Thursday, November 19, 2009


For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sunday's Events

Wow we have completed another reading of the lectionary. In a way I feel like we are reading the last page of a really good book that has left us with new insights into our lives and how to live in community with others. I had a great time with these readings of God's Holy Word and leave this liturgical year with many fond memories. We had a great worship year.

This Sunday we will end the liturgical year with a bang as we celebrate the lordship of Christ. We will sing "Crown Him with Many Crowns" and "Lift High the Cross" as a way of proclaiming to the world that Jesus reigns over the forces of evil and sin. The title of my sermon is "Facing the Truth" and will be about how each of us needs to come to terms with the truth of Grace in our lives. I hope that you will enjoy it.

This Sunday we will also be feasting on our annual Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey will be served and the fellowship is always a lot of fun. Please plan on bring a dish to share and staying for dinner.

Wednesday Advent Soup Suppers and Holden Evening Prayer begins December 2. 6:00pm Soup Supper, 7:00pm Service

We will have our annual Wednesday evening prayer service and soup supper. We will also be decorating the Christmas tree each Wednesday. We always have a lot of fun with this and hope that you are planning to attend.

Also, beginning November 29 we invite you to wear something blue on Sunday as a way to clothe ourselves in the hope of Christ. Blue is the color of the Advent season.

Special Called Congregation Meeting, Nov. 15

All the motions passed with the decision to re-carpet the nave and sanctuary. The work will begin after the first of the year.

Option 1: To not use the unused funds and return them to the mortgage company in order to reduce the mortgage. (This motion will have to come from the floor)

Option 2: Council moves to accept the bid from Northwinds Construction Inc. to make all repairs to the sanctuary to include drywall, prime paint and texture the ceiling and walls, raise a new choir loft and to replace the carpet in all areas while installing a vinyl tile under the pews. The amount will not exceed “X” amount of Dollars.

3: Council moves to accept the bid from Northwinds Construction Inc. to replace and improve the lighting and controls within the sanctuary at an estimated cost of $35,000.00.

Option 4: Council moves to accept the bid from Northwinds Construction Inc. to make the alter rails removable at a cost of "X"

David Booher's Farewell Sunday, December 6

We will bid farewell to David on December 6 at all three services. He will be preaching that day. Also, we will have a special card basket and encourage everyone to drop him a card and, if so desired, a monetary gift. David has meant a lot to our congregation and we are sad about this leaving, but we are excited about his future.

We have not received any resumes since we began posting. If you would like to help with the transition, please join the Google Group found on our website.

Playground Update

We have the sounds of saws and hammers as the playground construction has begun. Seeing it come to reality is very exciting. Stop by and take a look. We think it should be completed soon after thanksgiving. We will have a special dedication of the playground in the first part of January. We continue to thank all those who have made this happen. We have opportunities for people to purchase benches and other additions to the playground. See the board in the narthex for more information.

Joint Methodist-Lutheran Thanksgiving Communion Service Report

We had an incredible service this past Wednesday as Peace hosted the first full communion worship service with First Methodist, Golden Acres, and Asbury Methodist churches. The combined choir was incredible. We had about 180 in attendance. The pot luck following was also a blast.

We hope to begin doing this every November with the service traveling to the different congregations. Many thanks to those who did the pot luck (Bob and Lin Peterson in particular) and for our musicians (Martha). What a wonderful gift the evening was.

Opportunity for Generosity

As our church heads into the final months of 2009 you received a letter explaining our financial situation. The bottom line is that giving needs to improve. We ask for you to give according to your faith and we respect everyone in their faith journey. Just remember our church depends on the generosity of our members. The bottom line is this: we are giving far below our potential. Our challenge is creating a climate of generosity that gives out of faith and joy, not out of guilt and duty. For us to continue our current ministries we are asking each giving unit to contribute an extra $100 to our general fund. This would give us $30000 to meet our mission and ministry goals.

We have a lot of growing to do in this area. I would like to invite you to email me and let me hear what the barriers are to your giving. Or if you want your identity hid, I have also created an blog where you can comment without being identified. We need to hear the barriers that we need to overcome to grow our church where it needs to be. Please be honest.

Go to

Pastoral Care Notes
Dalton Denny: Bayshore
Cindy Smith: Methodist Hospital
Dorothy Wilson: Southeast Memorial
Mike Davis: Bayshore
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.
Vickie Hildebrandt continues treatment for cancer
Andie Troutman will undergo knee replacement surgery on Friday

See you Sunday!

Pastor Tart

Women Of Peace Christmas Party

The Women of Peace Christmas Party will be held on December 6th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Liturgical dancers from St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Hitchcock will perform. Think about a memorable Christmas from the past that you would like to share. Also, we ask that you bring household items and cleaners, toiletries, and women’s clothing for “Light of Hope - Cathy’s Angels”, a 12 step program for recovering alcoholic women located in La Porte. Invite your family (spouses and children, too!) and join us for a great afternoon. A sign-up sheet is located on the table in the narthex. If you have any questions, see Geri Warren.

Girls’ Night Out - Friday, December 4th 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Jingle Bunco, Jingle Bunco, Jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to play rolling buncos all the way! Join us for an early celebration of Christmas as we play Jingle Bunco. Cost is $5.00 per person. Red and Green food and attire is encouraged. Last names A-L bring desserts and last names M-Z bring main or side dishes.

Lunch Bunch
Bring your family and join the Lunch Bunch on Sunday, December 13th, at Tequila Boom’s, 3138 Nasa Pkwy, Seabrook, TX. We’ll be looking for you any time from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. A sign-up sheet can be found on the Parish Life bulletin board.

From the Creative Hands Ministry
Please continue donating your used toner and computer ink cartridges. This helps save the environment and has offset most of the Creative Hands paper, card stock, and other similar expenses. We have a basket on the WOP table in the narthex. We now can use any size, types or brands. Thanks.

World Relief Update
We have assembled 31 health kits at this time. Last year we completed 32 health kits. Since there is a shortage of health kits, I would like to send in more this year than last year. We are still in need of the following items.

Wash Cloths (dark colors)
Hand Towels (dark colors)
Wide Tooth Combs
Adult Toothbrushes (no toothpaste)
Nail Clippers with File or Nail Files

We are especially in need of the nail clippers with files or nail files. We have plenty of Band aids and soap. Please prayerfully consider donating some of these items. Your help is greatly appreciated. Please continue to save your cancelled stamps and soup labels.

Diane Jorgenson’s Golden Award Project
“My vision is to help the families and patients at the Ronald McDonald House in Galveston. Many families are seeking medical treatments for cancer and burns, and at the RMH they can receive that much needed help. Families come from all over to get these much needed treatments, and most of the time they come empty handed. The house provides shelter, clothing, food and any other necessary items needed for the families. I would like to help make it possible for the RMH to continue helping those in need. By doing so the current and new families/patients that come to the house can feel more at home in their new surroundings. Here is a great opportunity to help those in need. There is a box in the narthex in which you can make your contributions for the Ronald McDonald House.

Items needed:
Travel size soaps, shampoos, conditioners, tooth paste and tooth brushes, coloring books, crayons, UNO cards, regular card decks, Spanish books for kids and paper towels.

Thank you for your help.

Diane Jorgenson”

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