Thursday, July 28, 2011

For Sunday, July 31, 2011
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website
If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

Sunday’s Events

For Ages 2 years thru 5th Grade
Also an Adult Class led by Pastor Galen
6:00-8:30 PM
Light dinner served at 6:00 pm

Join us for Family Night on August 5th at 6:00 pm.

Adult VBS – “Met By Jesus”
Adults are invited to join Pastor Galen in an adult Bible class during VBS. In the week we are together we will not only share in the fun and excitement of Vacation Bible School, for our study time we will read the Gospel of John and talk about those who were encountered by Jesus - people like Nicodemus, the woman at the well, Martha and Mary and their brother Lazarus, Mary Magdalene and Peter, and others. Jesus said, "I have came that you might have life abundantly." As we are encountered by Jesus he also promises that we will share in his life abundantly.

A Message from Pastor Galen
In Sunday's Gospel reading we will hear the wonderful story of Jesus feeding the crowd of 5,000. We get a glimpse of Jesus' own sorrow over the death of his cousin, John the Baptist. And when crowds continued to press in on him he does not withdraw from them, but draws closer in compassion and heals many people. When it was evening his disciples wanted to send the crowd away because there is nothing to eat in that place, but Jesus says, "You give them something to eat!" It is not enough for us to pray to God to end world hunger. Our Lord says to us, "You give them something to eat." We learn that, whether it’s feeding the hungry and funding the ministries of the church, that when we bring our offering to the Lord, that a little in the hands of Jesus goes a long way.

Vacation Bible School begins Sunday evening. I will be leading a Bible study all week for adults. We will meet the people Jesus encountered in the Gospel of John.

"Come and See!"
Pastor Galen

Pastoral Concerns
Pauline Baker – Jacinto City Healthcare
Judy Roese - Tuscany Village Nursing Home
Alice Parker – Paramount Rehab, Pasadena
Mike Seich – The Pointe – Webster, TX
Dale Taggart – M.D. Anderson
Jason Elliott – Cancer Treatment

Storm Preparedness
Tropical Storm Don is slowly making its way to the Texas coast. So far it looks like it won’t be a problem for our area, but just in case it should turn, we’re asking for volunteers to help secure the church building if need be. If you can help, please call the church office.

Church Pictorial Directories Available
If you had your picture taken for the church directory and have not picked up your copy of the directory you can find it in the box on the Parish Life table (next to the chapel). Extra copies are also available (only 1 per family, please).

Summer Sunday School Now
This summer we’re introducing our “Summer Movies” themed Summer school. We have had some great discussions and worships based on pirates, super heroes, and Harry Potter! During the 9:45 Sunday School hour, youth and children will lead our summer school where we will have a family worship with fun lessons, special activities, and themes to the movies coming out this summer. We are looking for adults and youth interested in helping out too. If you would like to help out, please talk to Ben Remmert, Jennifer Sanders, or Julie Shaw.

Take Time To Be Careful Of…
Your thoughts,
For they become your words.
Your words,
For they become your actions.
Your actions,
For they become your habits.
Your habits,
For they become your character.
Your character,
For they become your life.
“Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps
if you are not willing to move your feet.”

“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” Matthew 12:36

Remember in Prayer… The Call Committee and the Pastor the Lord is preparing for service at Peace, Church Council, Pastor Galen, Ben Remmert, Lay Leaders and Office Staff. Also pray for one another.
The Call Committee Prayer Team

Bethel Bible Study
The Old Testament consists of three series of seven lessons each. We will begin on September 11th at 6:00 pm. We will do the first series of seven lessons and then break for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will return on Jan. 8, 2012 and do seven lessons then take a week break and come back for the last seven lessons. The cost is $50.00 for all three sessions which can be paid out $20.00 the first session and $15.00 for the last two to be paid at the beginning of each session. Interested? A sign up sheet is located on the table in the narthex. If you have any further questions, please contact Geri Warren. 281-479-3875.

Stewardship Nugget…
The following story comes from Herb Miller’s book “Stewardship Nuggets” (BINGDON PRESS, 1999). What does God call each of us to do?

God’s Primary Competition
“One thinks of idols only in terms of wooden or stone statues, but the gods that compete with the one true God are far more subtle and are familiar to us all. How about patriotism, or career, sex or power; but above all, how about money! Nothing is as likely to challenge God for supreme devotion in our culture. [Jesus’ statement that] ‘You cannot serve God and Mammon,’ does not mean that one cannot have money and serve God, but that one cannot serve money and serve God.

“One of the joys of parenthood is to provide just the right plaything and see a child totally absorbed in it. But to see an adult equally absorbed in material assets is a deeply disturbing experience.

“Archbishop Helda Camerea working among the poor of Brazil, seeking justice and fair play in a jungle of self-seeking, concludes, ‘I used to think when I was a young priest that Christ had exaggerated when he warned about the dangers of wealth. Today I know better. I know how hard it is to be rich and still possess the milk of human kindness. Money has a dangerous way of putting scales on our eyes, a dangerous way of freezing our hands, eyes, lips and hearts.’

‘Most of us in North America do not need more things to enjoy, but more time to enjoy what we have. We need even more to find the depth of joy in sharing what we have. When giving yields more pain than pleasure then we are in trouble spiritually.

“Dr. Karl Minninger, dealing with a wealthy patient, asked, ‘What are you going to do with all your money?’ The patient answred, ‘Just worry about it, I suppose.’ Menninger pursued the matter, ‘Do you get pleasure out of worrying?’ “no,” the man replied, ‘But it’s better than the terror I feel when I think of giving it away.’ Menninger’s conclusion was interesting. ‘Difficulty in giving is a symptom of illness. Generous people are rarely emotionally ill.’ In his own language, Menninger is repeating Jesus’ teaching.” [56 Devotions On Short Notice, Robert A. Wallace]

Lutheran World Relief School Kits
It is time to begin collecting School Kits for Lutheran World Relief. Retailers are now stocking these items. Please refer to the following list when shopping for school supplies.

Spiral Notebooks - 8"x10" wide or college ruled
Blunt Scissors
Pencil Sharpeners
#2 Pencils with erasers
Crayons - 16 or 24 count
Ballpoint Pens (no Gel-Ink) New Item

Copies of this list can be found on the Women’s table in the Narthex. Please prayerfully consider making a contribution of school supplies for Lutheran World Relief.

Upcoming 50+ Bus Trip
Aug. 3 - Bayou Bend, the former home of Ima Hogg, which now houses the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston's early American decorative arts and painting collection. Considered one of the premier collections in the country, the rare and beautiful objects dating from 1620-1876 are installed throughout the 1920s mansion in 28 period room settings. There are numerous gardens on the estate that we'll visit. The gardens were created to be outdoor rooms for living and entertaining, not just views to be admired from within the house. Cost of the tour is $6.80 - $8.50 depending on the number of people going on the tour. We'll have lunch at Hickory Hollow. After lunch, we'll visit the Telephone Museum which celebrates an era when telephone communication sometimes relied on the caller's lung power and the words "Hello, Central" were on every lip. The museum covers the period in telephone history from 1876 to 1980. Bus will leave from Peace Lutheran parking lot at 8:45 a.m.

On August 20 reserve your spot as we travel to the Houston Astros Baseball Games. Game time is 6:05 pm, so departure times will be announced later so stay tuned to the weekly emails for this information. Cost is $7.00/person.

On September 1 we will be going to the Beaumont Botanical Garden to tour The Bert & Jack Binks Horticultural Center. (It is air conditioned.) There is a Japanese Garden, and the First Memorial Garden for the 9/11 disaster. Cost: $3.00 for the bus, and the Gardens are FREE. The bus departs Peace Lutheran Church at 8:00 am, arriving in Beaumont at 9:30 am.

If you are interested in going with us on any of these trips, please call Carol (281) 481-5202, Virginia (281) 487-4961 or Judy (281) 470-0407 to get your name on the list for these trips.

Sarah’s House
Sarah’s House is always in need of our help. They welcome non-perishable food items, clothing for women and children, paper products, personal hygiene items and household items. Any items you have may be left at the church in the baskets under the Parish Life table in the Narthex, or taken directly to Sarah’s House at 2210 Wichita, Pasadena. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to Sarah’s House.

Mark Your Calendars Ladies!!!
Please join the Women of Peace on Sunday, August 28th from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and bring a friend for another “Creating Chrismons” afternoon. We will have a light meal and spend time not only having fellowship but creating chrismons that will be used on our Christmas trees in the narthex and fellowship hall at Christmas time. This is an ongoing project for the women, and if anyone would like patterns or instructions on making these symbols of Christianity at home please contact one of the Women’s board members and we would be happy to help you.

What’s a Chrismon?
Chrismons are simple copies of symbols of Christianity from its earliest days; others are new explanations of God’s never-changing presence in our ever-changing world; and some are combinations of several elements, old and new. The symbols used represent a variety of biblical and theological concepts which represent the life and ministry of Jesus.

Gospel Concert: August 14 – 3-5 PM
Mark your calendars for a special Gospel Music Event here at Peace Lutheran Church on Sunday, August 14th at 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. This concert will feature The Joyful Noise Praise Team & Nickel Strings from Highlands United Methodist Church, plus our own Spirit of Peace Ensemble and the Handbell Choir. A freewill offering will be taken to benefit the Peace Lutheran Church Youth Group.

Krause Center, A Lutheran Social Services Home For Teens
We are still working on the journals for the teens at the Krause Center as well as collecting the travel toiletries. We will use the toiletries in gift bags for each of the kids. These will probably be sent in time for Christmas. We will need 30 plus fun socks for girls (ladies sizes) and 30 plus sport (low quarter) socks for boys, in men's sizes. Also needed are toothbrushes, chapsticks, decks of cards. These teens are limited on what they are allowed to have. We hope to make their holidays a little brighter. Please place donations under the Women of Peace table in the Narthex.

From the Youth Director
Our Gospel lesson is one of the best kno9wn miracles of Jesus’ ministry. I love the image of Jesus because it shows the love and care that Jesus has for us. When reading this story it is fascinating that Jesus is taking time for himself. We do not know why Jesus took this time to mourn his cousin, John. However, when Jesus was discovered, Jesus healed the sick and fed the people. Jesus takes the time to take care of us even through Jesus is in need to mourn his cousin. How much do we get caught up in our lives and we forget to take the time for families and our faith journey? So this week, take some time for yourself and your faith journey.

We had a great three weeks of Camp Hope here at Peace Lutheran Church and at New Life Lutheran Church. If you would like to see all the fun we had this week, please go to our facebook group to see all our pictures or stop by the Camp Hope bulletin board in the narthex! Thank you again to the children, the camp Hope staff, our prayer mentors, and our church for having the ministry!

Deep Leadership Meeting: Summer Vacation
Our leadership team is called “DEEP” because we are going to dive into our ministry together, head first. Our leadership team is on break for summer. Our next meeting will be on August 28th at 2:00 pm. We are looking for four more people to fill in our DEEP leadership team- 2 to represent Jr. High Ministries & 2 to represent Sr. High/ Young Adult Ministries. If you are interested please contact Ben Remmert.

Refuel Sr. High Youth Group Beginning On Wednesday August 24th at 7 pm
Do you need a time where you can leave your worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship and devotion? Then you should be ready for our revamped Sr. High youth group at Peace Lutheran Church where we have time to catch up on the week, come together to learn more about scripture through interactive devotions, and a time for fellowship and fun. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

Refuel Young Adults Group Beginning On Thursday August 25th at 7 pm!
Calling all young adults! This is a time for those that are in college, or in your late 20’s, when we will meet at a local restaurant where we can come together to check in on each other, spend some time discussing about faith, and establish a community together. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information as we get closer to the event!

For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

The New Sr. High Lutheran Youth
Youth and Family Workshop- August 14th at 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
It’s our time to come together as we share our hopes and dreams of our youth and family ministry here t Peace, to learn about youth today and what their faith is telling us about our church, and a time to come together to develop tools for faith formation in our congregation. This is a time to learn and engage ourselves as we do ministry with our families here at Peace Lutheran church. We will have lunch, which will cost $5.00, and hear reports from our elementary, junior high and senior high students on the Corpus Christi Trip, Lutherhill, Disciple Project, and other Camp Hope ministries. If you have any other questions, please contact Ben Remmert.

Welcome Back to School Youth Lock-In- August 20-21
Junior High and Senior High youth, this is an event you do not want to miss! For us to build community together, why not spend the night at the church and have some fun going bowling. The lock-in begins at 6:00 PM where there will be fellowship, worship, games, and so much more. This is also a night to welcome our new freshmen and 6th graders into youth group. Cost will be $25 dollars to cover food, activities, and transportation. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Elementary Trip to Moody Gardens, August 27th At 11:00-3:00
Why not relive our VBS experience and go to the Moody Gardens and experience God’s creation in the Rain Forest pyramid. It’s a break from the routine of school for our elementary students (1st grade through 5th grade) and work so you do not want to miss out on this event. Cost is $15 and bring your own lunch. Please contact Ben Remmert for more questions.

Confirmation 2011-2012
It’s coming sooner than you think. Beginning on August 21st, we will have our parent and student orientation to share our dream for our confirmation program and what to expect this year. This year we are going to learn about the Old Testament, Gospel, and New Testament stories through songs, worship, prayer, and interactive activities (because we know you get lectured too much already at schools and work). So if you have a youth that is in 6th-8th grade be sure to come on August 21st at 6:00 pm were we can register you for the year. On August 28th we will begin our time together exploring our Christian heritage and learning how to proclaim the Christian faith with our voice! Also I am looking for people who are called to be passionate leaders and mentors for our youth. We have a blessed congregation full of leaders and we need your help in teaching and nurturing our youth and families in exploring their faith.

Blessing Our Students, Teachers and Backpacks: August
School is just around the corner! So at all three services on August 21st, we are going to bless our students as they begin another milestone in their lives and we will also bless our teachers who continue to nurture and guide our children and youth in their education of the world and of their faith. So we are asking students to bring your backpacks to service.

Rally Day: August 28
Mark your calendars for August 28th at 9:45 am for our Rally Day celebration. On that day we will introduce our Sunday school teachers and also have a time in the fellowship hall where we can share stories of our summer! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ben Remmert.

Women of the ELCA Convention: September 16 - 18, 2011
“BELIEVE AND BOLDLY BEAR WITNESS” our Bible verses are “I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life” John 6:47 and “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved… Acts 16:31.

The convention will be held at the Columbia Lakes Resort and Convention Center in West Columbia, Texas (188 Freeman Blvd.) The ladies at St. John Lutheran Church in Angleton, Texas are excited that you will be coming to their neighborhood. This will be a three day convention. Just what you have been waiting for, so invite your sisters, mothers, daughters and friends. No hotel rooms… Cottages nestled under large Live Oak trees. There are four meals included in your package. Friday night meal will be on your own. There is a Country House but reservations are required. Please let your registrar know so she can make your reservation for you.

It will be an exciting three day event filled with “Fantastic Speakers”. We are pleased to announce our speaker Karen Porter, author of “I’ll Bring the Chocolate” will be joining us. Convention Chaplain Rev. Sue Beall. “Fun Workshops”, Jane Seaman discussing Imagine Image Consultancy, “take control of your image and build self –confidence” … Lana Clement leading Bible study from “Beth Moore” series “Believing God”, and St. John women on“Creating Chrismons”.

Physical Offering: BEARS!!! Bring new or gently used clean ones. They must be in mint condition. These bears will go to the local Police and Fire departments and given out to comfort small children.
CONVENTION OFFERING: Will benefit Military MOM and WIVES of Brazoria County and CWO.

Country Store!! Please Bring Your Pre-Priced Items Friday Early!! Suggested pricing is between $5 – $25 dollars with suggested donation of (10) Hand Crafted items/Unit. Proceeds will go to New Life Children’s Center……. Shop Keeper is Colette Wunderlich.

Golf Tournament:
Contact Rev. Sue Beall: 9 Hole Golf Scramble on Friday, September 16th. Cost $35.00 per person & shot gun start 1:00 p.m.

Deana Fuchs: /
CO-CHAIR: Kim Holle:

Forms are in The Scroll and online at Send completed form to: Kim Hegefeld, 514 That Way, #421, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. E-mail:

Friday, July 22, 2011

For Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website
If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

Sunday’s Events

CHURCH PICNIC/POTLUCK LUNCH following the 11:00 service.
We’ll have fun activities for the children to enjoy, including a water slide, plus a cake walk (fundraiser for the youth). So bring your family and friends and a dish to share and join the fun!

A Message from Pastor Galen
We are as wise as Solomon if we understand the teaching of Jesus. For Sunday, read ahead from Mathew 13:31-33, 44-52. The wisdom of faith we are given this Sunday is like a merchant in search of fine pearls and on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. One of those "pearls of great value" is our Second Reading for Sunday from Romans 8:26-39, where the Apostle Paul writes, "If God is for us, who is against us?" "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Also, I would like to invite you to join me at Vacation Bible School for an adult Bible class, July 31-August 5th, 6:00-8:30 pm. In the week we are together we will not only share in the fun and excitement of Vacation Bible School, for our study time we will read the Gospel of John and talk about those who were encountered by Jesus - people like Nicodemus, the woman at the well, Martha and Mary and their brother Lazarus, Mary Magdalene and Peter, and others. Jesus said, "I have came that you might have life abundantly." As we are encountered by Jesus he also promises that we will share in his life abundantly.

Pastor Galen Knutson

Pastoral Concerns
Pauline Baker – Jacinto City Healthcare
Judy Roese - Tuscany Village Nursing Home
Alice Parker – Paramount Rehab, Pasadena
Mike Seich – The Pointe – Webster, TX
Dale Taggart – M.D. Anderson
Mary Hughes – Recuperating at home following a fall.

Church Pictorial Directories Available
If you had your picture taken for the church directory and have not picked up your copy of the directory you can find it in the box on the Parish Life table (next to the chapel). Extra copies are also available (only 1 per family, please).

Summer Sunday School Now!
This summer we’re introducing our “Summer Movies” themed Summer school. We have had some great discussions and worships based on pirates, super heroes, and this Sunday is Harry Potter! During the 9:45 Sunday school hour, youth and children will lead our summer school in a family worship with fun lessons, special activities, and themes to the movies coming out this summer. We are looking for adults and youth interested in helping out too. If you would like to help out, please talk to Ben Remmert, Jennifer Sanders, or Julie Shaw.

Senior Citizen’s Day: July 27
Senior Citizen’s Day is the fourth Wednesday of every month from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. If you like to play cards, Mexican Train dominoes and “42” or Skip-Bo, bring a dish to share for lunch and a friend and join us on July 27th. For more information contact Ruth Meyer.

Sunday Undies
Again this year we are taking part in collecting SUNDAY UNDIES for Pasadena Community Ministries. These should be new items, especially in children's sizes. We will collect in July and August. Please place in the Brown Plastic container under the large Information table in the narthex. We are still collecting used, clean in-season clothing and gently worn shoes especially sneakers and sandals.

Food Collection is always ongoing, just as hunger does not go away. Please pick up an extra jar of peanut butter or jelly when at the grocery store.

Stewardship Nugget....
The following story comes from Herb Miller’s book “Stewardship Nuggets” (ABINGDON PRESS, 1999). What does God call each of us to do?

Dead Money
“In banking circles the term ‘dead money’ is used to describe the forgotten money on deposit in national banks. You would think that people who deposit money in the bank would certainly remember it, but that is not the case. National banks alone hold fifty million dollars in 2,329,678 accounts whose owners are never heard from....

“That is not the only kind of dead money. Excavations in the Mediterranean have turned up another tragic kind of money that has been ‘dead’ for centuries. In the fascinating book, Gods, Graves and Scholars, it tells of bodies uncovered at Pompeii with bony fingers still clutching gold and silver coins. Money that had been dead since the lava of Mt. Vesuvius covered it.

“In the religious view of life, there is another sort of dead money—that which is never invested in human life. The Parable of the Talents speaks to this, of how one servant hid his money (made it dead), so to speak, and how two other wiser servants made their money come alive through investing it and were rewarded for their stewardship.” [The Christian Ministry, James Langley]

From the Call Committee Prayer Team
God’s gift to us is light in the darkness. Jesus is “the light that shines in the darkness” (John 1:5). God makes us alight with the Spirit and with the work that the Spirit is doing through us—work that glorifies God.

Think About…How is Peace Lutheran a light to the community? Think about ways to make Peace a “light set on a hill” for the sake of those who are still in the darkness. Think about how you can help.
Prayer …
Lord God Most High, set us on fire with your Spirit so that we might be aglow with the gift of life and hope that you offer in Jesus Christ. In the dark world in which we live, set us as a light for all to see, a hope for all to hold, a way for all to follow. In the name of the coming Christ. Amen.

Remember in Prayer… The Call Committee and the Pastor the Lord is preparing for service at Peace, Church Council, Pastor Galen, Ben Remmert, Lay Leaders and Office Staff. Also pray for one another.

The Call Committee thanks you for your continued support and prayers.
Peace Lutheran Call Committee

Bethel Bible Study
The Old Testament consists of three series of seven lessons each. We will begin on September 11th at 6:00 pm. We will do the first series of seven lessons and then break for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will return on Jan. 8, 2012 and do seven lessons then take a week break and come back for the last seven lessons. The cost is $50.00 for all three sessions which can be paid out $20.00 the first session and $15.00 for the last two to be paid at the beginning of each session. Interested? A sign up sheet is located on the table in the narthex. If you have any further questions, please contact Geri Warren. 281-479-3875.

Lutheran World Relief School Kits
It is time to begin collecting School Kits for Lutheran World Relief. Retailers are now stocking these items. Please refer to the following list when shopping for school supplies.

Spiral Notebooks - 8"x10" wide or college ruled
Blunt Scissors
Pencil Sharpeners
#2 Pencils with erasers
Crayons - 16 or 24 count
Ballpoint Pens (no Gel-Ink) New Item

Copies of this list can be found on the Women’s table in the Narthex. Please prayerfully consider making a contribution of school supplies for Lutheran World Relief.

Upcoming 50+ Bus Trip
Aug. 3 - Bayou Bend, the former home of Ima Hogg, which now houses the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston's early American decorative arts and painting collection. Considered one of the premier collections in the country, the rare and beautiful objects dating from 1620-1876 are installed throughout the 1920s mansion in 28 period room settings. There are numerous gardens on the estate that we'll visit. The gardens were created to be outdoor rooms for living and entertaining, not just views to be admired from within the house. Cost of the tour is $6.80 - $8.50 depending on the number of people going on the tour. We'll have lunch at Hickory Hollow. After lunch, we'll visit the Telephone Museum which celebrates an era when telephone communication sometimes relied on the caller's lung power and the words "Hello, Central" were on every lip. The museum covers the period in telephone history from 1876 to 1980. Bus will leave from Peace Lutheran parking lot at 8:45 a.m.

On August 20 reserve your spot as we travel to the Houston Astros Baseball Games. Game time is 6:05 pm, so departure times will be announced later so stay tuned to the weekly emails for this information. Cost is $7.00/person.

On September 1 we will be going to the Beaumont Botanical Garden to tour The Bert & Jack Binks Horticultural Center. (It is air conditioned.) There is a Japanese Garden, and the First Memorial Garden for the 9/11 disaster. Cost: $3.00 for the bus, and the Gardens are FREE. The bus departs Peace Lutheran Church at 8:00 am, arriving in Beaumont at 9:30 am.

If you are interested in going with us on any of these trips, please call Carol (281) 481-5202, Virginia (281) 487-4961 or Judy (281) 470-0407 to get your name on the list for these trips.

Mark Your Calendars Ladies!!!
Please join the Women of Peace on Sunday, August 28th from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and bring a friend for another “Creating Chrismons” afternoon. We will have a light meal and spend time not only having fellowship but creating chrismons that will be used on our Christmas trees in the narthex and fellowship hall at Christmas time. This is an ongoing project for the women, and if anyone would like patterns or instructions on making these symbols of Christianity at home please contact one of the Women’s board members and we would be happy to help you.

What’s A Chrismon?
Chrismons are simple copies of symbols of Christianity from its earliest days; others are new explanations of God’s never-changing presence in our ever-changing world; and some are combinations of several elements, old and new. The symbols used represent a variety of biblical and theological concepts which represent the life and ministry of Jesus.

Gospel Concert: August 14 – 3-5 PM
Mark your calendars for a special Gospel Music Event here at Peace Lutheran Church on Sunday, August 14th at 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. This concert will feature The Joyful Noise Praise Team & Nickel Strings from Highlands United Methodist Church, plus our own Spirit of Peace Ensemble and the Handbell Choir. A freewill offering will be taken to benefit the Peace Lutheran Church Youth Group.

Krause Center, A Lutheran Social Services Home For Teens
We are still working on the journals for the teens at the Krause Center as well as collecting the travel toiletries. We will use the toiletries in gift bags for each of the kids. These will probably be sent in time for Christmas. We will need 30 plus fun socks for girls (ladies sizes) and 30 plus sport (low quarter) socks for boys, in men's sizes. Also needed are toothbrushes, chapsticks, decks of cards. These teens are limited on what they are allowed to have. We hope to make their holidays a little brighter. Please place donations under the Women of Peace table in the Narthex.

From the Youth Director
The parable of the mustard seed is one of my favorite stories of Jesus. Not because I love mustard (which I do), but the fact of the matter is the image of the power of the Kingdom of Heaven and in our scripture today, I love the different images of the Kingdom of Heaven. The parables speak of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ, giving us new life and an open relationship with God. What a great message for us in this day and age as we live in a world of brokenness. Take this time this week to focus on your relationship with God.

We had a great week of Camp Hope here at Peace Lutheran Church, if you would like to see all the fun we had this week, please go to our facebook group to see all our pictures or stop by the Camp Hope bulletin board in the narthex!
God Bless,
Ben Remmert, AiM

Deep Leadership Meeting: Summer Vacation
Our leadership team is called “DEEP” because we are going to dive into our ministry together, head first. Our leadership team is on break for summer. Our next meeting will be on August 28th at 2:00 pm. We are looking for four more people to fill in our DEEP leadership team- 2 to represent Jr. High Ministries & 2 to represent Sr. High/ Young Adult Ministries. If you are interested please contact Ben Remmert.

Refuel Sr. High Youth Group Beginning On Wednesday August 24th at 7 PM
Do you need a time where you can leave your worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship and devotion? Then you should be ready for our revamped Sr. High youth group at Peace Lutheran Church where we have time to catch up on the week, come together to learn more about scripture through interactive devotions, and a time for fellowship and fun. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

Refuel Young Adults Group Beginning On Thursday August 25th at 7 PM!
Calling all young adults! This is a time for those that are in college, or in your late 20’s, when we will meet at a local restaurant where we can come together to check in on each other, spend some time discussing about faith, and establish a community together. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information as we get closer to the event!

Vacation Bible School: 2011- Pandamania – July 31 – August 5
It’s a wild celebration of God's unconditional love! At PandaMania VBS, our kids (From ages 2-5th grade) will discover that God has a purpose and a plan for everyone and that he crafted each of us with his own loving hands. Make sure to check out our VBS board in the narthex for more up to date information as we move closer to our event! If you would like to register online, here is the link: Join us here on August 5th for Family Night at 6:00 pm.

Also, adults are invited to join Pastor Galen in an adult Bible class during VBS. In the week we are together we will not only share in the fun and excitement of Vacation Bible School, for our study time we will read the Gospel of John and talk about those who were encountered by Jesus - people like Nicodemus, the woman at the well, Martha and Mary and their brother Lazarus, Mary Magdalene and Peter, and others. Jesus said, "I have came that you might have life abundantly." As we are encountered by Jesus he also promises that we will share in his life abundantly.

For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Vacation Bible School Volunteers Sign Ups
This is a great opportunity to get to know our children and see how God is working through our children. We are in need of 10 group leaders to walk through the day with the kids. If you feel that you are called to help as a volunteer or mentor, please go to our VBS signs in the narthex to sign up. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

VBS Donations
We are in the process of collecting supplies for this important summer ministry. If you feel so called to, we are asking for supplies such as markers, crayons, paper, scissors, rules, and other classroom supplies to help our staff. If you have items, please place them under the narthex table in the purple container. For more questions, please contact Ben Remmert.

The New Sr. High Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO): The Zone
Youth that are currently in 8th grade through 11th grade are invited to be part of our synod’s youth leadership team. This is an opportunity for our high school students to practice their faith in Jesus together while increasing their leadership skills, study scripture, and grow as disciples. This is a one year commitment from June to June. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Youth & Family Workshop - August 14th At 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
It’s our time to come together as we share our hopes and dreams of our youth and family ministry here at Peace, to learn about youth today and what their faith is telling us about our church, and a time to come together to develop tools for faith formation in our congregation. This is a time to learn and engage ourselves as we do ministry with our families here at Peace Lutheran Church. We will have lunch which will cost $5 and hear reports from our elementary, junior, and senior high students on the Corpus Christi Trip, Lutherhill, Disciple Project, and other Camp Hope ministries. If you have any other questions, please contact Ben Remmert.

Welcome Back to School Youth Lock-In- August 20-21
Junior High and Senior High youth, this is an event you do not want to miss! For us to build community together, why not spend the night at the church and have some fun going bowling. The lock-in begins at 6:00 PM where there will be fellowship, worship, games, and so much more. This is also a night to welcome our new freshmen and 6th graders into youth group. Cost will be $25 dollars to cover food, activities, and transportation. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Elementary Trip to Moody Gardens, August 27th at 11:00 AM -3:00 PM
Why not relive our VBS experience and go to the Moody Gardens and experience God’s creation in the Rain Forest pyramid. It’s a break from the routine of school for our elementary students (1st grade through 5th grade) and work so you do not want to miss out on this event. Cost is $15 and bring your own lunch. Please contact Ben Remmert for more questions.

Confirmation 2011-2012
It’s coming sooner than you think. Beginning on August 21st, we will have our parent and student orientation to share our dream for our confirmation program and what to expect this year. This year we are going to learn about the Old Testament, Gospel, and New Testament stories through songs, worship, prayer, and interactive activities (because we know you get lectured too much already at schools and work). So if you have a youth that is in 6th-8th grade be sure to come on August 21st at 6:00 pm were we can register you for the year. On August 28th we will begin our time together exploring our Christian heritage and learning how to proclaim the Christian faith with our voice! Also I am looking for people who are called to be passionate leaders and mentors for our youth. We have a blessed congregation full of leaders and we need your help in teaching and nurturing our youth and families in exploring their faith.

Blessing Our Students, Teachers And Backpacks: August 21
School is just around the corner! So at all three services on August 21st, we are going to bless our students as they begin another milestone in their lives and we will also bless our teachers who continue to nurture and guide our children and youth in their education of the world and of their faith. So we are asking students to bring your backpacks to service.

Rally Day: August 28
Mark your calendars for August 28th at 9:45 am for our Rally Day celebration. On that day we will introduce our Sunday school teachers and also have a time in the fellowship hall where we can share stories of our summer! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ben Remmert.

Women of the ELCA Convention: September 16 - 18, 2011
“BELIEVE AND BOLDLY BEAR WITNESS” our Bible verses are “I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life” John 6:47 and “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved… Acts 16:31.

The convention will be held at the Columbia Lakes Resort and Convention Center in West Columbia, Texas (188 Freeman Blvd.) The ladies at St. John Lutheran Church in Angleton, Texas are excited that you will be coming to their neighborhood. This will be a three day convention. Just what you have been waiting for, so invite your sisters, mothers, daughters and friends. No hotel rooms… Cottages nestled under large Live Oak trees. There are four meals included in your package. Friday night meal will be on your own. There is a Country House but reservations are required. Please let your registrar know so she can make your reservation for you.

It will be an exciting three day event filled with “Fantastic Speakers”. We are pleased to announce our speaker Karen Porter, author of “I’ll Bring the Chocolate” will be joining us. Convention Chaplain Rev. Sue Beall. “Fun Workshops”, Jane Seaman discussing Imagine Image Consultancy, “take control of your image and build self –confidence” … Lana Clement leading Bible study from “Beth Moore” series “Believing God”, and St. John women on “Creating Chrismons”.

Physical Offering: BEARS!!! Bring new or gently used clean ones. They must be in mint condition. These bears will go to the local Police and Fire departments and given out to comfort small children.
CONVENTION OFFERING: Will benefit Military MOM and WIVES of Brazoria County and CWO.

Country Store!! Please Bring Your Pre-Priced Items Friday Early!! Suggested pricing is between $5 – $25 dollars with suggested donation of (10) Hand Crafted items/Unit. Proceeds will go to New Life Children’s Center……. Shop Keeper is Colette Wunderlich.

Golf Tournament:
Contact Rev. Sue Beall: 9 Hole Golf Scramble on Friday, September 16th. Cost $35.00 per person & shot gun start 1:00 p.m.

Deana Fuchs: /
CO-CHAIR: Kim Holle:

Forms are in The Scroll and online at Send completed form to: Kim Hegefeld,
514 That Way, #421, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. E-mail: