Thursday, January 20, 2011

For Sunday, January 23, 2011

Third Sunday After Epiphany

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

Sunday's Events

Sunday's Sermon
My sermon title is "God's Great Call". I will be preaching about how our identity as followers of Jesus comes from God calling us and choosing us to be heralds of God's reign. We are here not by our choice, but because of God's choice. This sense of call is what sustains us through tough trials.

Lunch bunch will be gathering at The Fish Place located at 1105 Clear Lake City Blvd, Houston at 11:00am to 1:00 pm.

Other News................
The new picture directory pictures are being taken. Be sure to remember your appointment.

NO Wednesday Bible study this week because I will be attending the annual Theological Conference for rostered leaders of our synod. I will be returning Wednesday afternoon.

Pastoral Care Notes

Gene Hobbs: Methodist
Gay Meyer: Methodist

Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer

Our Christian sympathy to Donna & Linden Goehring on the recent death of Donna’s mother, Joyce Drascula. Also to Ann Nicholson on the death of her sister-in-law, Jesse Hassell on January 19th.

See you on Sunday!
Pastor Tart

From the Treasurer
End of 2010 Preliminary Financial Numbers:

Actual Income $503,260 Estimated Income $555,000

Actual Expenses $552,622 Budgeted Expenses $555,000

Our actual income was 91% of our goal for the year.
Our actual expenses came in $2,378 less than our budgeted expenses.
We have an end of year deficit of ($49,361).

End of 2010 Preliminary Expense Breakdown:

                                   YTD Actual                   YTD Budget               Difference

Salaries                       $239,035                       $270,005                   (30,970)
Admin                         $41,757                         $32,547                     9,209
Mortgage                    $145,824                       $145,824                   0
Insurance                    $20,949                         $22,400                     (1,451)
Utilities                       $39,421                         $36,900                     2,521
Property                     $46,223                         $32,100                     14,123
Education                   $4,608                           $2,000                       2,608
Evangelism                 $0                                  $250                          (250)
Parish Life                  $800                              $750                          50
Steward                     $2,801                           $2,000                       801
Worship                     $7,489                           $4,000                       3,489
Music                        $0                                  $500                          (500)
Youth                        $685                              $600                          85

General Operating Fund deposits for January 2011.
1-2-11 $9,506
1-9-11 $6,726
1-16-11 $9,720

To meet our budgeted income, we need $10,193 a week.
Total income for January so far is $25,952 which is $4,627 under our goal.

From The Youth Director
Some of you may not know, but one of my personal year goals is morning and evening devotionals everyday. I am in my third week in the program, I found comfort in my January 11th devotion dedicated to uncertainty; How can you be sure of when faced with the unknown? It’s a hard question as we all go through times of uncertainty. When we are faced with the unknown, we must keep doing what we know we are called to do: love others, worship God, obey God’s word, and work on strengthening our relationship with others and God. Scripture says that God does not reveal everything about God’s will for us, but he does reveal love. For God promises us, “I know the plans I have for you they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). With this hope and future, we can trust God with each step we take together.

God Bless,
Ben Remmert

Calling Sr. High and Young Adults: Need help with Recycling Program
We pick up papers from residents from Waterford Retirement Community in Deer Park. We collect these papers and put them in our receptacles, which raises money for our youth and family programs, but also to help our environment. We need weekly pick ups. This is not hard work, and it’s an amazing opportunity to reach out to Waterford, raise money, and help serve God’s creation. You may even leave with cookies, candy, and other goodies. We need help, Sr. High and Young Adults to pick up these papers. If you can volunteer, please contact Ben Remmert.

Sunday Refuge for Jr. & Sr. High @ 9:45 am- Sunday School ReVamp!
Are you ready for a new experience? Are you needing a time to be amongst people your age? With the new year, we at Peace are looking at our Sunday School program and we are wanting this time to be a place of Refuge for you to explore your faith while having a blast doing it! This will not be your typical Sunday School class you have experienced in the past. There will be food, games and activities, and time to listen to the gospel in a new light. Bring a friend!

Camp Hope Paid Staff Applications are out!
Camp Hope is an opportunity for our Jr. High and Sr. High to lead in a 3 week day camp where we teach the good news of Christ through games, worship, interactive story telling, snacks, crafts, expressive arts, and service. It’s an opportunity for Peace to be a part of one of the most successful outreach and youth leadership program our synod offers to our youth and families. If you are a young adult, Sr. High, or Jr. High, we have applications out for staff. For paid staff positions are on Feb. 27th. Camper Registration will begin in February 6th.

Sr. High Dinner and a Movie: Feb. 18th @ 6 pm
Sign up by TODAY! As we have finished our services of Gnome Removal services, we are going to extend an olive branch to our gnome friends and go and see the movie Gnomeo and Juliet. We will meet here at Peace for fellowship, then go out and eat dinner together, and finally end our adventure at AMC to see the movie that is about our gnome friends. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board. Cost is going to be $15 for the movie and dinner. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

“Lord’s Prayer” Milestone: TODAY at 11 am Worship
Our 2nd graders discovered the power and purpose of prayer. We learned about how prayer is our connection to God, but it’s our way of communicating to God. Last week we discovered the different methods of prayer and different spiritual practices around the world. So today, we, as a congregation, are going to honor our children who are going through this milestone. Here are the children we are going to honor today in our 11 am worship:

Charlie Beck, Kyle Gregory, Ariana Gonzales, Justin Higgins, Adrienne Lambert Matthew Loredo Nagham Mashraqi, Bethaney Pettit, John Rydlund, Kyla Scott, Savannah Swick, Ben Tillis, Kayelyn Turner & Haley Wilkerson.

If you are planning on going to Lutherhill this summer, we need you to sign up as soon as possible. Spots are filling fast and we need a good head count so we can put down our deposit. Remember that if you are in 1st-5th grade, we are going to Lutherhill on August 7th-12th, 2011 and 6th-8th are going to Lutherhill on June 19th-24th. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board by Feb. 13th so we can hold your spot. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

Sports Ministry Meeting- Coming Soon Softball!
Every third Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm, we will meet at Peace Lutheran for some time to come together and discuss about league opportunities in the area. We are about to begin looking into spring leagues so this would be the time to come to join our new ministry or if you express an interest in this ministry. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Parent Huddle Time and DEEP Leadership Meeting: NEW DEVOTIONAL!
Our leadership team is called “DEEP” because we are going to dive into our ministry together, head first. This is again a time for us to come together to gather and share the vision of Peace Lutheran’s ministry but also a time for our leaders to come together for devotion and have some discussions about passing on the faith to our youth. We are going to begin our times together discussing about the research done on the spiritual lives of American youth by Kendra Dean in Almost Christian. Kendra Dean has made some new discoveries that can help us grow in our ministry. So if you are interested in becoming a leader in our youth and family committee, please contact Ben Remmert.

Family Meal Nights with the Youth Director!
Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I have been here for 6 months and I am still committed to meeting all our families here at Peace Lutheran. I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Youth Group Mall Scavenger Hunt!- Feb. 25th at 6 pm
What’s better than getting Jr. High and Sr. High together for some fun? Doing it in the mall! That’s right, we are going to have a Mall Scavenger Hunt! We are going to have some fun while learning more about American Christianity and how consumerism influences our views on how we proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and we will finish our time together with a time of service to our community. We are going to eat at the mall food court so bring money for your meal!

The “Souper Bowl” is February 6th!
Most people know that the Super Bowl is coming, but whether or not you like football, there’s a more important “bowl” going on. The Souper Bowl is taking place across the country as churches donate dollars and non-perishable foods to fight against hunger. We are a part of this “Souper Bowl” too! All food and cash proceeds will go to the Pasadena Community Ministries as they continue to fight hunger and provide a vital ministry to our area. Help us tackle hunger! Please bring a check, cash or non-perishable goods to church with you on Sunday, February 6th.

Jr. High, Sr. High, and Youth Group: Oh My!
It’s the beginning of the year for 2011 and we want to start it off with a bang and with that we are going to try a new schedule which our youth have suggested. This is a time where we are going to build on our community through fellowship, prayer, devotion, and a meal together as a group. We are wanting this to be an engaging time for our youth so the more the better! Here is the schedule for our youth groups for 2011.

Jr. High- Sundays at 5 pm- 6pm
Sr. High- Sundays at 4 pm- 6 pm
Young Adults- Wednesdays at 7 pm-8:30 pm

“Relationships” Milestone: Feb. 6 at 9:45 am & Feb. 13th at 11 am Worship
Relationships & Dating. In junior high, our students are beginning to understand the importance of relationships in our lives. This milestone is to help our youth understand relationships as God’s good gift, that we will regard our bodies as houses for the Holy Spirit, learn to communicate openly about important issues, and mark this as an important time of growth and maturity with education and affirmation. We will have our classroom instruction on Feb. 6th at 9:45 am and our worship blessing on Feb. 13th at the 11 am service. For more information please contact Ben Remmert.

Paper/Cardboard Recycling Bins
Help the YOUTH of Peace by bringing your Paper/Cardboard recycling with you to church on Sundays and dump in the Recycle Bins at the back of the parking lot off the Fellowship Hall. All the monies received from this recycle project goes to the Youth Fund.

Help Needed
Did you know that it takes about 30 volunteers on Sunday mornings to assist in our three worship services? We are in need of more men and women volunteers to prepare communion on Sunday mornings at all three services, as well as Assisting Ministers, Lectors, Acolytes, Crucifers and Ushers.

Please prayerfully consider volunteering in one of these positions. The sign-up sheets for worship assistants are on the bulletin board in the narthex. Training is available. For more information contact Monica Clark at (281) 991-7151.

Thank you to all of our faithful volunteers. You are so appreciated.
Monica Clark, Worship Coordinator

Welcome New Members
Today we welcome the following new members into the family of Peace Lutheran Church. Please be sure to introduce yourself to them after the service: Thomas & Estelle Lewis & their son, Dylan (Transferred from Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Houston, TX); and Tally & Trent Perez & their children, Parker & Sofia (Transferred from Kinsmen Lutheran Church, Houston, TX).

Sarah's House
Your items for Sarah's House may be placed in the baskets under the Parish Life table. They are in need of the following items:

Non-perishable food items, including
canned meats, tuna, spam etc
Cleaning products
Paper products
Feminine Hygiene products

Sarah's House provides shelter for women and their children who are in need. They are a non-profit organization and depend on donations from the community. They are not supported by Pasadena Ministries. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to Sarah's House.

50+ Bus Trip
As many of you know, the San Antonio Trip did not take place, but it is being replaced on February 2nd with a trip to the BUTLER LONGHORN MUSEUM.

The Butler Longhorn Museum is located in League City, Texas and is a unique cultural attraction displaying western art, music and Longhorn artifacts and Texas Historical items. This museum is the first of its kind and is expected to be included in the Guinness Book of Records for the world's largest longhorn history collection.

Cost associated with this trip as follows:
• The cost of the BUS is $3.00 the bus will leave Peace Church Parking Lot at 9 am
• Cost of Museum is $3.00
• Lunch will be at the Cafe Under the Oaks Restaurant – (Cost of lunch is on your own)
• We will also possibly do a little shopping at the many shops located in League City

If you have any questions, please Call Virginia, 281-487-4961 or Judy, 281-470-0407 if you want to reserve a seat.

Lutheran World Relief Health Kits
65 School Kits were assembled by our Sunday School children last Sunday during Sunday School. Our children also helped to collect supplies this fall. Many thanks to all for your help, and job well done.

Collection of Health Kits continues. Delivery for Kits and Quilts is scheduled for the Monday after Easter. If you need a list of items required for Health Kits, one is provided on the Women’s table in the narthex.

Just a reminder to save your cancelled. Please place your stamps in the box on the Women’s table in the narthex.

Have a blessed day.

Lutheran World Relief Stamp Program
Please continue to save your cancelled stamps for World Relief. The canceled stamp program is an important ministry of the overall World Relief Program providing funding used to defer shipping costs for kits and quilts. Please remove the stamps from your Christmas Cards and other mail, then place them in the basket in the Narthex marked Lutheran World Relief.

A Call To Arms
Now is the time we need to put on our Armor of God and rally together for the well being of Peace Lutheran.

I would like to thank all who came to the council meeting Thursday and listened to what Bishop Rhinehart had to tell us. I would like all to prayerfully consider their commitment to Peace Lutheran and what they can do to help during this period of growth and change we are going to be going through.

There are two committees we need to form immediately and are looking for volunteers (or someone you feel would work in the best interests of our congregation). The first is a prayer group committed to praying for the well being of Peace Lutheran and our continued success in growth of our church family and the closeness we all share, as well as praying for the right pastor to answer our call. The second committee we need to fill is that of the call committee. Please, please, please prayerfully consider serving on one of these committees. And please contact Mary King (281) 961-1112, any of the council members, or Bernie at the office (281) 487-1635.

Looking To Donate Your Unwanted Items? Consider Bethesda!
Then and Now Resale at 3330 FM 528 in Friendswood, TX is willing to accept gently used household goods to stock the store. Items such as clothing, small kitchen appliances, furniture, and knickknacks are always appreciated. Proceeds from the sale of these items support the ministry of Bethesda Lutheran Communities, which enhances the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions, please call the store manager, Joan Bente, at (281) 482-2565.

Creative Hands Ministry
Join us on Monday, January 31st, 6:30 pm. We will make journals to share and you will have time to make one for yourself or a gift. Bring a black and white composition book (non spiral). If you don't have one or can’t find one we will have several extras, ($2.00) everything else will be furnished. We will meet in the Conference Room upstairs. Please park in back and use the north door and take the elevator up. This is open to all and ALL ARE WELCOME.

Please continue to save the used ink and toner cartridges. There is box provided on the WOP table in the narthex (also a basket under the table for large cartridges). The rebates we get back from recycling these help offset our cardstock, ink and paper expenses that the Creative Hands use for projects.

Pasadena Community Ministries
Souper Bowl Sunday is coming soon and the food collection has begun. I am challenging each group and organization in the church to fill a bag. Thanks to the Pasadena Garden Club who has already filled and donated a box of food. Just think if each Sunday School class, each group, WOP, and Men's group and all others brought one can of food we will have a van load. Put on, in or beside the cabinets in the hallway between narthex and Fellowship Hall. We will deliver the Tuesday after Super Bowl.

Warm clothing and new underwear, is needed, especially children's, please place in the brown container under the large table in the narthex. We will deliver to PCM as we get a box full.

Friday, January 7, 2011

For Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baptism of Our Lord

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events
Welcome back to Pastor Tart & Kathryn who return from a well deserved, relaxing vacation!
Ben Remmert will give the sermon on Sunday morning.

Pastoral Care Notes
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer
Don Cochran recuperating at home following back surgery
Ruth Schmidt – Hermann Hospital
Ann Hogstrom - Nursing Home
Our Christian sympathy to Joann Hutton on the death of her mother, Zelma Tackett on January 6th.

December Financial Update
General Operating Fund deposits for December.

12-05-10 $14,772.50
12-12-10 $10,314.50
12-19-10 $8,546.50
12-24,26-10 $16,760.50

To meet our budgeted income, we need $10,673 a week.

Overview of actual vs. estimated income for 2010:

                                    Actual                Estimated
January                        $44,549             $53,365 (five Sundays)
February                      $41,879             $42,692
March                          $41,563             $42,692
April                            $42,517             $42,692
May                            $46,769             $53,365 (five Sundays)
June                            $37,266             $42,692
July                             $33,056             $42,692
August                        $46,006             $53,365 (five Sundays)
September                  $34,486             $42,692
October                      $43,601             $53,365 (five Sundays)
November                  $34,779             $42,692
December                  $50,394              $42,692

From the Youth Director
The winter break is over so it’s back to school and work. Back to the same routine as last year…or is it? Take this time to reevaluate your routine. Do you not get enough sleep? Do you watch too much of Jersey Shore on MTV? Are you on the internet for more than 4 hours a day? Well this is the time for you to see how your life can reflect that of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am not saying that we all need to live exactly like Jesus Christ (because it is impossible), but look at how Jesus lived for others.

Thank you for also letting me preach on today’s reading. I love this Sunday’s gospel lesson because we are able to see where our ministry is originated from, our baptism. Praise God for the gifts of baptism and Christian mission and ministry.

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministry

Gnome Removal and Infestation Sr. High Fundraiser- THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Thank you to everyone that helped out with our Sr. High Fundraiser. We have raised over $500 dollars for our Sr. High Summer Trip! I will have pictures of our adventures on our gnome table and feel free to take any of the photos there on the table. Thank you again and be ready for more information on other Sr. High ministry opportunities.

Camp Hope Camp Manager and Staff Applications Are Out!
You may have seen the bulletin board with the carnival themed decorations and wondered what that is all about? Camp Hope is an opportunity for our Jr. High and Sr. High to lead in a 3 week day camp where we teach the good news of Christ through games, worship, interactive story telling, snacks, crafts, expressive arts, and service. It’s an opportunity for Peace to be a part of one of the most successful outreach and youth leadership program our synod offers to our youth and families. If you are a young adult, Sr. High, or Jr. High, we have applications out for staff. For Camp Manager, your due date is Jan. 16th and staff is on Feb. 27th.

Sr. High Gathering at Lutherhill!: Feb. 18th-20th
Lutherhill is opening its doors to all our Sr. High students in our synod to come for the weekend to worship, meet new people all over Texas/Louisiana, small group discussions, polar bear swimming, s’mores, an ultimate frisbee tournament and so much more. The cost of the event is $160 which includes registration, meals for the weekend, and transportation there. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. High and Sr. High Graffiti Service- January 22nd, 10 am – 2 pm
I am asking for some help to repaint the barn outside in the field. Supplies will be provided by the church, but we ask that you bring a sack lunch and to wear clothing that you do not mind getting dirty, a white shirt to paint on. After we repaint the barn, then we are going to have our Graffiti party where we are going to paint all over our white shirts. If the weather turns bad, we will repaint the junior high room. For more questions, please contact Ben Remmert.

“Lord’s Prayer” Milestone Coming Up: Jan. 16th at 9:45 am and Jan. 23rd at 11 am
ITS COMING UP!!! Our next milestone is for our 2nd graders where we are going to talk about the Lord’s Prayer and the importance of this prayer in the lives of Christians. This is also a time where we will discuss about the different methods of prayer and different spiritual practices around the world. This is an event for the parents as well so make sure to mark your calendar for Jan.16th at 9:45 am for the classroom instruction and Jan. 23rd at 11 am to be recognized and blessed (with a special gift to remember this milestone). For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Summer Lutherhill- Please Sign Up!
If you are planning on going to Lutherhill this summer, we need you to sign up as soon as possible. Spots are filling fast and we need a good head count so we can put down our deposit. Remember that if you are in 1st-5th grade, we are going to Lutherhill on August 7th-12th, 2011 and 6th-8th are going to Lutherhill on June 19th-24th. Sign Ups are on the youth and family bulletin board. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

Sports Ministry Meetings- Coming Soon Softball!
Every third Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm, we will meet at Peace Lutheran for some time to come together and discuss about league opportunities in the area. We are about to begin looking into spring leagues so this would be the time to come to join our new ministry, or if you express an interest in this ministry. Plan to join us next Sunday. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Parent Huddle Time and DEEP Leadership Meeting: January 20th at 7 pm.
We just met to discuss about Camp Hope and other opportunities to gather together, proclaim the word, and serve our communities. Our leadership team is called “DEEP” because we are going to dive into our ministry together, head first. This is again a time for us to come together to gather and share the vision of Peace Lutheran’s ministry but also a time for our leaders to come together for devotion and have some discussions about passing on the faith to our youth. We are reevaluating new times to meet so if you are interested, please let Ben Remmert know of which day of the week and time works best for you and we will let everyone know asap.

Family Meal Nights with the Youth Director!
Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I have been here for 6 months and I am still committed to meeting all our families here at Peace Lutheran. I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For more information, please contact Ben Remmert.

Youth Group Mall Scavenger Hunt!- Feb. 25th at 6:00 pm
What’s better than getting Jr. High and Sr. High together for some fun? Doing it in the mall! That’s right, we are going to have a Mall Scavenger Hunt! We are going to have some fun while learning more about American Christianity and how consumerism influences our views on how we proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and we will finish our time together with a time of service to our community. We are going to eat at the mall food court so bring money for your meal!

Jr. High, Sr. High, and Youth Group: Oh My!
It’s the beginning of the year for 2011 and we want to start it off with a bang and with that we are going to try a new schedule which our youth have suggested. This is a time where we are going to build on our community through fellowship, prayer, devotion, and a meal together as a group. We are wanting this to be an engaging time for our youth so the more the better! Here is the schedule for our youth groups for 2011.

Jr. High- Sundays at 5 pm- 6pm
Sr. High- Sundays at 4 pm- 6 pm
Young Adults- Wednesdays at 7 pm-8:30 pm

A Message from the Director of Administration
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas & I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. We all know with a new year comes changes, so I am here to give you a heads up on a few of the changes we will be implementing January 1, 2011.

In working with the Finance Committee I have been charged with keeping up with the spending in all areas of the 2011 Budget in a desperate attempt to keep our expenses under control as well as finding various ways to save money.

With that being said… effective January 1, 2011 all supply orders that you and/or your committee/group need MUST be submitted in writing to me. I will then shop the item and order for you. This ONLY pertains to items that your group/committee would turn in a receipt for reimbursement for. If items for the Kitchen or any other common area need to be purchased, please bring this information to me so I can take care of it and make sure that the budget supports this need.

In observing the many needs of the Church, I am going to be organizing the Committees as outlined in the Constitution, Bylaws and Policy and Procedures of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church. I ask EACH OF YOU as a member Peace to join my TEAM & ask where might I be a good fit to give of my time & talents to my Congregation. I know everyone is busy, have jobs, families & other things to do, but remember I need you as well. If you are currently serving on a committee, please call me so I can add you name to my master list. Remember… Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry. ~Author Unknown

I am also trying to get a handle on all of the keys to the church facility. If you have a key to the Church, please stop by my office and complete the form that we need to keep on file for insurance purposes. It is very important that I get this task taken care of as soon as possible.

Background checks are required to be renewed every 2 years. Please stop by my office to obtain the form that must be completed in order for me to submit for completion of this process. This is another requirement for insurance purposes.

I have begun my spring-cleaning and organization process. I have started in the Copier Room; so please if you remove something from any of the cabinets and/or drawers, please make sure to return the item to its proper place.

If your group/committee has a storage closet within the facility, please contact me so we can set up a time to work together on getting your storage location identified, cleaned and organized. While touring the facility during our annual fire inspection it was brought to my attention that some of the closets are fire hazards and must be cleaned up for safety purposes.

We have secured a new Janitorial Service (Accredited Building Services) that begins January 15th ~ Due to Budget constraints we have cut the service to Three (3) days a week instead of five (5) therefore, I again ask that when your group is preparing to leave the facility to please empty the coffee pot and leave it clean for those that follow your group and to please wipe down the cabinets and rinse the sinks so there is NO food or drink residue left. It is also most important that you empty the Trash receptacle and place in the dumpster to prevent any odor and/or bugs. Remember the cleaner we keep it the less likely we are going to have BUGS creep in.

We have also secured a new Lawn Service (Texas Lawn and Sprinkler) that will also take over services January 1st.

If there are any issues you notice with either of these new vendors, please let me know so I can alert my contacts in order to get the issues resolved.

We have had several complaints regarding the Heating and Air Conditioning with it either being too cold or too hot at various times of the year…. We have contacted All Points so many times that the money that we are supposed to be saving with the new Thermostats we have eaten up in service calls to have them check to make sure the units are operating properly…. Each time they respond we get the same response…. The units are working properly and the temperatures registering are as they are supposed to be and we need to remember that Electric Heat is NOT the same as Gas Heat in that it takes a while (3-4 hours) for the room to heat and/or cool. With that being said, we are going to have to adjust our schedules to ensure that the lights are turned on at the necessary times in order that the rooms cool/heat properly for your comfort.

Just a reminder, I am a NOTARY and offer my services to you. I will NOT be charging a FEE for my services but welcome any donations. Any donations received will go to the Peace Lutheran Church Good Samaritan Fund

I am a Pampered Chef Consultant and have been actively hosting Fundraising Shows for various groups like Jeanette Williams Foundation for Children’s Cancer Research & Special Projects, and Relay for Life. I would like to extend this offer to all Groups of Peace. We can either Host a Cooking Show where I actually prepare a specific dish and dessert or we can do a catalog show where everyone simply takes orders. Pampered Chef will donate 15% of the Show totals to the Organization. I am also learning and perfecting my Pampered Chef BINGO shows – this is also a great fundraiser. If anyone group is interested in having a fundraiser like this, please contact me so we can discuss.

As the year progresses I am sure you will be hearing more from me in my endeavors to get more acclimated and organized. If you have any questions regarding any of the above-mentioned information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am here to help each and every group and member of Peace, so please do not hesitate to stop in, call or email me with any situation you feel needs attention.

Have a blessed day!
Bernie Anderson

New Member Inquiry Luncheon on Sunday
If you have been visiting our church and would like more information about Peace, you are invited to attend a New Member Inquiry Luncheon which will be held on Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. At this orientation you will have the opportunity to learn about who we are, what we do and what we are asking you to do with us here at Peace Lutheran. Call Judy in the church office if you plan to attend.

Adult Games Night
Bring a snack to share and come join us for an adult evening of fellowship, games, food and a lot of fun on Friday, January 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions, please call Ruth Meyer.

Creative Hands
Hello all. The old year is behind us and now on to getting settled in to making cards and other exciting projects. We will meet upstairs for the following:

Monday, January 10 at 9:30 am – “Carding” -Preparing cards for shut in's and Krause Center Friends.

Monday, January 10 at 6:30 pm - "It is Out of the Bag" - This was a favorite class in the past. You will need to bring a white or off white tote bag (colored totes don't work well with this project). We will furnish the soft gel, brushes and napkins needed to complete this project. I will try to have a few extra totes to purchase for those that might need one. There are no painting skills required. This is an easy fun project and is open to any age level.

Monday, January 31 at 6:30 pm – “Journal for Sharing". We will make 7 journals to share for Valentines Day. However if you want to make one of your own and help with the share books, you may bring a black and white non spiral composition book. There will be a small fee for trims, papers, ribbons and embellishments ( no more than $2.00) I will try to have extra composition books on hand in case you can't find one or need an extra.

Creative Hands has been asked to do the Blessings again for the ELCA retreat in September. We will set times to work on the blessings once we have the theme. We will do 2 different blessings for 2 meals for approximately 150 people (total 300). Watch for more information later. We hope to have these completed before summer.

Jany and Sherri

Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Pastor Tart’s Wednesday Morning Study is studying Paul's Letter to the Galatians. We will begin again on January 12th, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Bring a friend. Everyone is welcome!

Pasadena Community Ministries
Many thanks to all who continue to donate food and clothing for our work with PCM. Please place the clothing in the brown container under the large table in the narthex and place the food on or in the cabinet in the hallway between the narthex and Fellowship hall. We will continue the cereal; peanut butter and jelly drive also. Keep in mind, Fall/Winter generally brings cooler weather and the hot soups and warm foods will be in higher demand.

Lutheran World Relief Health Kits
Please prayerfully consider donating one or more of the following items and help a refugee maintain good health.

One kit consists of:
Hand Towel - Dark Color
Wash Cloths - Dark Color
Bath Size Bar of Soap
Wide Tooth Comb
Band Aids
Nail File or Nail Clippers with Nail File
(Please no Emery Boards)
One Adult Toothbrush in original packaging
(Please no Toothpaste)

Look for the collection basket in the Narthex marked Lutheran World Relief.

See you on Sunday!