Thursday, June 18, 2009

Weekly email for the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, June 21, 2009

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

My Fellow Members of the Body of Christ,

Sunday Events

Last Friday I was shocked by an improperly grounded electric dryer that pushed me against a wall while in a crouched position. This resulted in my herniating a disk in my lower back. I have been on bed rest and anti-inflamatories trying to get the pain under control. I have been to a doctor twice trying to do everything possible to speed up my recovery. What this means is that I will not be able to preside or preach this Sunday. I have asked David Booher to preach and Pastor Sjoberg to preside in my absence. I am grateful for their help. I thank Kenny Sanders for preaching and leading worship last Sunday on a short notice. By all accounts, he did great work. We are also thankful for Jan Woodard (see below) for managing the service and adapting to the sudden circumstance.

Fortunately, this accident has occurred during a time I was planning to be away anyway, so everything seems to be falling into place. I am hopeful I will be back to preaching on June 28. Everyone tells me that it just takes time.

This Sunday Nathaniel Blair, son of Andrew and Natalie Blair and brother to Trenton, will be baptized at the 8:30 service. We also congratulate his grandparents, Robert and Joann Blair and all of his loving family.

Co-Worship Coordinator

This past Sunday the congregation council voted to split the worship coordinator position into two positions. Jan Woodard will take on the hands-on management of our worship and participants and Robin Wilkerson will provide preparation and administrative support for our services. Splitting the position will keep the position from being too overwhelming for part-time work. We welcome Jan and already we can see the difference she is making on Sunday morning.

Pony Express

The pony express comes to an end this Wednesday. We will announce the total at next Sunday's worship. We have 6 bags declared lost and sent out letters explaining the situation and inviting participation. If you did not have an opportunity to participate, please contact the church office. Something unforseeable and unintended happened. We value every gift and prayer.

Now it is important that people follow up with their estimate of giving and contributions. Just mark your gift "Pony Express Fundraiser" or "Property Improvement Fundraiser".

Property Outreach Improvement Projects

The council voted to proceed with two of the projects by approving charters for the playground and the labyrinth. We will have a workshop for the playground project on Thursday, July 9 at 7:00pm at Peace. We will also have an online collaboration group for those who can not attend the workshop. This workshop is open to everyone who has interest in the playground. The council budgeted $35000 for the project. The charter includes scope, responsibilities, accountability and limitations.

We will have a workshop for the labyrinth of Tuesday, July 7 at 7:00pm. This workshop is open to everyone who has interest in the construction of this place for prayer and contemplation. This project will also have an online collaboration group for those who can not attend. It also has a charter.

October Preaching, Teaching Reaching Mission

Our council voted this past Sunday to proceed with a Preaching, Teaching and Reaching mission this October. A PTR is a 4 evening (Sun-Wed) event that features a meal, 30 minute preaching service with an outside speaker and a variety of 60-90 minute workshops. The intent of the PTR is to help Peace focus on our mission and ministry to the community. We have a charter that spells out the specific responsibilities and scope. We will have a workshop on Wednesday, July 8 at 7:00pm at Peace to work on this project. This workshop is open to anyone interested in growing our church with the Gospel and reaching out to our community. We are looking for gifts of organizing, publicity, meal serving and music. Come with your ideas. The council is providing leadership for this event.

July 12 One Worship at 10:30 With Meal and Water Games for The Youth

On Sunday, July 12, we will have one worship service with water games for the youth. We will not be having Sunday School. We will have our "Word for Children" program. After worship we will have a Mexican Fiesta with fajitas and the fixings. We invite everyone to wear Mexico, Central American and South American clothes. Also bring lawn chairs and swimming suits for the fun afterward. We will collect a free will offering to cover the costs. We had something like this last year with a lot of success.

Pastoral Care Notes

No one is the hospital or has experienced loss.

Carol Young will have knee replacement surgery on Monday, June 22nd, at Patients Hospital.

Baby Addison Buskirk’s problems seem to have resolved themselves, and he will undergo a few more tests.

Pastor Tart

Generation Change

Who of you that just graduated wants to be a millionaire? Sounds like a game show. How many of you that graduated recently want to be a millionaire? Why are you in school and/or working? How do you plan on preparing for the future (car/truck, housing, graduation, marriage, honeymoon, kids, etc.). Do you live at home? Do Mom and Dad wish you didn’t?

I remember asking myself these sorts of questions. And the answers to each of these usually revolved around or were limited due to money. Ramsey and his eldest daughter, Rachel Ramsey will lead us through 4 lessons dealing with self value, materialism, money, and the gift of giving. The cost for the class is $20.00. This pays for the resources and t-shirt. Let me know if you are interested. We will have this class on Sat. June 27, 2009 at 8:30 am.


Are you interested in not living from paycheck to paycheck? Do you know how you will send your kids to college? Do you know how you will retire? Would you like a simpler understanding of the various retirement plans and insurance? Do you really need that extended warranty? Is gold a good thing to buy during our economic situation? What does the Bible say about finances?

Do you have any of these questions? We will answer these questions and many more during our next Financial Peace University. We will begin our next class the week of September 20th. The day that we will actually meet is still up for discussion. Would Wednesday or Thursday work? At 13 weeks long the class will be cutting it close to the holidays. So, we might end up doubling up a couple of weeks or meet on a Saturday or something, so not to interfere with family holiday plans.

Let me know if you are interested. The kit for the class is normally $223.99, but the kit is now on sale for $109.00. So if you want to join us this fall, consider getting your kit now.

Total Money Makeover

Is there anyone interested in attending Dave Ramsey’s one day seminar on Sept. 19? This is a simulcast event that is being hosted across the nation. I would like to host it here at the church but, we have to commit to 25 tickets at $25.00 = $625.00. I feel that this is a wonderful ministry to host, especially given the times we are in and the times that are predicted with double digit unemployment and double digit inflation. Plus this would be a good kick off for FPU.

If you are interested in any of these events please contact me at the church or at ksanders@welcometopeace.comor or at (c) 281-733-1087.

Blood Pressure Screening Today

On the third Sunday of each month the Parish Nurses offer free blood pressure screening. They will be available on Sunday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Library. This is for all ages – children, too!

Godly Play Group at Peace

Looking for a Playgroup? The Godly Play Group at Peace is for young children and their parents to enjoy free playtime and fellowship in Christ. It is geared for infants to 5 year olds but siblings are always welcome. We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in June, July & August from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Bring a sack lunch and meet us in the nursery. What we do… usually we begin with free play time, have story and song time, then close with a coloring/art activity. We then move to the Fellowship Hall for prayer and lunch. This is a loosely structured play group where parents participate in play with their children. We welcome parents with infants for the fellowship! If you have any questions about this group, contact Alycia Miller at (281) 478-6070.

Purse Party Fundraiser for Women Of Peace: June 27th at 3:00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Ladies, come to the social event of the Summer – Elly Wells’ Purse Party – that will be held in the Fellowship Hall on June 27th. 20% of all proceeds goes to the Women of Peace. There is a large variety of interchangeable covers that will keep you in style all year long (even for the Holidays). Everyone is welcome to come. That perfect purse is waiting for you.

Girls’ Night Out: Friday, June 26th 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

It's time for Red White and Blue Bunko! Come honor the stars and stripes with food and dice. Cost is $5.00; last names A-L bring desserts and M-Z bring main dishes. Dress in your patriotic best. Let's stick with the
theme, hot dogs, apple pie, ice cream sundaes, etc. No need to bring firecrackers, sparks are sure to fly as we celebrate the 4th of July! A sign-up sheet is on the table in the narthex.

Teachers Needed

The children of Peace Lutheran are looking for a few good men and women to help teach God’s Word through Sunday School and Vacation Bible School!

Vacation Bible School is an excellent way to get involved with the education program at Peace if you have little time to contribute. This year our VBS program will be August 2-6, 6-8:30 pm. Teachers are only required to teach one night. Positions are available for teachers, crew leaders, craft leaders and helpers, music and general assistance. Please contact Julie Shaw if you are interested in assisting with our education programs.

Vacation Bible School

Come down to Crocodile Dock and join us for Vacation Bible School, August 2-6 from 6:00 pm to 8:30pm. At Crocodile Dock, kids will keep an eye out for “God in action” in their everyday lives and they’ll discover how they can be a God Sighting by showing Christ’s love. Check out the website Mark your calendars and get the kids excited about Vacation Bible School. See you there!

Return A Visit Bread Ministry

Hospitality is one of the great ministries of the church. By welcoming the stranger, we welcome Jesus. We have a return-a-visit bread ministry at Peace that involves taking a loaf of bread to those who have worshiped with us on Sunday for the first time. So far we have 8 pairs of members involved and are looking for 8 more pairs.

The time commitment is about 30 to 60 minutes after the 11:00 service. The procedure is that the pair of bread ministers collects the names of visitors, purchase the loaf of bread and then deliver the loaf of bread. The visit is not to last more than a few minutes. Elly Wells or Pastor Tart will train. This is a lot of fun and it’s amazing how appreciative people are for this extension of welcome. Contact Elly or Pastor Tart if you are interested.

Summer Sunday School

During the 9:45 Worship, teachers and youth volunteers lead a group, "Word for Children" session. All children are invited to gather in the Fellowship Hall during the 9:45 hour for a fun lesson and special activities. Families attending the 9:45 service can attend worship as usual, with their young children leaving after the Children's Sermon and returning during the Offering. We are always looking for more adults and youth interested in helping too. If you have an idea for a lesson, craft, game, song, or just want to be there and help, please contact David Booher or Julie Shaw.

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