Wednesday, November 25, 2009


NOVEMBER 29, 2009

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

A Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!

We invite you to wear something blue on Sunday as a way to clothe ourselves in the hope of Christ that the Advent season celebrates. Blue is the color of the Advent season.

This Sunday's Events:
I am very excited about our upcoming reading of Luke. In this Sunday's Gospel we start off with the announcement of the coming reign of God and how we need to be alert for its coming. The title of my sermon is, "The Kingdom of God is Near" and I will be preaching about seeing the signs of God's good and gracious reign all around us. Especially in a world that wants to blur the reign of God. We need to keep our perspective and eyes wide open. I hope that you will be blessed by the message.

Wednesday Advent Soup Suppers and Holden Evening Prayer begins December 2: 6:00pm Soup Supper, 7:00pm Service

We will have our annual Wednesday evening prayer service and soup supper. We will also be decorating the Christmas tree each Wednesday. We always have a lot of fun with this and hope that you are planning to attend.

David Booher's Farewell Sunday, December 6
We will bid farewell to David on December 6 at all three services. He will be preaching that day. Also, we will have a special card basket and encourage everyone to drop him a card and a personal note. David has meant a lot to our congregation and we are sad about this leaving, but we are excited about his future.

Playground Update
The playground is taking shape. What a great thing it will be for our children and the children of our community. It should be done in a couple of weeks.

Annual Meeting, December 13 After the 11:00 Service

Our annual meeting is set for December 13 after the 11:00 service. At the meeting we will conduct any business of the church, elect leadership and voters to the church assembly, and approve our 2010 budget. We will also approve our annual report.

Copies of the 2010 budget are available in the narthex.

Opportunity for Generosity
As our church heads into the final months of 2009 you received a letter explaining our financial situation. The bottom line is that giving needs to improve. We ask for you to give according to your faith and we respect everyone in their faith journey. Our challenge is creating a climate of generosity that gives out of faith and joy, not out of guilt and duty.

For us to continue our current ministries we are asking each giving unit to contribute an extra $100 to our general fund. This would give us $30000 to meet our mission and ministry goals.

We have a lot of growing to do in this area. I would like to invite you to email me and let me hear what the barriers are to your giving. Or if you want your identity hid, I have also created an blog where you can comment without being identified. We need to hear the barriers that we need to overcome to grow our church where it needs to be. Please be honest.

Go to

Pastoral Care Notes
Dalton Denny: Bayshore
Cindy Smith: Methodist Hospital
Dorothy Wilson: Triumph in Clear Lake
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.
Vickie Hildebrand continues treatment for cancer

See you Sunday!

Pastor Tart

Worship Assistants Needed
Our December calendar is on the bulletin board in the narthex, and waiting for volunteers to sign up. Training is available. If possible please sign up in advance for our Christmas Eve services at 4:00, 7:30 and 11:00. We are also still in need of assisting ministers and lectors.

Children’s Christmas Program
Invite your family and friends to come and see the story of Christmas come to life at our Sunday School Christmas Program On Sunday, December 13th at 5:00 pm. Refreshments will follow.

(Reminder to parents: There will be a Christmas Program rehearsal on December 12th at 10:00 a.m., followed by a Christmas Party in the Fellowship Hall.)

If you would like to donate a poinsettia plant to place in the church for Christmas Eve, please sign the sheet in the narthex. We ask that you bring your plant to the church during the week of December 13th. You may take your plants home on December 27th. Any questions please call Pam Cronan at (713) 492-2811.

Women of Peace Christmas Party
The Women of Peace Christmas Party will be held on December 6th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Liturgical dancers from St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Hitchcock will perform. Think about a memorable Christmas from the past that you would like to share. Also, we ask that you bring household items and cleaners, toiletries, and women’s clothing for “Light of Hope - Cathy’s Angels” located in La Porte. Invite your family (spouses and children, too!) and join us for a great afternoon. A sign-up sheet is located on the table in the narthex. If you have any questions, see Geri Warren.

Salvation Army Stocking Stuffing Program
Christmas traditions are very important. The tradition of a child hanging a stocking on Christmas Eve and waking up on Christmas morning to see what Santa has brought is a tradition that has lasted through the ages. The Salvation Army started the Christmas Stocking Stuffing Program in 1984 and it has been a yearly tradition since. Each year hundreds of families receive toys for their children and along with those toys they receive a stocking that has been stuffed by volunteer organizations and individuals like you. Stockings are still available today in the narthex. Please return stockings to Peace Lutheran no later than December 3rd. If you have any questions call Mavis Greif at (281) 482-6823. Thank you for your generosity and giving spirit. May God bless you as you will be blessing others.

Light of Hope - Cathy's Angels
The Women's Board has elected to support a program run by Light of Christ Lutheran Church in La Porte called Light of Hope - Cathy's Angels. It is home for women addicted to alcohol and drugs. Many of these women have lost their families and are homeless. The home has rooms for 18 women. They also have a pantry and resale shop, and are in need of many items. We ask that you prayerfully consider donating some of the following items:

Items Needed:
   Non Perishable Food Items for the Pantry
   Paper Products
   Clothing for the Resale Shop (All clothing must
     be Clean, Pressed, and On Hangers)
Toiletries such as:
   Feminine hygiene products
   Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
   Bars of Soap, & Shower Gel

A basket and clothes rack for your items can be found in the hallway by the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions please call Carol Young at 713-946-3680

Friendship Circle Christmas Party
The women of the Friendship Circle will have their Christmas party on December 10th at 6:30 p.m. at Willie’s, located just north of Vista on Beltway 8. We hope that you will bring a friend and join us.

Last Sunday for Diane Jorgenson’s Golden Award Project
“My vision is to help the families and patients at the Ronald McDonald House in Galveston. Many families are seeking medical treatments for cancer and burns, and at the RMH they can receive that much needed help. Families come from all over to get these much needed treatments, and most of the time they come empty handed. The house provides shelter, clothing, food and any other necessary items needed for the families. I would like to help make it possible for the RMH to continue helping those in need. By doing so the current and new families/patients that come to the house can feel more at home in their new surroundings. Here is a great opportunity to help those in need. There is a box in the narthex in which you can make your contributions for the Ronald McDonald House.

Items needed: Travel size soaps, shampoos, conditioners, tooth paste and tooth brushes, coloring books, crayons, UNO cards, regular card decks, Spanish books for kids and paper towels. Thank you for your help. Diane Jorgenson

Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

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