Thursday, September 17, 2009

For Sunday, Sept 20

This Sunday's Events:

This Sunday we continue our journey with Jesus in Mark as he takes his disciple's through Galilee. Here he teaches them about his death on the cross and his rising from the tomb. He also teaches them about their identity as his followers. In particular, he teaches them that the community that gathers in his name will be known by service and hospitality.

This Sunday is our annual Women of Peace's "Thankoffering Sunday" and we invite all women to bring a financial offering to support our woman's organization. Women will be leading our worship and Sandee Page will be sharing a sermon.

We will also be presenting Bibles to our first graders at all services and enrolling our 2009-2010 confirmation class at the 11:00.

We will also have Blood Pressure Screening at 9am

After the 11:00 worship we will be having a Worship Workshop in the fellowship hall for everyone interested in the worship life of Peace. Our work list includes evaluating our current worship services and planning our Advent, Christmas and Epiphany liturgies. Please feel free to come. We will have a lunch and we should be done by 3:00.

Tuesday Evening Manna
I had my first Evening Manna broadcast and I enjoyed it. I am hoping that you will consider participating in this effort to utilize the internet to grow spiritually.

Evening Manna is a 20-30 minute live broadcast. In the program we look at the upcoming Sunday biblical texts and offer reflection and interaction with them. At the end of the program there is an opportunity to lift up prayer concerns. This will be each Tuesday. You will need your Bible with you.

Here is how it works: We will be using "BlogTV", a free online service. You can just view the broadcast or you can participate by live chat. All you have to do is click on the link. You will have to watch an advertisement in the beginning.
You can find the station either through the "Peace Connection" on our website or at DrDTart Station

BlogTV prohibits sexual exploitation and harassment. It is a world wide service so there are all types of people using this service. But just as with TV, you only have to listen and watch what you chose.

Please consider giving this a try. I know many of you have an evening ritual, but just make a note or set an alarm clock. After a while, I think you will find this a great little boast to your sense of God's peace and grace in your life.

Property Improvement Projects
The Playground team has two bids and is collecting a third. We should have a recommendation for council We have a Google Group if you are interested in joining the effort. Go to the Peace Homepage and click "Peace Groups".

The Sanctuary Improvement Project is still assembling bids to present to the council in September

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