Saturday, October 2, 2010

For the 19th Sunday After Pentecost

October 3, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events

Sunday's Sermon
This Sunday we will be hearing about faith and the faith of a mustard seed. See this online resource for more information. Text Week Jesus teaches us that faith and wishing are not the same thing. Instead, faith is about being obediently trusting of others. My sermon title is "Do What Has to Be Done".

Stone Soup Appeal
We will also be kicking off our 4 week stewardship appeal called "Stone Soup". Be sure to pick up your stewardship packet at church on the next two Sundays and return your "wish stone" and estimate of giving card on October 24. Read below for more information.

Once upon a time, somewhere in post-war Eastern Europe, there was a great famine in which people jealously hoarded whatever food they could find, hiding it even from their friends and neighbors. One day a wandering soldier came into a village and began asking questions as if he planned to stay for the night.

"There's not a bite to eat in the whole province," he was told. "Better keep moving on." "Oh, I have everything I need," he said. "In fact, I was thinking of making some stone soup to share with all of you." He pulled an iron cauldron from his wagon, filled it with water, and built a fire under it. Then, with great ceremony, he drew an ordinary-looking stone from a velvet bag and dropped it into the water.

By now, hearing the rumor of food, most of the villagers had come to the square or watched from their windows. As the soldier sniffed the "broth" and licked his lips in anticipation, hunger began to overcome their skepticism. "Ahh," the soldier said to himself rather loudly, "I do like a tasty stone soup. Of course, stone soup with cabbage -- that's hard to beat." Soon a villager approached hesitantly, holding a cabbage he'd retrieved from its hiding place, and added it to the pot. "Capital!" cried the soldier. "You know, I once had stone soup with cabbage and a bit of salt beef as well, and it was fit for a king." The village butcher managed to find some salt beef . . . and so it went, through potatoes, onions, carrots, mushrooms, and so on, until there was indeed a delicious meal for all. The villagers offered the soldier a great deal of money for the magic stone, but he refused to sell and traveled on the next day.

The moral is that by working together, with everyone contributing what they can, a greater good is achieved.

Is the “Stone Soup” story just an old fable or can it we use it at Peace Lutheran to guide our actions for 2011? As we journey into the coming year, we are faced with a lot of hurdles – a weak economy, declining membership, and stressful schedules. Sometimes, it seems like we take one step forward, but two steps back. What can anyone do to build and grow our Mission at Peace Lutheran Church?

The “Stone Soup” story shows us what can be accomplished with the combined efforts of “a village.” With the contributions of the village, no one went hungry; the people all came together to create a bounty “fit for a King.”

How do we create a “Bounty”? We all know the “King” – Jesus Christ has blessed us time and again with faith, friendship, love, and joy.

In October we will be exploring opportunities to build and grow our faith, express our love for each other and our community, and increase our joy in the gifts that we are freely given. During this month long journey, please prayerfully consider what God is calling Peace Lutheran Church to do in 2011, and please pray about what God may be calling you to give our faith family – not just financially, but also in terms of your time and your talents.

Our journey will continue to revisit the Stone Soup Story as we look at different ingredients that we can give to our “soup.” As we look at these areas, we ask you to consider adding your own “stone” – of Faith, of Love, of Joy. These “stones” are included in a packet to be distributed beginning Oct 3, and these stones will be added to our “Stone Soup Story” board. We are asking each person to write about some act of faith, love or joy that can bless our community. For instance, the joy of singing in worship or the love of bringing food to our food collection, or the faith in praying for those who are grieving. The more specific, the better. What is your gift that you would like to bring?

On October 24th, we will celebrate “Stone Soup” Sunday. Each family unit will have a packet with a estimate of giving card that can be turned in for 2011 Estimate of Giving. We have also included a “Wish Stone”. Make this your “Wish Stone” – what do you wish you could give to Peace Lutheran? How much time do you wish you could share with Peace in worship, learning, prayer, and service? If you could, how much financially would you like to give? Let’s see what we can do by building our own “Stone Soup”! No names will be written on the stones.

Also on Stone Soup Sunday, Oct 24, we will be making stone soup in the kitchen. Everyone is asked to bring a little something to go in the pots….vegetable, meat or starch, as part of their worship that day. We will have someone there to organize everything. We will then enjoy our soup in a meal after the 11:00 service.

If you cannot attend on the 24th or other Sundays you can mail in your stone, drop it by the office or bring it on the first Sundays in November.

Be sure to pick up your packet on October 3

Food Collection Sunday
Be sure to bring non-perishable items for our monthly collection for Pasadena Community Ministries. We will see that it is delivered.

My colleague, Pastor Brian Gigee of New Life Lutheran in Pearland is on sabbatical and wrote about his attendance at one of the large churches in Houston. I invite you to read it. He has some good words about baptism.

Other News..................

New Administrator Begins Monday, October 4th (changed due to complications of schedule).
We welcome Bernadette Anderson to our staff. We are excited about her addition to our ministry and look forward to her gifts. She will be working 30 hours per week with flexible scheduling due to our expectations.

Journeying Faithfully Together: Human Sexuality and the ELCA
It has been a year since our church voted to allow a congregation to call a minister who is in a same sex publicly accountable relationship. I know that people in our congregation and community have some lingering resentments because of this decision and think that the ELCA is losing a moral compass. I have heard this and I totally respect a person's right to have and share their feelings, opinions and thoughts. I don't think someone else has to be wrong in order for me to be right. I, however, hope and pray that our community will stay focused not on laws of conduct, but on the bigger question of how we might lift the burdens of others and invite them to live lives of dignity and grace. Say what you will about this decision, but it is obvious to me that allowing such ministers is lifting a burden off those who for many years struggled with accepting who they are and loving who they want. The decision is allowing congregations that dearly love their minister the freedom for him or her to serve them with the good gifts of the Gospel.

I am very saddened by those who seek to disassociate over this decision or any policy or social statement of the church. I think such a decision to separate or not support helps no one to grow. Thus, on Tuesdays at 7:00pm I am inviting all who struggle with this issue to come to Peace and join in weekly study of human sexuality that will include study of homosexuality and the ELCA policy. The approach to such issues is not polarization, but study, prayer, reflection and open minded dialog. We have about 10 of us who are meeting in the upstairs conference room.

Here are the downloads in preparation for the study.
This week we will be doing session 3 on Part One. This week is on parenting and the ending of a marriage

Talking Together As Christians about tough social issues
Journeying Faithfully Together: Part One, ELCA Studies on Sexuality
Journeying Faithfully Together: Part Two, The Church and Homosexuality

Thank You’s
Thanks to all who put on the worship leaders appreciation lunch. We have a great group of committed servants of God.

Thanks to Vernon Vanderford and Gene Hlavaty for mowing our back lot. And to Don Cochran for taking care of lighting issues. They are faithful servants.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study
The Wednesday Bible Study group meets at 10:00am. We have concluded our study of other religions and will begin a study of the book of Galatians. Everyone is welcome!

Pastoral Care Notes
Bill Cook: Memorial Hermann Burn Unit
James Carver: Bayshore Rehabilitation
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

We are having to replace the air conditioning unit in the first floor of the education building. Cost is roughly $18,000. Please consider increasing you gifts to cover this cost.

Plus, our offerings in September have been low. We need to all increase our offering so that our community may continue to engage in mission and ministry. Thank you!

General Operating Fund deposits for September 12th:
9-05-10 $10,895.50
9-12-10 $6,381.50
9-19-10 $5662.84

To meet our budgeted income, we need $10,673 a week.
Overview of actual vs. estimated income for 2010:

Actual                          Estimated
January $44,549          $53,365 (five Sundays)
February                      $41,879 $42,692
March                          $41,563 $42,692
April                            $42,518 $42,692
May $45,594               $53,365 (five Sundays)
June $36,092               $42,692
July $33,586                $42,692
August $42,457           $53,365 (five Sundays)

Designated deposits for January 3rd through September 12th:
Adult Education $70
Building Fund (Mortgage) $13,652
Building Maintenance $200
Building Rental Fee $50
Fair Trade Coffee $502
Good Samaritan $128
Habitat for Humanity $1,340
Haiti Relief Fund $1,390
Labyrinth $852.25
Loose Offering $6,343.17
Lutherhill Camp Registration $170
Memorial Fund $5,371
Office Supplies $30
Parish Life (free-will offering 4th July) $220
Pasadena Community Ministries $4,057.7
Pasadena Faith in Action $130
Pastor Discretionary Fund $250
Pony Express $660
Ruth Petty Kitchen Fund $1,490
Sheet Music $940
Souper Bowl $454.70
Sound System $7,005
Sunday School $340.65
Telephone Refund $174.40
TX/LA Gulf Coast Synod $5,800
Vacation Bible School $518
Wedding Deposit $550
World Hunger $170
Youth Expense/Confirmation $684.90
Youth Education/Concert $464
Youth Mission Trip $30

August Financial Numbers:
Actual Income $335,605             Estimated Income $370,000
Actual Expenses $368,670          Budgeted Expenses $370,000
Income vs. Expense ($33,065) deficit

YTD Expense Breakdown:
YTD Actual                           YTD Budget
Salaries $154,532                  $180,003
Administrative $30,363          $21,698
Mortgage $98,624                 $98,624
Insurance $16,928                 $14,933
Utilities $26,916                     $24,600
Property $28,213                   $21,400
Education $3,102                   $1,333
Parish Life $451                     $500
Stewardship $1,757               $1,333
Worship $6,264                     $2,667
Music $185                            $333
Youth $1,134                         $1,000

From The Youth Director
Fall is here, as I was in the office and the weather outside was not higher than 80 degrees! Its going to be an exciting couple of weeks as a group of us are going to the Renaissance Festival to remember our German heritage, our Sr. High are planning our first fundraiser for our summer trip, and Jr. High are planning their service with the Reformation Celebration. But as the cooler weather is coming, I thank God for all the resources and blessings that I have in my life and those around us.

This month we are focusing on Stewardship with our “Stone Soup” ministry. I know the first thing that comes to mind when we think of stewardship, money is often the first thing that comes to mind. BUT THAT IS NOT STEWARDSHIP! It’s sharing the gifts that we are given by God: our talents, our gifts, our time, our… you fill the blank. So take this time to think of the talents and gifts that you have (if you think that you do not have gifts, come talk to me for the many resources that can help you find your gifts).

In case you did not hear, we also have a youth ministry newsletter which highlights our ministries going on here at Peace, Jr. and Sr. High Students of the Month, and our mission together. Our October edition is fresh off the press! If you would like a copy, they are on the table in the narthex and soon will be online on our website!

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministry

C.R.O.P. Walk 2010
WE NEED SOME SPONSORS (OCTOBER 6)! Now we are looking for sponsors to help our walkers raise money for Pasadena Community Ministry and Church World service to fight hunger and poverty at home and around the world. But we need some help in raising money for me! If you would like to cheer us on (or you want to walk with me) I will be walking at Rotary Pavilion Crenshaw Park on Sunday October 10th at 1:30 pm. So if you are interested in helping, please contact Ben Remmert.

Young Adult Chillin’
DATE CHANGE AFTER OCT. 31: Calling all young adults ages 18-21! Do you need a time where you can leave your worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship? Then you should come to our “Chillin” events where we meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 7:30 pm where we have time to catch up on the week and decide together as a group on the activity for the night with a light devotional. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

Sr. High And Jr. High Youth Group
DATE CHANGE FOR SR. HIGH YOUTH GROUP AFTER OCT. 31! We are going to change the date of our Sr. High Youth Group because the week is busy for our youth who are in sports, academic clubs, or just need the Wednesday night to spend time with the family. For Jr. High youth group, we will continue to meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm right before Confirmation. Sr. High will meet on Sunday at 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm at Peace Lutheran after October 31. For Sr. high, I encourage you to bring an item that we can snack on as we do our fellowship together. There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page!

Next Sports Ministry Meeting - October 17, 2 Pm!
Every third Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm, we will meet at Peace Lutheran for some time to come together to play. For October, we will continue to play some softball in the field behind our church. We are hoping to make this a new ministry here at Peace so please if you are interested or curious about events happening in our community, please sign-up in the Narthex with your contact information or contact Ben Remmert.

First Communion Classes - We Celebrate Our Students!
Today at 11:00 am we are going to celebrate our youth and their journey through communion instruction. Together we have learned about communion and the covenant that Jesus gave us through this very important sacrament. The kids have made their own communion kits complete with chalices, bread plate, bread recipes, and their work done in the class. Today we uplift the following youth:

Charlie Beck                           Noah Chicoria
Ian Hance                               Rhiannan Hicks
Breann Koon                         Maddie Koon
Nagham Mashraqi                 Naoum Mashraqi
Brad Million                          Dyzek Pettigrew
Kadin Pettigrew                    Nathan Swick
Ben Tillis                              Catie Tillis

We had a great time! If you we not able to make it this time, we are going to offer the class again in the spring! If there are any mistakes, please contact Ben Remmert so we can update our records.

Sr. High- Haunted House Tour October 23rd, 6:00 PM
Halloween is here! Go through any Wal-Mart, Hobby Lobby, or Target and you can already see the costumes, the candy, and the decorations. But for our Senior High, we are going to be going on a Haunted House tour. We will meet at the church first for a light devotion and meal and then go through some haunted houses. We will meet and leave at 6:00 pm and meet back at church and have a devotional on the Horror Stories in the Bible and end at 12:00 am. Cost is $40 dollars which includes transportation and ticket prices.

October 9th, 9 AM-5 PM: Oktoberfest At the Renaissance Festival
WE HAVE PURCHASED OUR TICKETS! What are we Lutheran if we do not celebrate our biggest German holiday. The Renaissance Festival on its opening weekend is having an Oktoberfest themed day where there are over 200 performances, hundreds of gifts stands, plenty of German foods, and also polka and yodeling contests. We have a total of 14 that have signed up so I have already purchased our tickets! So the plan is to meet at Peace Lutheran at 8:00 am and carpool to the Renaissance Festival, and leave at 3:00 pm to come back to Peace. Cost will be $12 per adult, $6 for children for this event for those that have signed up. We will be collecting money now until October 6, please make your checks payable to Peace Lutheran Church (write “Oktoberfest in the memo section of your check.)

Next Parent Huddle Time: October 21, 7:00 PM
You asked for it so here it is! It’s a time where our parents can meet with the youth director and share how our ministry together is going. Every Third Thursday of the month, I am asking for parents and youth to come together where we can share together. This is also a time where we discuss future events. We had our first huddle in September and had great discussions. This huddle, we will continue our discussions of the Christmas Pageant, Confirmation, and Sr. High Summer Trip. There will also be a time for us to come together in devotion where we explore our faith together. I would love to have our parents and youth at these meetings so we can build further on our community together!

Next Milestone: “10 Commandments” October 17th
Just to give a head start in October, our next milestone celebration is going to be for our 1st and 2nd graders where we are going to talk about the 10 Commandments and how they are still important to our lives today. We will also spend the time making our own commandments to help us remember them in our everyday lives. The classes will be held on October 10th, where children and parents are invited to come together. On October 17th, we will recognize our families and offer them a reminder of their milestone at our 11:00 service. So if you’re interested, please contact Ben Remmert.

Jr. Hi Gathering At Lutherhill!: Nov. 19-21st
As a teen, challenges are constant. It’s not always easy to remember that you have a firm foundation in God and His Word. Lutherhill is here to show how God’s wisdom and power and love and grace are guiding and protecting you. Lutherhill is opening its doors to all our Jr. High students in our synod to come for the weekend to worship, meet new people all over Texas/Louisiana, small group discussions, open mic night, an ultimate frisbee tournament and so much more. The cost of the event is $160 which includes registration, meals for the weekend, and transportation there. Sign ups are in the Narthex and youth bulletin board. More questions? Contact Ben Remmert.

Reformation Day: Oct. 31 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
It’s that time of the year! This year at Peace Lutheran Church we are going to celebrate this important Lutheran holiday with a good old fashion Underground Lutheran Gathering where our children are going to be to try and find the reformers around church to find clues to the location of the Lutheran gathering. But be careful as you may run into someone that does not want you to meet with the Reformers. At the end of our large group activity, we are going to close in a camp style worship together. Our Jr. High and Sr. High are invited to trick or treat at 2 pm for canned food for the Pasadena Community Ministry. Its going to be a lot of fun and we are asking our youth to wear your Halloween costumes to church. Lunch will be provided! So come one come all!

Lunch Bunch
Parish Life Committee invites you to bring your family and join us for lunch at Mamacita’s Mexican Restaurant located at 7325 Spencer Highway, Pasadena, on October 24th from 11:00 am until after 1:00 pm. A sign-up sheet is located on the Parish Life bulletin board in the back of the narthex. Any questions, please contact Owen King at (281) 961-0803.

Bazaar Raffle Tickets On Sale
Raffle Ticket sales will continue in between services. Anyone wishing to work the day of the Bazaar at the check outs, selling Raffle Tickets, etc, Ask for the sign up sheet when you purchase your Raffle Tickets. For those of you who have taken a tin or plate for baked goods, please deliver them to the church October 14 & 15 so that they may be priced before the Bazaar. If you are donating a plant they must be turned in October 14 & 15 also. Crafts items that you are working on at home must be turned October 14th. Someone will be available in the Fellowship Hall to take your donations. Thanks for all your help. Have a blessed day.

PCM Sunday Today
On the first Sunday of the month we hold a Food Drive for Pasadena Community Ministries. There is always a big need for cereals, peanut butter and jellies. Monetary donations are always welcome too. Checks should be made payable to Peace Lutheran Church and in the memo section be sure to write “PCM”. Don’t forget the Food Drive is always on going. We deliver food on the Tuesday following the first Monday. Please place food donations on or in the cabinets in the hallway between the narthex and fellowship. Thank you for your continued support.

We will continue to collect clothing in all sizes, but children sizes including shoes are greatly needed. We will have basket or boxes under the large table in the narthex.

50+ Bus Trip
October 13th - Museum of National History (on Circle Lane) - 9:30 am, Lake Jackson Hatchery (Plantation Street) 11:00 am (45 minute tour and fish feeding – wear walking shoes, long pants, and mosquito spray), and Lunch at Ryan's.

Cost: Program Donation ($3.00) + Lunch Money + FREE. We will leave the church at 8:00 am.

For more information or to register for this trip, please call Virginia (281) 487-4961 or Judy (281) 470-0407. Remember: If you are signed up for a trip and won't be able to go, please call Virginia or Judy and let them know as we have people on waiting lists for our trips that would like to have your spot.

Nursery Attendant Wanted
We are seeking to fill a position for a nursery attendant during all three Sunday worship services. If you or someone that you know may be interested please contact Darla Haygood at (713) 986-0502 or (281) 487-7173 or

Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Lives
Joann Hutton’s class has moved from Room 201 to Room 204. We are still in Lesson 1, so it’s not too late to join in on this lively, loving group of people.

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