Thursday, March 4, 2010

For the Third Sunday in Lent

Week of March 7, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events
This Sunday the Gospel of Luke will confront us with a gruesome story of Pontus Pilate slaughtering innocent people and the tragedy of a building collapsing and killing many people. How do we deal with all the great evil in our world? In my sermon, entitled "Earthquake", I will be preaching about our Christian response to the great calamities of our world. We stand before these great evils with faith in the God who redeems and saves. I hope that you enjoy it.

Reminder We Have Two Services During Our Remodeling of the Sanctuary.
Due to remodeling the sanctuary and the logistical issues with worshiping in the Fellowship Hall, we will be having only the 8:30 and 11:00 service with Sunday School at its regular time. After the remodeling, we will resume our three service routine. Due to a delay in the carpet order, we will be in the fellowship hall through March.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The remodeling is going well. The painting is all but completed and the electrical work should be done this week.

Playground Update: Come Spread Some Mulch
The plastic is up. This Saturday at 8:30am we are going to have a mulch spreading party to complete the main playground structure. Bring a shovel and a rake. After we are through, the front playground will be open.

Congregation Survey Begins This Week
Church Council is conducting a brief survey to better understand your needs and concerns in our continued Mission at Peace Lutheran Church. We are asking for your prompt and honest feedback in a few key areas to insure that we are providing the right leadership to build a stronger Church Community and enable you to grow spiritually and emotionally.

The survey will be available at the following link for online responses. Council will also be handing out the survey at Sunday services for several weeks starting March 7th. We will provide a secure slotted box in the Narthex for return of the surveys. Please fill out the survey only once so that we have an accurate reflection of member responses.

The online survey is available at

Council will provide feedback on member responses shortly after Easter. Where appropriate, Council will review areas of concern with the congregation. We may try to gain further clarity on the issue as we look for solutions to your concerns.

If you have questions, please contact any member of your Church Council.

We thank you in advance for your participation. Please prayerfully consider your responses to help us build a stronger Peace Lutheran Church.

Wednesday Lenten Journey
My preaching themes will center on the Epistle readings from Sunday morning. These texts have wonderful images and messages to help us in our journey to Easter. I hope you will enjoy them.

Next week I will be preaching on 1 Corinthians 10:1-17. This text has some troubling verses, but they also instruct us on how to deal with temptation.

We will have noon Soup at 11:45am and a midday service at 12:30pm.

We will also have Lenten Soup suppers at 6:00pm with a prayer service following at 7:00pm

Youth Transition Team
We have a candidate to recommend to the council at their March 7 meeting.

Confirmation Class Youtube Video.
Our confirmation class produced a youtube video about our study of the Pentecost story. Go to to see it. I think you will enjoy it.

Pasadena Faith in Action, March 27, 7:30am at IBEW at 4345 Allen Genoa
We continue to encourage you to sign up for a united effort by churches in the Pasadena area to serve our community with minor repairs, light construction, painting, clean-up, yard work, and basic landscaping.

You can register at Peace by filling in a form or going online at and download the form and send it to our church office.

The cost is $10 and will include a lunch and t-shirt. The work should be completed in the afternoon.

We are encouraging families to serve together. Youth can also serve, but they will need an adult sponsor.

Also, if you know of any home owner in need of any of the above work around their home, please contact the church office for an application.

Midweek Bible Study, "Respecting our Neighbor's Faith"
On Wednesday mornings, Pastor Tart is leading the Wednesday Bible Study group with a overview study of the other denominations and religions. The study should continue well into May. Feel free to come on any Wednesday from 10-11:30. We always have a great time together. (Once a month we take a break for the Senior Fellowship Wednesday.)

Pastoral Care Notes
   Ruth Petty, Patients
   Cindy Smith, Methodist
   Ruby Skoog, Clear Lake Regional

Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.

Notes From the Treasurer
General Operating Fund deposits February 7th through February 21th

2-7-10 $11,548.75
2-14-10 $10,491.63
2-21-10 $8,948.65

The above amount for February 14th , 2010 includes three Simply
Givings from February 7th , February 14th and February 15th.
To meet our budgeted income, we need $10,673.00 a week.

For February, we have a total of $30,989.03 actual income.

The estimated income for the third week of February is $32,019. We
are under our budgeted income by $1,029.97.

Designated deposits for January 3rd through February 21th
Memorial Fund $1830
Pasadena Community Ministries $735.34
Souper Bowl $454.70
Youth Expense $25.29
Adult Education $20
Sheet Music $200
Haiti Relief Fund $1,340
Habitat for Humanity $685
Youth Mission Trip $30
Lutherhill Camp Registration $85
Loose Offering $1395.48
Sunday School $94.66
Fair Trade Coffee $120
Pony Express $460
Wedding Deposit $350

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

Holy Week Help Needed
The Maundy Thursday worship service on April 1st will include the rite of foot washing. We will need 12 volunteers (children and adults) to participate. If you would be interested, please call Jan Woodard at (713) 206-7132, or the church office.

Graduating Seniors
Do you have a child or relative who is a member here at Peace Lutheran and is graduating from High School in May, 2010? Please call the church office or email Judy as soon as possible with their name, name of high school and where they will be attending college so that they can be honored at our High School Recognition Sunday on May 2nd.

50+ Bus Trip For March
On April 8th, it is off to Chappell Hill, Texas to see the beautiful bluebonnets. While in Chappell Hill you can shop at several of the stores along a wooden sidewalk. Pick up time at Peace will be at 8:00 a.m. Cost of the trip: Free + Lunch money + Program donation ($3.00). For more information on the trip, times of departures, and prices, please call Virginia Rodriguez (281) 487-4961 or Judy Speck (281) 470-0407. Remember: If you are signed up for a trip and won't be able to go, please call Virginia or Judy and let them know as we have people on waiting lists for our trips that would like to have your spot.

Creative Hands Ministry
We are looking for a blue plastic utility tote that has acrylic paints that the Creative Hands need for their upcoming classes. If you borrowed the paints please, please bring it back. If we cannot locate the paints we will have to re-purchase.

Monday, March 8th, 9:30 am: The Creative Hands group will meet upstairs to work on Easter Cards and hopefully start on the gift bags for the Krause Center. We will not do a personal project as time is short to get the cards and gift bags put together.

Come and Zentangle and Zendoodle Creative Hands Night Group will meet on Tuesday, March 16 at 6:30 pm. Cost is $2.00. This is fun and relaxing art. We can doodle and doodle; now let’s ZenDoodle. We will have a fun time and your surface will be furnished. We will also finish our crosses from the February Night group, and another cross will be available to those that took the class. You may want to Zentangle or ZenDoodle your cross. Bring a fine point permanent pen if you have one. I will have some extras.

A sign up sheet is on the table in narthex. This is just to get an idea of how many surfaces/supplies we need. Refreshments will be served

Please continue to save your used ink and toners. They help with the some of the expenses for the carding projects.

PCM Food Drive on Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month we collect donations of non-perishable food items for Pasadena Community Ministries. Remember, we are challenging each family to donate cereal and jelly in addition to other pantry items. The pantry items will be delivered on Tuesday. There is a cabinet in the hallway by the Fellowship Hall for your donations.

The Krause Center
We are still collecting items for the teens at the Krause Center (Lutheran Social Services). Each girl's package and each boy's package will be alike. The Center always has 30 girls and 30 boys. We still need some of each of these items and we do thank those that have donated. They will be assembled and mailed in time for Easter.

Items need: Ladies Size Fun Socks, Men's' size sport socks, decks of cards, beanie babies size plush toys, travel size deodorants & toiletries, and chapsticks. There is a basket under the WOP table in the Narthex for your donations.

The Krause Center also needs formal wear for their annual prom. This is a very special event for the teens. The dresses need to be in good taste, current styles and gently worn. If you have a prom dress that you are willing to part with they will be greatly appreciated. Sherri & Jany will deliver these around the third week in April.

TX/LA Gulf Coast Synod Women of the ELCA Circle of Blessings Retreat March 12–14, 2010 Lutherhill Ministries
Please join your sisters in Christ as we clean, plant, paint and straighten up items around Lutherhill. This will be a Synodical Women’s Service event. Space is LIMITED so you need to get your registration form and fee in early!

Friday night will be a Bible study, dinner and fellowship. Saturday morning breakfast will be a gathering meeting and schedules of improvement details will be given to each of us. Sunday we will close with a worship service and if you want to continue to work you can, or finish the project you started on Saturday.

The Circle of Blessings represents the colors of the rainbow and a brief description of each. They are open to your own interpretation, but for this weekend they represent the friendships (yellow) that we have formed, the patience (orange) that we have with each other, the love (red) we have for our family and friends, the peace (blue) that is given to us by our Father, the courage (green) we have to step out of our comfort zones, the compassion (indigo) we show one another, and the forgiveness (purple) that we all receive from our Lord Jesus Christ and that we in return give to each other.

Registration forms can be found on the back table in the narthex, so don’t be late. Register now!

Join Us At Camp!
The time is here to begin registering for summer camp at Camp Lutherhill in La Grange. Summer camp plays an important role in a child’s spiritual formation. We hope that you will make every effort for your child to attend. Summers can be busy with activities, but this opportunity for your child’s growth in faith is important. Scholarships are available if needed. (Please contact Pastor Tart personally.)

2nd through 5th Graders: The dates for 2nd through 5th graders are July 18-23. You can attend other weeks if you desire, of course. The 2nd and 3rd graders will only be attending Sunday-Wednesday.

Confirmation Students: Dates for confirmation students are set for July 11-16. Attending summer camp is part of the confirmation experience.

Registration forms are available on the table in the narthex, or you can go to and register this week. Forms should be turned into Pastor Tart or the church office as soon as possible. Either Pastor Tart or the new youth minister will be attending with them.

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