Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lutherhill Confirmation: Day Two

Good morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Its morning of Day Three and we had a full day yesterday. Our group returned to Genesis where we learned about creation and how everything that God created is good. Our group had a busy day of learning how to make orange cake over a wood fire, did a service project of cleaning the tree chapel of weeds/trimming the leaves, learning about the new garden, and finally cooling off in the pool with some intense water polo and diving. Our all camp event last night was the Luau where the pool was open, water slide kickball was roaring, and an intense game of ultimate was going on in the field. Our group slept outside to see all the stars and constillations. We are beginning to feel tired, but that is why we have our turtle time (sabbath after/before lunch). So here is our video log of yesterday and stay tuned for more exciting stories of our expereince here at Lutherhill. God Bless!

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