Monday, March 30, 2009

For Sunday March 29

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at  Contribute Online.   Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.


Facebook invitation

Be sure to check out the Peace Lutheran Facebook. It’s a great way to stay in touch with your church friends and it’s a lot of fun.  You need a Facebook account to become a “friend of Peace”. Just do a search on Facebook and you will find us.


Sunday Events

This Sunday the title of my sermon is “Greeks (not geeks ha ha) at the Door”. The story from John is a group of Greeks wanting to see Jesus at the festival of the Passover. This scene is very startling because the Greeks at the time were enemies of the Jews. They had been responsible for the desecration of their temple during a long reign of terror.  Why did they want to come and would they be accepted?  Jesus then goes into his great words about a single grain being planted in the soil so that it might bear much fruit. By going to the cross and buried in death on the cross, his love and his great compassion for the world bears the fruit of the beloved community where all are accepted  and where all can come to the party.  We at Peace are the fruit of the death of Cross and we gather to be the community where all can know of his great love.


We will also be celebrating the baptism of the daughter of David and Donna Greif,  Erin Michelle,  at the 9:45 service.  She is also the granddaughter of Jerry and Mavis Greif.  Mavis’ brother, Rev. Danny Koenig, will do the baptism. At the 11:00 service we will welcome David & Regina Hayek and Rebecca & Katelyn Turner into the family of Peace.

Last Wednesday Lent Service

11:45am – Lunch, 12:30pm - Worship

6:00pm – Soup Supper, 7:00pm - Worship

We have one more Wednesday Lent service, so this is your last chance if you haven’t attended any. We have had good attendance and the food has been great. Thanks to all who have brought soups and stews.  If you would like to bring a pot of soup for Wednesday night, contact Jennifer Sanders or the church office. 


Pony Express Fundraiser, April 19 at 10:30 Sunday School at 9:00, Bar-b-que Roundup Afterward (Be sure to dress in western wear on the 19th!)

Pony Express Fundraiser and Bar-b-que cookoff is going well. We still would like to have a few more teams. Please stop by and sign up on the board.  We are going to have pony rides for the children and other games for both adults and youth.


The saddlebags will be passed from home to home and we ask people to give prayerful consideration to give an estimate of what they will give to the property outreach fundraiser for a playground, new sign, and technology for the sanctuary and narthex. Please pass the bag to the next person on the list in the bag and if they are not home make a note and pass it to the next person. We have 36 routes made up of people in your surrounding area.


April 19 Bar-b-que tickets

We are asking people to buy a ticket so that we can estimate how many are coming. The cost is $5.00 for adults,  $3.00 for children under 13 and free for those under 5.  Tickets are in the narthex and we are using the honor system. Just put your money in the box and pick up your tickets. You can also call the church office.


Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday – Sunday of the Passion, April 5

            8:30, 9:45, 11:00 am  Procession of palms at all three services. We will also have congregation reading of the passion according to Mark.


No Wednesday Seder Meal


Maundy Thursday, April 9  12:30 and 7:00pm  Both services have communion. Foot washing will be at the 7:00 service only. Stripping of the altar will be at both services. Spirit of Peace will serve the music ministry at the 7:00pm service.


Good Friday, April 10

7:00pm Special Tenebrae service with a combined choir of La Porte Methodist and Peace. They have prepared some wonderful music from Handel’s Messiah. We will also have special musicians.


Easter  Saturday, April 11

            10am Easter Egg hunt and flowering of the cross. Have children bring flowers.


Easter Sunday, April 12 No Sunday School, but we will have the Word for Children Program at 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 services

            6:45am Easter Sunrise Service outdoors with communion

            7:30-8:30 Easter Breakfast

            8:30 Easter Festival Service

            9:45 Easter Festival Service

            11:00 Easter Festival Service


Pastoral Care Notes 

Congratulations to Lyndall and Tracey Baker and their families on the birth of Kaylee on March 25. She weighed 7.8oz.  Proud grandmother is Gwen Taylor.

Congratulations to Andy and Natalie Blair and Trenton and their families on the birth of Nathaniel on March 18. Proud grandparents are Robert and Joann Blair.

Sympathy to the family of Louis Nicholson, husband of Ann Nicholson, who passed away on March 18th. A memorial service will be held on Monday, March 30th at 7:00 pm here at Peace. 

See you Sunday!

Pastor Tart


30 Hour Famine Today

Our Sr. Hi Youth will be fasting for 30 hours straight and participating in a Lock-In at Kinsmen Lutheran Church tonight and tomorrow to raise awareness for World Hunger. Please keep them in your prayers and ask them to tell their stories on Sunday morning! It’s not too late to give money to help fight World Hunger. Thank you for all your support!



With our Holy Week services soon upon us we are in desperate need of people to help as readers, ushers, crucifers and acolytes. Please stop by the sign up in the narthex to participate.



We are in the process of updating our membership information and would like your help. Please stop by the table in the narthex and check to make sure that your family information is correct. If you have moved or changed your phone number you can also call Lin Peterson.



If you would like to donate a lily to be used for our Easter services, please be sure to write your name on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Lilies should be brought to the church during Holy Week, and can be taken home following the 11:00 worship service on Easter Sunday.



Our Peace Lutheran Sanctuary Choir is combining with the choir of La Porte United Methodist to present a Lenten Cantata at both churches. We will be singing the Passion portion of Handel’s “Messiah” with organ, string quartet and soloists from our choirs. On Palm Sunday evening, April 5th, we will present the cantata at First United Methodist of La Porte (time to be determined). On Good Friday, April 10th, we will present the cantata at Peace Lutheran as part of our Tenebrae service at 7:00 p.m. Mark your calendar now to experience this moving music and worship during Holy Week.



On April 2nd, we're going to Old Town Spring for a day of shopping and fun.  Bus will leave Peace parking lot at 9:00 a.m.  Call Sharon, 281-489-9790, or Virginia, 281-487-4961 if you would like to go on this trip.



These crosses will be used to adorn the walls of our chapel. Crosses may be given in memory of a special someone. They may be given because they have a special story. They may be given because they are different, interesting, or unique. Crosses can be made from all kinds of materials, shapes and sizes. Please write a brief history, story or special meaning about the crosses and place them on the altar in the chapel. If you have questions please contact Ruth Petty or Carolyn Calley.


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