opportunity for our Jr. High and Sr. High to lead in a 3 week day camp where we teach the good news of Christ through games, worship, interactive story telling, snacks, crafts, expressive arts, and service. Its an opportunity for Peace to be a part of one of the most successful outreach and youth leadership program our synod offers to our youth and families. If you have not turned in your staff application, please contact Ben Remmert as we will begin our interviewing for staff on April 2nd so please sign up on a time that you can come in to interview.

Saints of Faith Milestone: March 20th at 9:45 am and March 27th at 11 am Worship
We are given our time together as a gift of God’s creation. People are given the choices to do what they want with their time. Our Christian faith calls us to live the life of the servant, the life that Jesus Christ lived. But can we truly live this life style? For those that accept the call to live the life of the suffering servant and preach the good news of Jesus Christ to the community, these are saints. This is what we are going to ask of our third graders for this milestone celebration as they will be learning about the people that helped shape our Christian story and heritage and how we can continue to shape the Christian story. So be sure to mark your calendar for this important milestone. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

If you are planning on going to Lutherhill this summer, we need you to sign up as soon as possible. Spots are filling fast and we need a good head count so that we can put down our deposit. Remember that if you are in 1st-5th grade, we are going to Lutherhill on August 7th-12th, 2011 and 6th-8th are going to Lutherhill on June 19th-24th. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board for summer ministries and see the pictures form our Rally Day. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

DEEP Leadership Meeting: Next Meeting Sunday March 27th @ 2 pm.
Our leadership team is called “DEEP” because we are going to dive into our ministry together, head first. This is again a time for us to come together to gather and share the vision of Peace Lutheran’s ministry but also a time for our leaders to come together for devotion and have some discussions about passing on the faith to our youth. We are going to begin our times together discussing about the research done on the spiritual lives of American youth by Kendra Dean in Almost Christian. Kendra Dean has made some new discoveries that can help us grow in our ministry. So if you are interested in becoming a leader in our youth and family committee, please contact Ben Remmert.

Family Meal Nights with the Youth Director!
Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I have been here for 9 months and I am still committed to meeting all our families here at Peace Lutheran. I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High, Sr. High, and Youth Group: Oh My!
Are you a youth and are searching for a community to belong to? Do you want to have fun with people your own age? Why not come and give youth group a try. This is a time where we are going to build on our community through fellowship, prayer, devotion, and a meal together as a group. We are wanting this to be an engaging time for our youth so the more the better! Here is the schedule for our youth groups for 2011.
Jr. High- Sundays at 5 pm- 6pm
Sr. High- Sundays at 4 pm- 6 pm
Young Adults- Wednesdays at 7 pm-8:30 pm

Communion Instruction- April 3rd,April 10th, and April 17th at 1 pm
It’s coming up, our spring class of Communion Instruction! All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade- 5th grade) are invited to attend classes every Sunday at 1pm on April 3rd , April 10th, and April 17th we are going to learn more about how communion is our gift of God’s love and grace while learning how it helps us communicate our Christian message. Our children will receive their first communion on April 24th with their families. Please contact Ben Remmert for more questions.

Sr. High and Jr. High Hunger Famine Lock-In- March 25th- March 26th
Sign up by March 20th! We will be going over to Kinsmen Lutheran Church with other Lutheran congregations from March 25th – March 26th! All Senior High and Junior High are invited as we will have activities for both grades and activities that are to engage them on their own level. We are going to learn more about world hunger and participate in a 30 Hour Famine to help raise money for Lutheran World Relief to help the world feed the world. It’s going to be a blast! Please bring $5 to help pay for dinner and breakfast. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration: Sunday, March 20, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
JOIN US… for Games, Potato Bar ($6.00/Adults, $3.00/Children under 10), Crafts. Enjoy our Christian community together as we share our church’s history!

It’s that time of the year again. Wear your green with pride, but it’s also a time of celebration of Saint Patrick. Who was the Saint that helped spread Christianity? We are going to spend the day celebrating the life of Saint Patrick with a church family picnic here at Peace Lutheran where we will play some games, eat some food, create some crafts, and enjoy our Christian community together as we share our church’s history. If you are interested in helping out in this event or need more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High Human Dignity Retreat: April 8th-9th
What this is not is a Sex Ed. Retreat. However, this is a place to have caring and warm discussions where we will talk about how we are relational beings and how God has given us the gift of sexuality. This is a lock-in only for our Jr. High students and we are going to Holy Comforter Lutheran Church where we will be with 5 other Lutheran congregations where there will be food, games, fellowship, and meaningful conversations. For parents, we will come together on March 21st at 6:30 pm to discuss what we will be talking with your youth about. We will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 6 pm and be back at Peace on April 9th at 8 pm. Cost is $30 which includes three meals, snacks, transportation, and our activities. Sign ups are on the youth and family ministry bulletin board. Please sign up by March 21st. More questions please contact Ben Remmert.

Youth Lent Focus: Becoming a Contagious Christian
Lent is the time to focus our attention to the ministry of Jesus Christ. So with Lent coming around the corner, we are going to have our Wednesday evenings focused on how to equip our youth in relational evangelism by discovering your own style of communicating about Christ, how to build spiritual significant relationships, telling your own story, and having some fun doing so. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Calling our Jr./Sr. High Actors for an Easter Performance
It’s closer than you think. With such a successful Christmas Program, we are going to put together another production for our Easter service and we need some help! As of right now we are looking for Jr. High and Sr. High students who would like to perform in a production that has to do with the Easter Message. If you are interested, please contact Ben Remmert for more information, as we are beginning our rehearsal.

Youth Garage Sale on April 16th!
To help raise funds for Camp Hope and summer ministries this summer, we are going to host a garage sale here at Peace. We will also be serving lunch at the garage sale. So if you have items in your closet, attic, or garage that are collecting dust and just need a reason to donate, why not help our youth as they are preparing for our summer outreach ministries. If you plan on donating items, please plan on bring them over to Peace Lutheran Church after March 20th. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Family Cedar Meal on April 20th at 6:30 pm
During Holy Week, we are going to celebrate our time together with a cedar meal where we will come together to have a family friendly cedar meal. After our meal, we will have our Jr. High and Sr. High perform their Easter production. It’s going to be a time to come together for fellowship, come together in prayer, and come together to learn more about our shared Christian history. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Adult Game Night
Bring a snack to share and come join us for an adult evening of fellowship, games, food and a lot of fun on Friday, March 11th at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions, please call Ruth Meyer.

Creative Hands
The classes for Monday, March 14th, are CANCELLED due to Spring Break. We will reschedule at a later date. Watch your weekly bulletin for date. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Krause Center
The journals were so popular that we have decide to make journals for all the boys ad girls at the Krause Center in Katy. We will need 60 plus black and white non-spiral composition books. I have a few on hand and will purchase a few with our ink rebates but will need more. We appreciate any that you might care to donate. Please watch for times and dates to come and help with this project.

We will again do gift bags for Krause Center. We are asking for all who travel to please save your unopened and unused hotel toiletries. These are perfect for the gift bags. We need 60 plus shampoos, soaps, lotions and conditioners. We also need small beanie size stuffed toys, decks of cards, toothbrushes and white sport socks for the boys (men sizes) and ladies size sport fun socks for the girls.

Sarah’s House
During the month of March we will be collecting items in Jars: peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti sauce etc, and also canned soups. Sarah’s House is a shelter for women and their children who have fallen on hard times. They rehabilitate the women and get the children back in school. Please prayerfully consider donating one or two items. It would be greatly appreciated.

Lutheran World Relief Sewing Kits
March & April items will be collected for World Relief Sewing Kits. Many retailers will be running their yard goods on sale. Wal-Mart in Pasadena is a great place to purchase your material also. The following items are needed to assemble a sewing kit:

Cotton or cotton blend fabric (no knits or 100%
2- 1/4 yds of 60" wide fabric, or
3 yds of 44" wide fabric, or
4 yds of 36" wide fabric
1 pkg of 10-15 needles
1 spool of matching general purpose thread, 250-
300 yds
6 to 10 average size matching buttons (1/2 to 3/4

Please prayerfully consider a sewing kit for World Relief. Thanks for your support and help through out the year.

Remember to continue to save your cancelled stamps.

Girls’ Night Out: March 25, 6:30-8:30 Pm
Flowers are blooming and soon our outdoor activities will be resuming. Spring is in the air as we roll buncos at our March Bunco affair. Don’t forget to wear your favorite Spring color! Cost is $5.00. Last names A-L bring desserts and last names M-Z bring main or side dishes. A sign-up sheet is located on the table in the narthex.

Senior Citizen’s Day Cancelled
Senior Citizen’s Day, scheduled for Wednesday, March 23rd, is cancelled for this month. Join us at 11:45 am for our midweek Lenten soup lunch followed by our worship service.

Friday, March 4, 2011

For Sunday, March 6, 2011
Transfiguration of Our Lord

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website
If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

Sunday's Events
Pastor Galen Knutson will be installed as our Interim Pastor. A reception for Pastor Galen & his wife, Pastor Donna Erickson, will be held in the Fellowship Hall following the 11:00. We hope that you will stop by and welcome them into the family of Peace. Rev. Don Carlson will perform the installation, and we also thank him for bringing us the message this morning.

Meet Pastor Galen Knutson, Interim Pastor for Peace Lutheran Church
Most people in the congregations I have served simply call me “Pastor Galen.” I am never offended if someone calls me by my baptismal name, “Galen.” Using the title “pastor” helps to identify the professional relationship that exists between congregation members and their pastor. I have been an interim pastor for the past 12 years, most recently serving for 3 years at Faith Lutheran Church in Bellaire, Texas. I love being a pastor and being able to walk the journey of faith with people through the highs and lows of life. Please help me learn who you are. Introduce yourselves generously. Name tags are very helpful, not only to me but also to those who are thinking about making Peace their church. You may reach me through the church office for most purposes, 281-487-1635, and by email at For pastoral emergencies my cell phone is 832-382-6646. I will be taking Friday as a day off and usually reserve Saturdays for final preparations for Sunday.

I am married to Pastor Donna Erickson, who is a retired clergy having specialized in pastoral care ministries. Pastor Donna has served as a hospital and long-term care chaplain and spiritual care director. We have adult children and their families living in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. We have very recently moved to Pasadena and are in the process of settling in and getting to know this community.

We are God’s people, blessed to be a blessing!
Pastor Galen

Pastoral Care Notes
Helen Shoppa: Released
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer.
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.

Ash Wednesday Services
Lenten Services will begin on March 9th with our Ash Wednesday services. We will have two services that day, one at 12:30 pm and one at 7:00 pm. Both will have communion and both will have the opportunity for you to have the imposition of ashes. (No meal on Ash Wednesday.)

Plan to join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for services at 12:30 pm and 7:00 pm. A soup lunch will be held at 11:45 am and our usual soup suppers at 6:00 pm.

Call Committe Meeting Notes of February 27, 2011
All members were present: Sandy Tillis (Chair); Darla Haygood (non voting member/council liaison); Gary Morgan-Gohlke (Transition Coach); Joann Hutton (Secretary); Bob Wells (Correspondent); Ernie McWilliams, Ed Buskirk, Dawn Lambert, Weldon Wilkerson.

Please watch for our weekly update, which is in the weekly email and in Sunday’s bulletin. Ongoing communication with the congregation is very important to us. It is our privilege to serve on the call committee. If you have any questions or comments, please let one of us know.

Look for our bulletin board in the Narthex. This will give a visual of the Call Process.

We are grateful for the prayers of our church family and the prayer group, who pray for us as we are meeting.

It is our joy and delight to welcome our Interim Pastor, Galen Knutson, and his family to our church family.

The next meeting of the Call Committee will be March 6, 2011 at 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

God’s blessings,
Peace Lutheran Call Committee

Give Yourself to Prayer
One of the greatest blessings we have as children of God is prayer—the right to communicate with God the Father. Anyone who is striving to do the will of the Lord will have an active prayer life. The Call Committee Prayer Team (note, we have a new name) has met only twice, but in those two meetings, we have already experienced such wonderful times with our God—times of blessings and joy and peace.

You may be saying to yourself, “But, I can pray anywhere. I don’t have to go to the church....I can pray in my home…in my recliner…in the garden…in the kitchen…wherever” and our reasonings go on and on. While it is true, we can pray anywhere, there is power in number, so we come together as a group and lift our prayers unto the Lord.

We’re praying you’ll give yourself to prayer and join us on Sunday afternoons at 3:00 pm in the Prayer Room, as we pray for the Call Committee, for all who are involved in the call process and for Peace Lutheran in general. Come as you are… no special requirements… you don’t have to pray out loud, unless, of course, you want. ‘Til then, God’s blessing be upon you.
The Call Committee Prayer Team

Brotherhood Breakfast
Our monthly Brotherhood Breakfast will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 7:30 am at The Golden Corral on Spencer Highway in Pasadena. All men of the congregation are invited to bring your wives and join us.

From the Youth Director
Uhh the allergies! I know that so many of my friends (and me) have been suffering from this horrible infliction. So while I was taking care of myself, I discovered that resting on Saturday, this was the first time in the past two months I truly found myself resting. It’s funny because each week I ask our youth when do they get to rest and here I was not getting rest that I needed. So for this week, I am hoping to bring awareness into your life on when you rest during the week? We all need to have that one day to rest, this may not have to do with sleep, but we need that time to come closer to our friends, family, our passions, and our God. So as spring is closer to being here, please take the time to find your rest.

God Bless,
Ben Remmert

Write a College Kid a Note!
With spring break around the corner, we just wanted to share the joy with our college kids by sending them care packages & a warm note from y'all. So stop by our table in the narthex on Sunday to write a note to our college kids.

Sunday Refuge for Jr. & Sr. High @ 9:45 am!
Are you ready for a new experience? Are you needing a time to be amongst people your age? Why not come to a place of Refuge for you to explore your faith while having a blast doing it! This will not be your typical Sunday School class you have experienced in the past. There will be food, games and activities, and time to listen to the gospel in a new light with a message that reflects our world today. Bring a friend!

Camp Hope Paid Staff Applications- TURN THEM IN ASAP!
Camp Hope is an opportunity for our Jr. High and Sr. High to lead in a 3 week day camp where we teach the good news of Christ through games, worship, interactive story telling, snacks, crafts, expressive arts, and service. Its an opportunity for Peace to be apart of one of the most successful outreach and youth leadership program our synod offers to our youth and families. If you have not turned in your staff application, please contact Ben Remmert as we will begin our interviewing for staff at the end of March.

Saints of Faith Milestone: March 20th at 9:45 am and March 27th at 11 am Worship
We are given our time together as a gift of God’s creation. People are given the choices to do what they want with their time. Our Christian faith calls us to live the life of the servant, the life that Jesus Christ lived. But can we truly live this life style? For those that accept the call to live the life of the suffering servant and preach the good news of Jesus Christ to the community, these are saints. This is what we are going to ask of our third graders for this milestone celebration as they will be learning about the people that helped shape our Christian story and heritage, and how we can continue to shape the Christian story. So be sure to mark your calendar for this important milestone. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Lutherhill This Summer!
Last week we had Matt Kindsvatter from Lutherhill come to talk to us about summer ministries and have a mini Lutherhill camp day. If you are planning on going to Lutherhill this summer, we need you to sign up as soon as possible. Spots are filling fast and we need a good head count so we can put down our deposit. Remember that if you are in 1st-5th grade, we are going to Lutherhill on August 7th-12th, 2011 and 6th-8th are going to Lutherhill on June 19th-24th. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board for summer ministries and see the pictures from our Rally Day. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

DEEP Leadership Meeting: Next Meeting Sunday March 27th @ 2 pm.
Our leadership team is called “DEEP” because we are going to dive into our ministry together, head first. This is again a time for us to come together to gather and share the vision of Peace Lutheran’s ministry but also a time for our leaders to come together for devotion and have some discussions about passing on the faith to our youth. We are going to begin our times together discussing about the research done on the spiritual lives of American youth by Kendra Dean in Almost Christian. Kendra Dean has made some new discoveries that can help us grow in our ministry. So if you are interested in becoming a leader in our youth and family committee, please contact Ben Remmert.

Family Meal Nights with the Youth Director!
Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I have been here for 9 months and I am still committed to meeting all our families here at Peace Lutheran. I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High, Sr. High, and Youth Group: Oh My!
Are you a youth and are searching for a community to belong to? Do you want to have fun with people your own age? Why not come and give youth group a try. This is a time where we are going to build on our community through fellowship, prayer, devotion, and a meal together as a group. We are wanting this to be an engaging time for our youth so the more the better! Here is the schedule for our youth groups for 2011.
Jr. High- Sundays at 5 pm- 6pm
Sr. High- Sundays at 4 pm- 6 pm
Young Adults- Wednesdays at 7 pm-8:30 pm

Communion Instruction- April 3rd,April 10th, and April 17th at 1 pm
It’s coming up -- our spring class of Communion Instruction! All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade- 5th grade) are invited to attend classes every Sunday at 1:00 pm on April 3rd , April 10th, and April 17th We are going to learn more about how communion is our gift of God’s love and grace while learning how it helps us communicate our Christian message. Our children will receive their first communion on April 24th with their families. Please contact Ben Remmert if you have any questions.

Sr. High and Jr. High Hunger Famine Lock-In- March 25th- March 26th
Sign Up by March 20th! We will be going over to Kinsmen Lutheran Church with other Lutheran congregations from March 25th – March 26th! All Senior High and Junior High are invited as we will have activities for both grades and activities that are to engage them on their own level. We are going to learn more about world hunger and participate in a 30 Hour Famine to help raise money for Lutheran World Relief to help the world feed the world. It’s going to be a blast! Please bring $5 to help pay for dinner and breakfast. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.
St. Patrick Day Celebration: March 20, 2011, 12:30 pm-3:00 pm
It’s that time of the year again. Wear your green with pride, but its also a time of celebration of Saint Patrick. Who was the Saint that helped spread Christianity? We are going to spend the day celebrating the life of Saint Patrick with a church family picnic here at Peace Lutheran where we will play some games, eat some food, create some crafts, and enjoy our Christian community together. If you are interested in helping out in this event or need more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High Human Dignity Retreat: April 8th-9th
What this is not is a Sex Ed. Retreat. However, this is a place to have caring and warm discussions where we will talk about how we are relational beings and how God has given us the gift of sexuality. This is a lock-in only for our Jr. High students and we are going to Holy Comforter Lutheran Church where we will be with 5 other Lutheran congregations where there will be food, games, fellowship, and meaningful conversations. For parents, we will come together on March 21st at 6:30 pm to discuss what we will be talking with your youth about. We will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 6 pm and be back at Peace on April 9th at 8 pm. Cost is $30 which includes three meals, snacks, transportation, and our activities. Sign ups are on the youth and family ministry bulletin board. Please sign up by March 21st. More questions please contact Ben Remmert.

Youth Lent Focus: Becoming a Contagious Christian
Lent is the time to focus our attention to the ministry of Jesus Christ. So with Lent coming around the corner, we are going to have our Wednesday Night evenings focused on how to equip our youth in relational evangelism by discovering your own style of communicating about Christ, how to build spiritual significant relationships, telling your own story, and having some fun doing so. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Calling our Jr./Sr. High Actors for an Easter Performance:
Its closer than you think. With such a successful Christmas Program, we are going to put on a putting together another production for our Easter service and we need some help! As of right now we are looking for Jr. High and Sr. High Students who would like to perform in a production that has to do with the Easter Message. If you are interested, please contact Ben Remmert for more information. We will have our production decision by the end of the month and begin rehearsals in on March 7th at 7 pm.

Youth Garage Sale on April 16th!
To help raise funds for Camp Hope and summer ministries this summer, we are going to host a garage sale here at Peace. We will also be serving lunch at the garage sale. So if you have items in your closet, attic, or garage that are collecting dust and just need a reason to donate, why not help our youth as they are preparing for our summer outreach ministries. If you plan on donating items, please plan on bring them over to Peace Lutheran Church after March 20th. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Family Sedar Meal on April 20th at 6:30 pm:
During Holy Week, we are going to celebrate our time together with a cedar meal together where we will come together to have a family friendly cedar meal. After our meal, we will have our Jr. High and Sr. High perform their Easter production. It’s going to be a time to come together for fellowship, come together in prayer, and come together to learn more about our shared Christian history. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

From The Director of Administration
Nursery Volunteers Needed (Must be at least 16 years of age)
Discussion has been held about the number of children one Nursery Attendant can have at one time per State of Texas guidelines. State guidelines dictate 6 children of varying ages per attendant.

With this being said Peace Lutheran Church is not in a financial position to hire a 2nd attendant to be on standby in the event this situation takes place. Therefore, I am asking for ONE volunteer (at least 16 years of age) per service to be on standby in the event we get into this situation. If the Volunteer will check in with the Nursery Attendant, Joanne Bowman, prior to the service and pick up a pager then she will page you if she is in need of assistance where she has more than 6 children at one time.

Also, to the parents whose children stay in the Nursery, it is important that you sign your child in at the time you are dropping them off and Joanne will give you a pager to carry during the Service. This is simply in the event of an emergency and/or situation with your child where she needs your assistance since she can not leave the other children unattended to come and locate you in the Sanctuary.

I hope each Member of Peace will prayerfully consider volunteering your services in the Nursery on an as needed basis.

Church Facility Keys
I am also trying to get a handle on all of the keys to the church facility. If you have a key to the Church, please stop by my office and complete the form that we need to keep on file for insurance purposes. It is very important that I get this task taken care of as soon as possible.
Bernie Anderson,
Director of Administration

Lutheran World Relief Sewing Kits
March & April items will be collected for World Relief Sewing Kits. Many retailers will be running their yard goods on sale. Wal-Mart in Pasadena is a great place to purchase your material also. The following items are needed to assemble a sewing kit:

Cotton or cotton blend fabric (no knits or 100%
2- 1/4 yds of 60" wide fabric, or
3 yds of 44" wide fabric, or
4 yds of 36" wide fabric
1 pkg of 10-15 needles
1 spool of matching general purpose thread, 250-
300 yds
6 to 10 average size matching buttons (1/2 to 3/4

Please prayerfully consider a sewing kit for World Relief. Thanks for your support and help through out the year. Remember to continue to save your cancelled stamps.

Simply Giving Available
Simply Giving is available at Peace Lutheran Church. If you are interested in having your donations to our general fund or building fund done by electronic fund transfer then Simply Giving is for you! There are no fees involved for you or the church. For more information or to sign up, please call the church office. Applications are also available on the table in the narthex.

Sarah’s House
During the month of March we will be collecting items in Jars: peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti sauce etc, and also canned soups. Sarah’s House is a shelter for women and their children who have fallen on hard times. They rehabilitate the women and get the children back in school. Please prayerfully consider donating one or two items. It would be greatly appreciated.

Creative Hands Ministry
Please continue to save your used toner and ink cartridges (any brand or style is now accepted.) The Creative Hands uses the rebates for their paper products and other supplies. Please place them in the box on the WOP table in the narthex.

Healing Ministry of St. Luke
During communion we offer a healing ministry by inviting those who wish to have the ritual of anointing. This ministry is not about invoking a “supernatural” healing, but to affirm God’s spiritual, emotional and physical healing in our lives. We hope that this will become a “station of comfort” for you. You may come to the baptismal font after you have communed for anointing of oil.

If you would like to participate in this ministry please contact Monica Clark (281) 991-7151.

Worship Assistants Needed For All Services
We are in need of more men and women volunteers to prepare communion on Sunday mornings at all three services but especially at the 11:00 service. We also need Assisting Ministers, Lectors, Acolytes, Crucifers and Ushers for all services. Please prayerfully consider volunteering in one of these positions. The sign-up sheets for worship assistants are on the bulletin board in the narthex. Training is available. For more information contact Monica Clark at (281) 991-7151. Thank you to all of our faithful volunteers. You are so appreciated.
Monica Clark, Worship Coordinator

Adult Game Night
Bring a snack to share and come join us for an adult evening of fellowship, games, food and a lot of fun on Friday, March 11th at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions, please call Ruth Meyer.