Monday, February 22, 2010

For the first Sunday of Lent

Week of February 21, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events
We will be having our first Sunday in Lent and Pastor Karen Wilhelm will be our guest preacher and presider.

Reminder: We Have Two Services During Our Remodeling of the Sanctuary

Due to remodeling the sanctuary and the logistical issues with worshiping in the Fellowship Hall, we will be having only the 8:30 and 11:00 service with Sunday School at its regular time. After the remodeling, we will resume our three service routine. The remodeling should be complete the first part of March. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The remodeling is going well. We have the pews out and ceiling repairs have begun. The council has selected the paint and carpet.

Lenten Services and Soup Suppers
My preaching themes will center on the Epistle readings from Sunday morning. These texts have wonderful images and messages to help us in our journey to Easter. I hope you will enjoy them. This Wednesday, Casey Buskirk, one of our senior high youth, will be sharing the evening message. I have been meeting with him. I will be preaching at the midday service.

We will have noon soup and a midday service at 12:30 pm.

We will also have Lenten Soup suppers at 6:00 pm with a prayer service following at 7:00 pm. (Babysitting is provided for the evening service.)

Playground Update
We met with the contractor and have a plan to resolve the issues. Work has resumed this week.

Youth Transition Team
We have completed our interview of candidate one and we will interview our second candidate on February 27-28. The council should make their decision on March 7.

Pasadena Faith in Action, March 27, 7:30am at IBEW at 4345 Allen Genoa,
This Sunday we will begin signing up for a united effort by churches in the Pasadena area to serve our community with minor repairs, light construction, painting, clean-up, yard work, and basic landscaping.

You can register at Peace by filling in a form or going online at and download the form and send it to our church office.

The cost is $10 and will include a lunch and t-shirt. The work should be completed in the afternoon.

We are encouraging families to serve together. Youth can also serve, but they will need an adult sponsor.

Also, if you know any home owner in need of any of the above work around their home, please contact the church office for an application.

Habitat for Humanity Service Opportunity
Habitat for Humanity Pasadena is building a house in Pasadena on Ann Street. Thrivent for Lutherans and Churches in the Pasadena area are supplying volunteer labor and funds to build the house. Peace Lutheran Church is part of that effort. We are currently soliciting volunteers to participate in the build. We are also beginning a fund raising effort. Our goal is to raise $1000 by the end of February. The other participant churches are also raising funds.

There is a sign up sheet in the narthex for volunteers. If you have not signed up you may continue to do so. Your time commitment is for whatever you can manage. We will keep you posted about volunteer work times as we get closer to the build date.

You can participate in the fund raising by purchasing a virtual board of siding or box of siding nails. A board of siding costs a $10.00 donation and a box of nails costs a $5.00 donation. You will receive a certificate documenting your donation and we will post a “board” or “box” with your name on the bulletin board as we track progress toward our goal (you may remain anonymous if you wish). We only have 2 weeks to meet this goal so we need your prompt attention to this appeal. I will be in the narthex starting on February 21 to collect donations. Ted Brenneman – Peace Habitat Champion.

Midweek Bible Study, "Respecting our Neighbor's Faith"
On Wednesday mornings Pastor Tart is leading the Wednesday Bible Study group with a overview study of the other denominations and religions. The study should continue well into May. Feel free to come on any Wednesday from 10-11:30. We always have a great time together. (Note: This week we will not meet.)

Pastoral Care Notes
Our sympathy to all the family and friends of Delores Sturm, who passed away from death to life last Saturday. We had a prayer service for her family this Thursday.

Our sympathy to the Alan Wiederhold and all of the Wiederhold family on the loss of his mother, Nola, on February 18.

Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.
Vickie Hildebrand continues treatment for cancer

Notes From the Treasurer

General Operating Fund deposits February 7th through February 14th
2-7-10 $11,548.75
2-14-10 $10,491.63

The above amount for February 14th , 2010 includes three Simply Givings from February 7th , February 14th and February 15th.

To meet our budgeted income, we need $10,673.00 a week.

For February, we have a total of $22,040.38 actual income.

Since the estimated income for two week is $21,346.00, we have met our budgeted income by $694.38 for the first two weeks in February.

Designated deposits for January 3rd through February 14th
Memorial Fund $1715
Pasadena Community Ministries $590.34
Souper Bowl $454.70
Youth Expense $25.29
Adult Education $20
Sheet Music $200
Haiti Relief Fund $1,340
Youth Mission Trip $30
Loose Offering $1105.33
Sunday School $83.64
Fair Trade Coffee $120
Pony Express $440

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

Music Observance During Lent
Ash Wednesday, February 17th, began our Lenten journey that leads us to the joyful resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday. Music during Lent focuses on Jesus’ sacrifice and suffering for our sins, and is more somber. We also omit some music during Lent because of its somber and reflective nature. We will not sing “Alleluia” in worship until Easter. Also, this Lent we will not have pre-service and post-service music. We invite you to use the time before worship for prayer and meditation.

Senior Citizen’s Day Cancelled
Senior Citizen’s Day, scheduled for Wednesday, is cancelled for this month. Join us at 11:45 am for our midweek Lenten soup lunch followed by our worship service.

Blood Pressure Screening on Sunday
On the third Sunday of each month the Parish Nurses offer free blood pressure screening. They will be available on Sunday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Library. This is for all ages – children, too!

50+ Bus Trip for March
On March 30th, we're going to Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, a tranquil sanctuary with over 300 types of plants and a wide variety of wildlife. It offers a retreat from the routines of daily life; something for everyone, offering you an amazing experience you'll never forget. We'll leave Peace parking lot at 8:00 am for Orange, Texas. Cost of Shangri La is $8.00 and the bus is $3.00. Call Virginia Rodriguez, (281) 487-4961 or Judy Speck, (281) 470-0407 if you want to join us on this trip.
Remember: If you are signed up for a trip and won't be able to go, please call Virginia or Judy and let them know as we have people on waiting lists for our trips that would like to have your spot.

Pasadena Community Ministry Needs
PCM Food Ministry needs cereal and jelly, as well as other staple food supplies. There is a cabinet in the hallway between the narthex and Fellowship Hall. Let’s fill the cabinets with cereal and jelly. Thanks to those who have already responded.

Krause Children's Center
We are still collecting items for the Easter packages for the teens at the Krause Center.

We need:
Ladies size Fun socks (30)
Men's White Sport Socks (30)
60 decks of cards
60 Small Plush Beanie size toys
Travel size Toiletries
60 chap sticks

There is a basket under the WOP table to put the items in. Thank you. The gift bags will be assembled and mailed in time to be received by Easter.

Lutheran World Relief
Many thanks to everyone who purchased items for World Relief Health Kits. We have approximately 72 Health Kits assembled. We exceeded last year’s numbers by 40 kits. If you purchased items and have not turned them in, you may continue to do so.

We are now asking anyone interested to prayerfully consider donating yard goods or sewing items needed to assemble Sewing Kits for World Relief. Items needed are as follows:

Fabrics - Cotton or Cotton Blends ( no knits or 100% polyester)
2-1/4 yds of 60" wide fabric or 3 yds of 44" wide fabric or
4 yds of 36" wide fabric
1 pkg of about 10-15 needles for hand sewing
1 spool of matching thread
6-10 average size matching buttons

Your items may be placed in the World Relief basket in the Narthex.

Please continue to save your cancelled postage stamps. Proceeds from the sale of these stamps helps to offset the cost for shipping our kits.

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