Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weekly Email for the 3rd Sunday after Easter, April 26,

To all the baptized and followers of the Risen One, Jesus Christ:

Sunday Events

What a great Sunday we had this past week! I enjoyed myself along with a packed church. The food, the games and fellowship was wonderful. Thanks to all who made it possible.

The saddlebags have begun their routes and I hope they are well received. This is not putting pressure on anyone, but discovering what everyone intends to give to this appeal to improve our congregation’s outreach. We also want members to get to know each other better and hopefully this passing of the bags will build connections.

The title of my sermon for this coming Sunday is “Easter Chickens” and will be about how the news of Christ resurrection makes us all different.

Opportunities for Service to Others

Care Team for Cindy and Sam Smith

One is for Cindy and Sam Smith. Cindy is waiting for a liver transplant and they could benefit from a “Care Team” that would help with errands, driving her to the doctor, visiting her, cooking a few meals or whatever their needs dictate. I have one person who has already agreed to help with driving. If you are interested in being a part of this team let me know.

Godly Play Ministry

Alycia Miller, one of our members, is interested in forming “Godly Play at Peace” Group that provides opportunities for families with young children ages 6 months to 5 years to play with their children and other parents and their children. There will also be Christian storytelling and crafts. It looks to be a lot of fun. The ministry is still in the birthing stage and if you would like to be a part of it, become a member of the Google Group at  The Google Group is a great means for online collaboration. We are now working on the charter and would benefit from your input.  You will need a Google account to become a member of the group.   You can use any email address to create the account.

Peace Property Workday

We will have a Peace Property Workday on Saturday, May 8 from 8:00am to 12:00pm to tackle some long overdue projects at Peace: mulching flower beds, cleaning carpets in hallways, closet cleanout and inventorying, power washing the sidewalks, cleaning baseboards and corners, cleaning kitchen, cleaning windows, repairing shed and the list keeps growing.  We have lots to do and think it would be fun working together at our church. This is a great way to give your time. Some maybe unable to give to the property improvement appeal and this is way for them to give their time instead. This is also for the whole family. We will begin signup to get the ball rolling this Sunday.

Worship Workshop This Sunday

We will have a Worship Workshop this Sunday after the 11:00 service. Lunch will be provided. We will be discussing some our Summer Worship plans, evaluating our current program, looking a proposal to do some sanctuary remodeling, starting banner purchasing program with money donated for this purpose and other items. It should be a lot of fun and worthwhile. We will be done by 3:00. Please come if you can.


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