Saturday, July 31, 2010

For the 10th Sunday after Pentecost

August 1, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events
This Sunday we will be hearing the story from Luke about the rich man and his barns. He stores his abundance and winds up losing it when he dies. The text points out to us that we "can't take it with us when we go" and challenges our dedication to the security of riches. The title of my sermon is "God's Riches" and I will be encouraging all of us to seek the riches of God in our lives instead of "filling up our barns" with that which really doesn't matter in the end. I pray that you will be inspired by it.

This Sunday we will be celebrating a wonderful Vacation Bible School and we want to thank all those who served and led the program. We counted over 140 kids and adults each night! Be sure to come Sunday and hear the stories. We will be recognizing all the participants and servants during our services.

Stewardship Workshop
On Tuesday, August 3 we will have a workshop to further plan our fall stewardship event. We will meet at the IHOP on Beltway 8 at 6:00 pm. Stewardship is more than raising money for the Kingdom's work at Peace. It is inviting people to meet the "Good Giver" and live in the abundance God provides for us. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please come or join the Google Group. Peace Stewardship Group

Brotherhood Meeting
We will not be having a breakfast meeting as our usual practice, but will have a luncheon at 11:00am at La Chine Chinese Restaurant located at 10904 Scarsdale Blvd.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Resumes
The Wednesday Bible Study group will resume on Wednesday, September 1 at 10:00am with our study of other religions. We will meet in the upstairs conference room. Everyone is welcome!

Pastor Jan Menky Visitation
Rev, Jan Menky Slovkia, Pastor of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession (Lutheran) in Michalovce, Slovakia will be visiting Peace on Sunday morning, August 15. He will be sharing a greeting at worship and visiting our adult Sunday School classes and talking briefly about church life in Slovakia.

Gospel Concert Sponsored by the Brotherhood
The “Joyful Noise Praise Team & Nickel Strings from Highlands United Methodist Church will present a concert of southern gospel songs and old church hymns on Sunday, August 22 at 4:00pm to 6:30pm here at Peace Lutheran Church. We hope that you will invite your friends and join us.

This event is sponsored by The Peace Lutheran Brotherhood. For more information call (713) 674-3111 or contact Weldon Wilkerson.

Worship Workshop, Saturday, August 21, 9:00am
We will have a workshop to work on our fall liturgies and our Advent/Christmas liturgies. We will also discuss other worship issues. Please feel free to attend. You can also participate through the Google group Worship Google Group

Pastoral Care Notes
Julius Worley: Kindred
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

Going Away… Sort Of….
Well here it is. It has been about 2.5 years that I have been blessed to be the Director of Administration here at Peace. And now it is time for me to move on. I am going back to school this fall and due to the nature of the classes and clinicals, I will not be able to fulfill the obligations of this position. So with that, August 20, 2010 will be my last day in this capacity. And if that was not enough, Thaden’s little brother will be here at the end of November sometime.

I leave this position not having done as well as I wish I had. But, with that being said we were able to accomplish a few things in the last couple of years. We got a new roof on the church that will outlast most/all of us and is a lot more energy efficient. We lowered our premiums and increased our insurance coverage. We refinanced our 2 mortgages and decreased our monthly note. We remodeled / updated the sanctuary. We decreased our cost and increased productivity with a new printer, a duplicator, and a new postage machine. We decreased our electric bill. And the playground is FINALLY done, minus a few little tweaks.

Those were some of the highlights. There were also all the a/c issues, the late night wake up calls from ADT because the fire alarm was going off. Fortunately, there was only one fire in the attic and it was very minor compared to what it could have been. And then all the other little things….

So, I’m going away from this position but not the church. Jennifer, the boys and I will still be here. I’m just going to be scarce for a few months. Thank you to everyone for their thoughtfulness and prayers these past couple of years. Hopefully, the church is better now than when I came to this position, if only a little bit. If so, then it was a successful 2 + years.

Thank you again and God Bless,
Kenny Sanders

Confirmation 2010-2011
Its coming sooner than you think. Beginning on August 15th, we will have our parent and student orientation to share our dream for our confirmation program and what to expect this year. This year we are going to learn about the 10 Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, and the life of Martin Luther through songs, worship, prayer, and interactive activities (because we know you get lectured too much already at schools and work).

So if you have a youth that is in 6th through 8th grade be sure to come on August 15th at 6:00 pm when we can register them for the year. At least one parent needs to attend also. On August 22nd we will begin our time together exploring our Christian heritage and learning how to proclaim the Christian faith with our voice!We are looking forward to a wonderful, enriching and fun year. Ben and Pastor Tart will be team teaching.

A Message from Ben
What a wonderful week we have had at Peace Lutheran with our Vacation Bible School! I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone who helped in this ministry from the cooks who made us dinner everyday, the teachers and volunteers who walked with our kids throughout our evenings, and to all those behind the scene people, it is because of ya’ll we were able to have a great time this week exploring God’s Word.

It’s past the due date for Student and Parent Packets and I have only received from 10 families. So please everyone try and get these packets to me as soon as possible so I can update my records and get an idea of who you are! You can either mail them to me or turn them in at the youth and family ministry wall box next to the youth and family bulletin.

Confirmation is just around the corner and I am looking for people who are called to be passionate leaders and mentors for our youth. We have a blessed congregation full of leaders and we need your help in teaching and nurturing our youth and families in exploring their faith.

If you did not get a copy of the student profile, parent profile, or confirmation schedule please let me know and I will get you a copy! Please go and check out the youth and family ministry board (right next to the offices) where you can sign up for events and see what events are coming up!

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministry

Co-Ed Softball and Volleyball
We have some interest, but we need more people. I am going to leave the sign up sheet on the table in the narthex for a few more weeks to see who is all interested! Softball registration is until August 31 with the City of Pasadena and league play begins September. Co-Ed Indoor Volleyball will be at First Baptist Church on Fairmont beginning in October. Sign-Up sheets are located on the table in the narthex (one yellow and the other blue)!

Youth Workshops
\Were coming down to the wire as we have just completed our fourth workshop talking about our ministry with our young adults (18-25 years old), but if you missed any of the previous workshops, its okay, we will have a wrap up workshop on August 8th where we can return to a previous discussion and finally come up with our youth and family ministry model for the year! We are meeting at IHOP on Beltway 8 close to Fairmont Parkway at 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Make sure you bring your experience (and money for pancakes!), after our IHOP experience come join us for worship at 11. Below are the dates and topics of discussions. This is an open event for our youth and families at Peace where you can come for 10 minutes to 2 hours. Hope to see ya’ll there!

Summer is only just a few more weeks longer and how many times can you watch the same movie or play the same video game. Why not come to our Jr. High and Sr. High to our youth groups where we will have fun fellowship while trying to stay cool in the Houston heat. For Jr. High youth group, we will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 5 pm - 6 pm (dates below) right before Confirmation (Begins August 15th) and Sr. High we will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00- 8:30pm! For sr. high, I encourage you to bring an item that we can snack on as we do our fellowship together. There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page! Here are the dates of this summer’s activities.

1. Jr. High Youth Group: August 8- Camping at Church!?!
August 15th- Water Kickball!
August 22nd- Kick off to Year, Jr. High Style

2. Sr. High Youth Group: August 11th- Fellowship and Discernment for Year’s Activities!
August 25th- Kick off to Year, Sr. High Style!

3. Jr. High and Senior High: (7:00-8:30 pm) August 18- Back To School, Peace Style!

Young Adults
College classes are right around the corner. So if you need a time where you can leave your worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship, we are still continuing our Chillin events. We will meet Saturdays from 5 pm- 6:30 pm (dates below with meeting place). Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

a. August 7, 14- Location is to be determined on July 31st

Tuesday Peace Family Night
I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. However you do have the choice of deny the invitation. This can be a home meal or out to eat, I will leave that up to you. By the time I return from Lutherhill, I will begin calling our families here and schedule a time that we can spend this time together. I look forward to meeting everyone in our community.

When: Every Tuesday till July 2011 (Talk to me if there is another date in mind)
Where: You Choose (eat at home or out?)
What do I need to Do: You Choose

Sr. High Church Lock-In
This is an event you do not want to miss! For us to build community together, why not live together for four days and 3 nights! Each day we will come together in community through fellowship together, worship, and study on what it means to be a “Contagious Christian”. All days will be spent at Peace, but we will be going out into our community doing ministry. On the last day we will spend the day at Schlitterbahn Water Park in Galveston. If you are able to only come to one night, its okay, you can come for that night! Right now I am looking for adult mentors (must be at least 18 yrs. Old) for each night, if we are not able to have adult sponsors, we will not be able to sleep at the church!

When: August 1 at 5:00 pm till August 5 at 5:00 pm
Where: Peace Lutheran Church
How much: $80 (includes meals and trip to Schlitterbahn)

First Communion Classes
All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade or higher) are invited to attend classes every Sunday at 1pm on September 19, 26. We will bake bread on Saturday, October 2 at the church kitchen at 10:00 am, and the Communion Celebration will be on October 3, at the service their families normally attend. Please contact Ben Remmert or sign up on the youth and family ministry board.

Bazaar Team
The Bazaar Team will be meeting August 3rd at 10:00 am to complete crafts in progress and for prices.
Raffle tickets will go on sale Sunday, August 8th, between services from 9:45 to 11:00. Don't forget to bring your plates, cuts, tins and decorative containers to be used for the Bazaar Bake Sale. These items may be places on the rolling cart in the Narthex.

Let’s Celebrate The End Of Another Great Vacation Bible School!
Hey kids! Join us on Sunday morning when we’ll be singing some of the VBS songs that we learned last week during the worship services. Be sure to wear your sailor hats, or you can dress up like a pirate!

CWU Book Review
Church Women United invites you to their annual Book Review and Luncheon on August 20th. This event will be held at Sunset Methodist Church, 709 Allendale, Pasadena. The book review starts at 10:30 am, with lunch at 11:30 am. Cost is $10.00 per person. If you would like to purchase a ticket or would like more information on Church Women United, please see Mavis Greif (281) 482-6823.

Undie Sundays - August 1st And 8th
We are joining with other churches in the Pasadena Community Ministries to collect new underwear. Children’s sizes are needed but all sizes will be collected, as all ages are God's children. I challenge each Sunday school class and each group in the church to donate items. Items may be undies, socks, hosiery, t-shirts, pj's, boxers, and etc.There will be a special basket for these items under the table in the narthex with the other clothing collection

World Relief School & Health Kits
With the school year approaching fast, it’s time to gather items for World Relief Health and School Kits. This year our Sunday School Children are helping to collect the items needed to fill School Kits. Items need are as follows:

Spiral Notebooks
Blunt Scissors
Pencils Sharpeners
#2 Pencils
Erasers 2-1/2" long
Crayons - one box 16 or 24

Look for the box with large thermometer on top in the Narthex to leave your items.

Items for Health Kits are as follows:
Hand Towels - Dark Color
Wash Cloths - Dark Color
Bath size bar of soap
Comb - Wide Tooth
Band Aids
Nail File or Nail Clippers with Nail File. Also acceptable (no emery boards)
One adult Toothbrush in original packaging

Pasadena Community Ministries
A BIG THANKS to all who donated food and clothing in July. I especially want to give an extra big thanks to the Decorative Artist of Texas. In addition to food donations, several large bags of boys clothing were donated. PMC clothing area was real low on children's clothing. We will continue to collect clothing in addition to our food donations as all are really needed. Place your food donations in the cabinets that are located in the hallway between the narthex and the fellowship hall. You may place your clothing donations in the boxes that are located under that large table in the narthex. Next delivery to PCM will be on August 10th.

Fiesta Dinner Party
Please join Peace Lutheran Church and the Labyrinth Committee for a Fiesta Dinner on Tuesday, September 14, 2010, at 6:30 pm.

Tickets are $8.00 per adult, and will be on sale beginning August 8th through September 5th in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or you may call any of the committee members listed to reserve tickets. Tickets are limited, so be sure and purchase yours early. Babysitting will be provided. The proceeds from the dinner will go toward building our prayer labyrinth.

Our Committee members are: Judy Griffin, Cheryl Picha, Judy & Allen Werner, Ruth Meyer, Ann Nicholson, Cindy Stang, Pearl Stockum, Marilyn Seich, Ellen Cumbie and Lin Peterson.

A labyrinth is a path of prayer, a walking meditation, a crucible of change, a watering hole for the spirit and a mirror of the soul.

Sunday School Teachers & Helpers Needed
The education program is in need of some helpers and teachers. If you would like to be a Sunday school teacher or helper please contact Jennifer Sanders or Julie Shaw.

Monday, July 26, 2010

For the 9th Sunday after Pentecost

July 25, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sunday
Dr. Donald Cole will be our guest preacher on Sunday. Installation/Blessing of all VBS helpers/teachers and staff will be held at all three services.

Pastoral Care Notes
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer

Our Christian sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Betty Huffman, mother-in-law of Darlene Huffman and grandmother of Alycia Miller, who entered into God’s glory on July 15th.

From the Youth Director
It’s past the due date for Student and Parent Packets and I have only received from 8 families. So please everyone try and get these packets to me as soon as possible so I can update my records and get an idea of who you are! You can either mail them to me or turn them in at the youth and family ministry wall box.

Confirmation is just around the corner and I am looking for people who are called to be passionate leaders and mentors for our youth. We have a blessed congregation full of leaders and we need your help in teaching and nurturing our youth and families in exploring their faith.

If you did not get a copy of the student profile, parent profile, or confirmation schedule please let me know and I will get you a copy! Please go and check out the youth and family ministry board (right next to the offices) where you can sign up for events and see what events are coming up!

Co-Ed Softball and Volleyball
We have some interest, but we need more people. I am going to leave the sign up sheet on the table in the narthex for a few more weeks to see who is all interested! Softball registration is until August 31 with the City of Pasadena and league play begins in September. Co-Ed Indoor Volleyball will be at First Baptist Church on Fairmont beginning in October. Sign-Up sheets are located on the table in the narthex (one yellow and the other blue)!

Youth Workshops
We are doing our second workshop today about our Sr. High ministry, but if you missed it, its okay, we will have a wrap up workshop where we can return to a previous discussion and finally come up with our youth and family ministry model for the year! We are meeting at IHOP on Beltway 8 close to Fairmont Parkway at 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Make sure you bring your experience (and money for pancakes!), after our IHOP experience come join us for worship at 11:00 am. Below are the dates and topics of discussions. This is an open event for our youth and families at Peace where you can come for 10 minutes to 2 hours. Hope to see ya’ll there!

a. August 1- Young Adult Ministry
b. August 8- Wrap Up- Year Plan (Make up for those that missed out on a workshop)

With school out, what are you doing with all that extra time on your hands? Why not come to our Jr. High and Sr. High to our youth groups where we will have fun fellowship this summer while trying to stay cool in the Houston heat. For Jr. High youth group, we will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 6:00 – 7:00 pm (dates below) and Sr. High we will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00- 8:30pm! For sr. high, I encourage you to bring an item that we can snack on as we do our fellowship together. There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page! Here are the dates of this summer’s activities.

1. Jr. High Youth Group: August 8- Camping at Church!?!
2. Sr. High Youth Group: July 28- Fellowship at Church (Bring a side to share!)
August 11th- Fellowship and Discernment for Year’s Activities!
3. Jr. High and Senior High: (7:00-8:30 pm) August 18- Back To School, Peace Style!

Young Adults (18-26 Years Old)
Our time of “Chillin” continue as planned where our young adults can leave their worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship. We meet on Saturdays from 5:00 - 6:30 pm (dates below with meeting place). Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

a. July 31, Chili’s at Fairmont
b. August 7, 14- TBD (after July 31 meeting)

Tuesday Peace Family Night
I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin board for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. However you do have the choice of deny the invitation. This can be a home meal or out to eat, I will leave that up to you. By the time I return from Lutherhill, I will begin calling our families here and schedule a time that we can spend this time together. I look forward to meeting everyone in our community.

When: Every Tuesday till July 2011 (Talk to me if there is another date in mind)
Where: You Choose

Sr. High Church Lock-In
This is an event you do not want to miss! For us to build community together, why not live together for four days and 3 nights! Each day we will come together in community through fellowship together, worship, and study on what it means to be a “Contagious Christian”. All days will be spent at Peace, but we will be going out into our community doing ministry. On the last day we will spend the day at Schlitterbahn Water Park in Galveston. If you are able to only come to one night, its okay, you can come for that night! Right now I am looking for adult mentors (must be at least 18 yrs. Old) for each night, if we are not able to have adult sponsors, we will not be able to sleep at the church!

When: August 1 at 5:00 pm till August 5 at 5:00 pm
Where: Peace Lutheran Church
How much: $80 (includes meals and trip to Schlitterbahn)

Calling All Who Are Going to College!
For those that are going to college or know someone in our congregation that is going to college, I would like to know addresses for our college students so that we may send some care packages throughout the year. Please contact me by email or a phone call so that we can put them on our college student list.

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministries

Calling All VBS Teachers, Helpers and Volunteers!
If you are helping with VBS in any way, please plan to attend one of the church services to be installed this Sunday. Please also plan to meet in the sanctuary this Sunday at 5:00 for a kick off meeting before VBS. We appreciate you and all your help! Jennifer Sanders and Julie Shaw

Vacation Bible School Is Finally Here!
Sunday, July 25 is the start of VBS. We are so excited and can’t wait to get things going. VBS starts each night at 6:00 with a light meal in the fellowship hall and ends at 8:30. Thursday night we will have “The Floating Finale” at 8:10 in the sanctuary. Come enjoy songs from the week and a slide presentation of the week’s events. We will also once again host “Family Fun Night” Friday, July 30 at 6:00 at the church. Food, fun and fellowship will be on the menu for the night. We hope to see everyone there!

Please note that starting the week of VBS we will begin collecting school supplies to send to Haiti. The Women’s group at Peace supports many charitable organizations and we wanted to take this opportunity to get our youth involved in this important mission project. Boxes will be available in the narthex and Sunday School opening room for children to place the supplies. We encourage all children to bring an item and support this charity. We will begin collecting the week of VBS and continue to collect till September 13. Please bring one of the following items: pencils, spiral notebooks, crayons, scissors, erasers, rulers and pencil sharpeners. Thanks again for your support in this important project.

Adult Vacation Bible School Study

This year's Adult Vacation Bible School class will be a study of “The Life and Times of Martin Luther”. The study will begin Sunday evening, July 25, from 6:15-8:15 with reflections, pictures and memory sharing from the group from Peace who went on “The footsteps of Martin Luther” tour in June. The study, led by Pastor Tart, will be Monday-Thursday from 6:45-8:15. He will be using Richard Marius's book, Martin Luther, and his own studies, as the foundation.

Monday, July 26: Luther’s Europe, The Early Years, Flight to the Monastery
Tuesday, July 27: Rome and Wittenberg, Battle over Indulgences
Wednesday, July 28: Discovery of the Gospel, Plunge into the Unknown
Thursday, July 29: The progress to Worms, Exile, Back to Wittenberg, The Peasant War, Augsburg

After the class, participants will be able to tell a brief chronology of Luther’s life, the significance of places in his life, and how his life and work related to the times he lived. We will be using a combination of presentation and discussion. The class is for anyone interested in learning more about our heritage as Lutherans.

Stroke Prevention Screening
Stroke is a leading cause of death and permanent disability. Life Line Screening will be coming to Peace Lutheran Church on Wednesday, August 18th. Pre-registration is required. For more information pick up a pink flyer on the table in the narthex.

August Brotherhood Meeting
Instead of breakfast, our August meeting will be lunch at La Chine Chinese Restaurant (10904 Scarsdale Blvd.) on August 7th at 11:00 am. Don’t forget to bring your spouse! Any questions please contact Weldon Wilkerson at (713) 741-1184.

Undie Sundays - August 1st And 8th
We are joining with other churches in the Pasadena Community Ministries to collect new underwear. Children’s sizes are needed but all sizes will be collected, as all ages are God's children. I challenge each Sunday school class and each group in the church to donate items. Items may be undies, socks, hosiery, t-shirts, pj's, boxers, and etc. There will be a special basket for these items under the table in the narthex with the other clothing collection

World Relief School and Health Kits
It is time to begin collecting World Relief School and Health Kits. Many retailers are beginning to run their supplies on sale, and its time to prayerfully make your contribution. Our Sunday School children will be helping in the collection and assembly of School Kits this year. Collection of these items will be in two places: one in our Sunday School area and a basket in the Narthex. A list of items needed can be found on the table in the Narthex.

Krause Children’s Center
Save your travel toiletries from your summer travels. We use these to make gift packages for the 30 teen girls and 30 teen boys at the Krause Center. Please place in the basket in the table under the Women of Peace table.

CWU Book Review
Church Women United invites you to their annual Book Review and Luncheon on August 20th. This event will be held at Sunset Methodist Church on Allendale. The book review starts at 10:30 am, with lunch at 11:30 am. Cost is $10.00 per person. If you would like to purchase a ticket or would like more information on Church Women United, please see Mavis Greif (281) 482-6823.

Creative Hands
Creative Hands will meet on Tuesday August 10th at 6:30 pm in the upstairs conference room. We invite ALL to come and make a bracelet for the 2010 Bazaar.

We are extending a special invitation is to our young people and Girl Scouts. The Youth will “Make 2 Take 1". (In other words they will get to pick one of the bracelets they make to keep.) There is NO COST. However, we do ask you to consider bringing a canned good or a “Sunday Undie” to be donated to the Pasadena Community Ministry. Bring a snack to share. This is sponsored by the Creative Hands Ministry. We do need you to sign up as we need an idea of how much supplies we need to have on hand.

We thank those that have donated beads and jewelry makings. We are still collecting for the Bracelet Class and future classes. Jany & Sherri

Convention News
The 23rd Annual Convention of the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synodical Womens’ Organization will be held here at Peace Lutheran Church on Saturday, September 25, 2010 beginning at 8:00 AM.

“Ignite Your Spirit With Your Gifts” will be our theme and we will have gifts galore. Workshops will be offered as a gift to you by Sharon Sledge, Jany Reeve and many more. Convention Co-Chairs Peg Swavely and Mavis Greif are working long and hard to bring you a great convention. Jeanene Konviska and Virginia Rodriguez will be cooking up a great breakfast and lunch for you with the help of Sam’s and Antonio’s. Pastor David Tart will be our Chaplain for convention and will conduct the opening devotional and closing worship service. Friday night before convention will be a mixer and get to know you at House of Prayer Lutheran Church just a little ways down Space Center. Registration fee is $55.00. Forms are on two tables in the Narthex under the gifts. For more information, see Mavis, Jeanene, Virginia, Marilyn or me. Plan now to come out to support your friends AND have a good time. I hope to see you here.

Ann Nicholson, President
Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, Women of the ELCA

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lutherhill Confirmation: Final Day

Well we are on our final day here at Lutherhill. Yesterday our group learned about how we are apart of the body of Christ and how we can contribute to our world. Our group performed on the low ropes course and in the afternoon, we were able to climb up the rock wall and on the giant swing. After our BBQ chicken dinner, we had our blasting blue and pretty in pink dance! Everyone had a blast and we ended our night together as a community sharing our experiences of the week. Today we are learning about our talents and how to share them where we are going to have a no talent, talent show and worship. Its been a great week and if you want to know more, please do not hesitate to ask the boys about their experience. So here is our final video log of our week!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lutherhill Confirmation: Reflection on Day 3

Good morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ! We had another great day here at Lutherhill where we learned about how we are to be good stewards of our resources and learned about World Hunger. The youth and I participated in a World Hunger Meal where the kids where divided up by the world population and they were given the amount of food that they would have each meal. It was an eye opening expereince for all our youth and adults. Our afternoon activities were cooling off in the pool, checking out local reptiles, chilling off in the canteen, and return trip to arts and crafts where the kids glazed their sculptures and made biodegradable plant pots. Our all camp game was a intense game of eagles nest and finished the day with a very moving worship. Were on our final full day at camp here and my battery is running low on my camera so we may enough time for a couple of more pictures and one more video so stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lutherhill Confirmation: Day Two

Good morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Its morning of Day Three and we had a full day yesterday. Our group returned to Genesis where we learned about creation and how everything that God created is good. Our group had a busy day of learning how to make orange cake over a wood fire, did a service project of cleaning the tree chapel of weeds/trimming the leaves, learning about the new garden, and finally cooling off in the pool with some intense water polo and diving. Our all camp event last night was the Luau where the pool was open, water slide kickball was roaring, and an intense game of ultimate was going on in the field. Our group slept outside to see all the stars and constillations. We are beginning to feel tired, but that is why we have our turtle time (sabbath after/before lunch). So here is our video log of yesterday and stay tuned for more exciting stories of our expereince here at Lutherhill. God Bless!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lutherhill Confirmation: Day One

Well we have survived a day at Lutherhill! We arrived at 2:30 pm where we were able to get settled into our cabins and swim until our evening activities! Yesterday we learned about Adam and Eve and how God created each person with their own unique skills. Our afternoon activities were: 1) The pond where we bounced off the inflatable blob
2) Arts and crafts were we are sculpting a new creation with our hands
3) Games and the Canteen where we were treated with refreshments and some games.
Our all camp activity was a Superhero Hunt where the camp staff were dressed as superheroes and dunked into the pool. It was a very exciting day yesterday and today we are Village of the Day where we are responsible for the theme of the day, our evening activity, and worship. Below is our Highs and Lows for the day! Enjoy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

For the 7th Sunday after Pentecost

July 11, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sunday’s Events
We hear one of the great stories of the Bible this Sunday, The Good Samaritan. This is a powerful and life shaping story as it lifts our vision of who is to be the recipient of compassion and our bond with all humanity. The title of my sermon is "Go and Do Likewise", and will concentrate on our identity as a Good Samaritan community. I hope that you will find some inspiration in it.

This Sunday is "Fair Trade Coffee" Sunday and you will have opportunity to purchase coffee that helps to build sustainable communities in poor countries.

Also, a group of our confirmands and Ben will be taking off for a week of camp at Lutherhill. We wish them well and know that they will have a fantastic time. Be sure to include them in your prayers and check our blog on our website for "Live from Lutherhill" videos.

"The Life and Times of Martin Luther" Adult Vacation Bible School Study
This year's Adult Vacation Bible School class will be a study of “The Life and Times of Martin Luther”. The study will begin Sunday evening, July 25, from 6:15-8:15pm with reflections, pictures and memory sharing from the group from Peace who went on “The footsteps of Martin Luther” tour in June. The study, led by Pastor Tart, will be Monday-Thursday from 6:45-8:15pm. He will be using Richard Marius's book, Martin Luther, and his own studies, as the foundation.

Monday, July 26: Luther’s Europe, The Early Years, Flight to the Monastery

Tuesday, July 27: Rome and Wittenberg, Battle over Indulgences

Wednesday, July 28: Discovery of the Gospel, Plunge into the Unknown

Thursday, July 29: The progress to Worms, Exhile, Back to Wittenberg, The Peasant War, Augsburg

After the class, participants will be able to tell a brief chronology of Luther’s life, the significance of places in his life, and how his life and work related to the times he lived. We will be using a combination of presentation and discussion. The class is for anyone interested in learning more about our heritage as Lutherans.

Pastoral Care Notes
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Tart

A Message from the Youth Director
I would like to thank all the volunteers who helped make our 4th of July Celebration a huge success! Thank you for your service and your commitment!

I just wanted to remind everyone about the student and parent information packets. This is to help me update my records here at the office and get an idea of who you are! So please complete these and turn them in no later than July 19th so that I can have time to read them before the summer comes to a close and we begin our ministry in the fall! You can either mail them to me or turn them in at the youth and family ministry wall box.

If you did not get a copy of the student profile, parent profile, or confirmation schedule please let me know and I will get you a copy! Please go and check out the youth and family ministry board (right next to the offices) where you can sign up for events and see what events are coming up!

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministries

Coming Up…

Youth Workshops
We are doing our first workshop on Sunday, but if you missed it, its okay, we will have 4 more! We are meeting at IHOP on Beltway 8 close to Fairmont Parkway at 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Make sure you bring your experience (and money for pancakes!), after our IHOP experience come join us for worship at 11:00 am. Below are the dates and topics of discussions. This is an open event for our youth and families at Peace. Hope to see ya’ll there!

a. July 18- Junior High/Confirmation
b. July 25- Senior High Ministry
c. August 1- Young Adult Ministry
d. August 8- Wrap Up- Year Plan (Make up for those that missed out on a workshop)

Junior High and Senior High Groups:
With school out, what are you doing with all that extra time on your hands? Why not come to our Jr. High and Sr. High to our youth groups where we will have fun fellowship this summer while trying to stay cool in the Houston heat. For Jr. High youth group, we will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 6 pm - 7 pm (dates below) and Sr. High we will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00- 8:30pm! For Sr. high, I encourage you to bring an item that we can snack on as we do our fellowship together. There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page! Here are the dates of this summer’s activities.

1. Jr. High Youth Group: July 18- Water War!
    August 8- Camping at Church!?!

2. Sr. High Youth Group: July 21- CANCELLED (Out of Town)
    July 28- Summer Movies Night!

3. Jr. High and Senior High: (7:00-8:30 pm) August 18- Back To School, Peace Style!

Young Adults
Sorry about the quick rescheduling as I was requested to come to TLU at day earlier for Disciple Project as expected, but our time of “Chillin” will continue as planned where our young adults can leave their worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship. We will meet Saturdays from 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm (dates below with meeting place). Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

a. July 24, Chili’s
b. July 31- TBD (after July 24 meeting)
c. August 7, 14- TBD (after July 31 meeting)

Tuesday Peace Family Night
I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. However you do have the choice to deny the invitation. This can be a home meal or out to eat, I will leave that up to you. By the time I return from Lutherhill, I will begin calling our families here and schedule a time that we can spend this time together. I look forward to meeting everyone in our community.

When: Every Tuesday till July 2011
Where: You Choose

Sr. High Church Lock-In
This is an event you do not want to miss! For us to build community together, why not live together for four days and 3 nights! Each day we will come together in community through fellowship together, worship, and study on what it means to be a “Contagious Christian”. All days will be spent at Peace, but we will be going out into our community doing ministry. On the last day we will spend the day at Schlitterbahn Water Park in Galveston. If you are able to only come to one night, its okay, you can come for that night! Right now I am looking for Sr. High families to host us for a night so please let me know if you are interested! So be ready for more information as the summer goes!

When: August 1 at 5:00 pm till August 5 at 5:00 pm
Where: Peace Lutheran Church
How much: $80 (includes meals and trip to Schlitterbahn)

Your Help Is Needed
With summer here and many people going on vacation, we are in need of more volunteers to serve as Assisting Ministers, Lectors, Acolytes, Crucifers and Ushers. Prayerfully consider adding your name to the Worship Assistant’s list located on the table in the narthex. Training is available. Thank you to all of our faithful volunteers. You are so appreciated.

Jan Woodard, Worship Coordinator

LWR Fair Trade Coffee Project
The midweek Bible Study group is a “partner” in the coffee business and sells coffee, tea and hot cocoa mix through the Lutheran World Relief Fair Trade Coffee Project. Micah 6:8 calls us, as Christians, to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly.

The LWR Coffee Project helps Lutherans answer that call by righting the injustices faced by small-scale farmers around the world. By using Fair Trade coffee and other products in our congregation and homes, we are helping farmers receive a fair price that covers their cost of production and guarantees them a living wage for their labors. Look for the table in the narthex today.

Join Us for Vacation Bible School
July 25-29 is VBS time at Peace. Food, fun and fellowship will be enjoyed by all ages. Invite a friend and come enjoy a HIGH SEAS ADVENTURE! Each night starts with a light meal at 6:00 pm and classes begin at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. We hope to see a record attendance this year.

Crew leaders and all types of helpers are needed to make this another successful year. Anyone interested in volunteering can sign up on the VBS bulletin board or contact Jennifer Sanders at 281-993-5793 or Julie Shaw at 281-479-9828. There will be two VBS workdays at church: on July 17 and July 24 from 9:00 am to noon. Thanks in advance for your continued support of this program.

We are also in need of empty paper towel rolls for crafts, please donate to a box in the narthex.

Pre-registration forms are available on the VBS bulletin board in the narthex. Please fill out and place in the basket on the table, or you can pre-register online at

August Brotherhood Meeting
Instead of breakfast, our August meeting will be lunch at La Chine Chinese Restaurant (10904 Scarsdale Blvd.) on August 7th at 11:00 am. Don’t forget to bring your spouse! Any questions please contact Weldon Wilkerson at (713) 741-1184.

25th Anniversary of Ordination
On Sunday, July 25th, Family of Christ Lutheran Church in Imperial, MO. will celebrate the 25th anniversary of ordination of their Pastor, Lisa Hackler. This celebration coincides with the 20th birthday of their congregation.

The congregation is preparing a SURPRISE memory book for Pastor Lisa and would appreciate special memories, funny stories, pictures, anything to share how much Pastor Lisa has touched your lives. This information can either be sent to Christina Boyster, 6533 Pauline Ct. Barnhart, MO 63012 or send an email to They would appreciate receiving your letters by July 21st.

Creative Hands Ministry
Please continue to save your used toner and ink cartridges (any brand or style is now accepted.) The Creative Hands uses the rebates for their paper products and other supplies. Please place them in the box on the WOP table in the narthex.

The Creative Hands needs beads and jewelry makings for a bazaar project/class as well as future Creative Hands projects and classes. Please place your donation in the box with the ink cartridges on the WOP table.
Thank you in advance,
Jany and Sherri

Sarah’s House
Please remember to bring your food items for Sarah's House. Sarah's House is a shelter for women and their children in crisis, and they need our help. Please prayerfully consider donating any of the following items:
Non-perishable food items, including canned
meats (tuna, Spam, etc.)
Non-perishable food items for children
Cleaning Products
Paper Products
Feminine Hygiene Products
Toys for the children

Please place your items in the baskets in the Narthex under the Parish Life Table.

Help Need at Pasadena Community Ministries
Pasadena Community Ministries is looking for either a single person or a couple that will manage their Clothes Department. Also, volunteers are needed as receptionist and interviewers. If you are interested, contact Jean at (713) 477-4336.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

For the 6th Sunday after Pentecost

July 4, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.



July 4th Festival Moved to July 3rd at 4:30 Due to Fireworks Show.
Pasadena will be displaying fireworks on the 3rd and not the 4th this year so we have moved our festival to Saturday. We have water games, (including a slide), board games, a cake walk, karaoke, washers, horseshoes, volleyball and other activities planned. We will have hot dogs, bar-be-que sandwiches, snacks, drinks and ice cream. We will conclude by watching the fireworks from the Peace Parking lot or second floor of our education building. We also are asking people to bring cakes for the cake walk or a dessert, and sign up to help with different tasks. We are also going to have a "most tasty dessert contest".

We are going to have a great time and look forward to this fun event.

This Sundays Events
Our trip "In the Steps of Martin Luther" was fantastic! We had a wonderful and fun time together and were inspired on many, many occasions. Spiritually, one of the highs for us was Sunday morning worship with communion in the church where Martin Luther celebrated his first mass. Some in the group were very moved by the experience. Our itinerary included: Wittenburg where he lived, worked and posted the 95 thesis, Eisleben where he was born and died, Erfurt where he studied, Wartburg where he translated the New Testament into German, Leipzig and Heidleburg where he debated, Worms where he took his stand on the Word of God and Augsburg where his views were summarized in the Augsburg Confession. We also visited Thomas church where the composer Bach played and is buried. Then we visited Salzberg, Austria the home town of Mozart and scene for "The Sound of Music" (and the recent film, Knight and Day) and saw some spectacular views in Lucerne Switzerland.

We will have a travel log and reflections of the trip on Sunday, July 25 as part of our adult summer Vacation Bible School from 6:45-8:15.

This Sunday we will be hearing the story of the sending of the seventy and I will be preaching about our mission to be a community of sharing and a community of peace. I hope that you will be blessed by it. In an age of the internet, our mission to be a face to face community engaged in sharing with others and making peace is more needed than ever.

Ashlyn Jane Faulkenberry, daughter of Joshua Faulkenberry & Danielle Alter, will also be baptized on Sunday.

Special Words of Encouragement from Pastor Tart
What a blessing it is to have a full time youth and family director back on staff. I want to thank all of you for your financial generosity that makes this ministry possible. We have our financial challenges but with generous hearts we will move forward to make a difference in the lives of people here and in the world. In late July you will receive a full explanation of our financial situation.

We are also collecting funds to support the work of our church wide. Let us remember that Ben and myself both attended a seminary of the ELCA, Wartburg, that exists because of our financial support of the wider church. Many missionaries, new congregations and ministries depend on our support. If you want to support this work, please make an offering by marking an envelope "ELCA" support. Our church leadership, the council, is leading this appeal.

Stewardship Workshop: July 7 from 6pm-9pm at IHOP between Fairmont and Vista off of Beltway 8.
Come join others as we get excited about inspiring generosity for the work of the kingdom at Peace. We will be meeting at IHOP for dinner and discussion about ideas for promoting the joyful and peaceful stewardship lifestyle. This fall we will be educating our community about the abundance of God that he gives to us out of his divine mercy. We are a wealthy congregation and we have more money and time and abilities that we can ever use. Our only challenge is to let go of our fears of not having enough so that we can joyfully share the blessings of God. Come and join us. We would love to have your ideas and thoughts. You can also join by participating in our online Google Group.

"The Life and Times of Martin Luther" Adult Vacation Bible School Study
This year's Adult Vacation Bible School class will be a study of “The Life and Times of Martin Luther”. The study will begin Sunday evening, July 25, from 6:15-8:15 with reflections, pictures and memory sharing from the group from Peace who went on “The footsteps of Martin Luther” tour in June. The study, led by Pastor Tart, will be Monday-Thursday from 6:45-8:15. He will be using Richard Marius's book, Martin Luther, and his own studies, as the foundation.

Monday, July 26: Luther’s Europe, The Early Years, Flight to the Monastery
Tuesday, July 27: Rome and Wittenberg, Battle over Indulgences
Wednesday, July 28: Discovery of the Gospel, Plunge into the Unknown
Thursday, July 29: The progress to Worms, Exhile, Back to Wittenberg, The Peasant War, Augsburg

After the class, participants will be able to tell a brief chronology of Luther’s life, the significance of places in his life, and how his life and work related to the times he lived. We will be using a combination of presentation and discussion. The class is for anyone interested in learning more about our heritage as Lutherans.

Pastoral Care Notes
Lurline Duncan, released
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.

Congratulations to Jay & Courtney Costales on the birth of their daughter, Ava Ann, born on June 30th. Proud grandparents are Tommy & Cindy Costales.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

From the Youth Director
I just wanted to remind everyone about the student and parent information packets. This is to help me update my records here at the office and get an idea of who you are! So please complete these and turn them in no later than July 15th so that I can have time to read them before the summer comes to a close and we begin our ministry in the fall!

Also for those that are in confirmation, we are going to begin our confirmation program on August 15th where Pastor David and I will host our confirmation orientation. With this in mind, I have sent out a confirmation letter with our schedule of confirmation dates.

If you did not get a copy of the student profile, parent profile, or confirmation letter and schedule please let me know and I will get you a copy!

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministries

Youth Workshops
It’s coming sooner than you think, but what a great way for us to talk about our vision for our youth ministry over a warm stack of pancakes! Meet at IHOP on Beltway 8 close to Fairmont Parkway at 8:00 am - 10:00 am with nothing more than you and your experience (and money for pancakes!). after our IHOP experience come join us for worship at 11:00 am. Below are the dates and topics of discussions. This is an open event for our youth and families at Peace. Hope to see ya’ll there!

a. July 18- Junior High/Confirmation
b. July 25- Senior High Ministry
c. August 1- Young Adult Ministry
d. August 8- Wrap Up- Year Plan

Junior High and Senior High Groups:
With school out, what are you doing with all that extra time on your hands? Why not come to our Jr. High and Sr. High to our youth groups where we will have fun fellowship this summer while trying to stay cool in the Houston heat. For Jr. High youth group, we will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 6 pm - 7 pm (dates below) and Sr. High we will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00- 8:30pm! There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page! Here are the dates of this summer’s activities.

1. Jr. High Youth Group: July 18- Water War!
                                      August 8- Camping at Church!?

2. Sr. High Youth Group: July 7- What does it mean to proclaim?
                                       July 21- Who are we to serve?

3. Jr. High and Senior High: (7:00-8:30 pm) August 18- Back To School, Peace style!

Young Adults (18 to 26 Years Old)
Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

a. July 10, Buffalo Wild Wings
b. July 24, 31- TBD (after July 10 meeting)
c. August 7, 14- TBD (after June 26 meeting)

Tuesday Peace Family Night
I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin board for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. However you do have the choice to deny the invitation. This can be a home meal or out to eat, I will leave that up to you. By the time after our Fourth of July celebration, I will begin calling our families here and schedule a time that we can spend this time together. I look forward to meeting everyone in our community.

Sr. High Church Lock-In
This is an event you do not want to miss! For us to build community together, why not live together for four days and 3 nights! Each day we will come together in community through fellowship together, worship, and study on what it means to be a “Contagious Christian”. All days will be spent at Peace, but we will be going out into our community doing ministry. On the last day we will spend the day at Schlitterbahn Water Park in Galveston. If you are able to only come to one night, its okay, you can come for that night! Right now we are in the stages of developing this events and I am looking for people who would like to be a part of this event. So be ready for more information as the summer goes!

When: August 1 at 5:00 pm till August 5 at 5:00 pm
Where: Peace Lutheran Church
How much: (TBD by July 5)

Pasadena Community Ministry Food Drive
Sunday is our monthly Food Drive for Pasadena Community Ministries. Please place your donations in the cabinets in the hallway by the Fellowship Hall. Of course, monetary donations are always accepted. Please make your checks out to Peace Lutheran Church and in the memo section write “PCM”.

The PCM Food Drive is still putting a big PUSH on collecting cereal, peanut butter and jelly as well as other packaged and canned goods. Their needs are growing daily.

The Clothing Collection will continue with play clothes for all. However we will collect all seasons as PCM now has a donated storage building that they can store off season clothing. We have collection boxes under the large table in the Narthex. They also need outgrown Pasadena and Deer Park school uniforms.

Join Us for Vacation Bible School
July 25-29 is VBS time at Peace. Food, fun and fellowship will be enjoyed by all ages. Invite a friend and come enjoy a HIGH SEAS ADVENTURE! Each night starts with a light meal at 6:00 pm and classes begin at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. We hope to see a record attendance this year.

Crew leaders and all types of helpers are needed to make this another successful year. Anyone interested in volunteering can sign up on the VBS bulletin board or contact Jennifer Sanders at 281-993-5793 or Julie Shaw at 281-479-9828. There will be two VBS workdays at church: on July 17 and July 24 from 9:00 am to noon. Thanks in advance for your continued support of this program.

We are also in need of empty paper towel rolls for crafts, please donate to a box in the narthex.

Pre-registration forms are available on the VBS bulletin board in the narthex. Please fill out and place in the basket on the table, or you can pre-register online at

25th Anniversary of Ordination
On Sunday, July 25th, Family of Christ Lutheran Church in Imperial, MO. will celebrate the 25th anniversary of ordination of their Pastor, Lisa Hackler. This celebration coincides with the 20th birthday of their congregation.

The congregation is preparing a SURPRISE memory book for Pastor Lisa and would appreciate special memories, funny stories, pictures, anything to share how much Pastor Lisa has touched your lives. This information can either be sent to Christina Boyster, 6533 Pauline Ct. Barnhart, MO 63012 or send an email to They would appreciate receiving your letters by July 21st.

50+ Bus Trips
July 12 - National Museum of Funeral History (they have added new exhibits since we were there) and lunch at the Potato Patch (which is a treat in itself - they throw rolls, muffins, etc. and you catch)

July 23 – Play: “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”, tickets-$6.00

Call Virginia, 281-487-4961 or Judy, 281-470-0407 if you want to join us.

Remember: If you are signed up for a trip and won't be able to go, please call Virginia or Judy and let them know as we have people on waiting lists for our trips that would like to have your spot.

The church office will be closed on Monday.

Have a safe July 4th weekend!