Monday, August 16, 2010

Mary, Mother of Our Lord

August 15, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events
We pause in our journey through year C of our lectionary readings to celebrate Mary, the bearer of the savior of the world. We stop to listen to her song and join our voices to this radical vision of God turning the world upside down. The mighty will be brought low and the lowly will be lifted. The hungry will be filled with good things and the rich will be left empty. These words remind us of our vision of who we are: a community where everyone is treasured, where everyone is valued, where no one longs to be fed and no one gloats over their status. We gather as the community of the baptized where there is unity of faith and love. The title of my sermon is "Singing Mary's Song" and will be about our common vision and life together.

This Sunday we will also meet Rev. Jan Menky, Pastor of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession (Lutheran) in Michalovce, Slovakia. He will be sharing a greeting at worship and visiting our adult Sunday School classes and talk briefly about church life in Slovakia.

This Sunday we will also have blood pressure screening. We thank our nurses who provide this service to our congregation. The screening will take place in the library.

This Sunday we will be restarting our confirmation program with a parent-student orientation at 6:00 pm in the fellowship hall. This program is for all 6-8 graders. We will be reviewing our year and our program. We will be introducing a new curriculum. Both Ben and myself will be leading and teaching.

I have been spending this week with 5 of our elementary age kids at Camp Lutherhill. We have had a fantastic, although hot at times, week. So many wonderful experiences happen for kids at camp, emotionally and spiritually. On the Aug. 29 we will be sharing all the pictures and videos.

Gospel Concert Sponsored by the Brotherhood
The “Joyful Noise Praise Team & Nickel Strings" from Highlands United Methodist Church will present a concert of southern gospel songs and old church hymns on Sunday, August 22 at 4:00pm to 6:30pm here at Peace Lutheran Church. We hope that you will invite your friends and join us. This event is sponsored by The Peace Lutheran Brotherhood. For more information call (713) 674-3111 or contact Weldon Wilkerson.

Worship Workshop: Saturday, August 21, 9:00am
We will have a workshop to work on our fall liturgies and our advent/Christmas liturgies. We will also discuss other worship issues. Please feel free to attend. You can also participate through the Google group Worship Google Group We will meet in the choir practice room in the education building.

Four Great Sundays of Fun
We are going to have four Sundays of having some fun and at the same time blessing and celebrating the people and ministries of Peace. Each Sunday will have a different theme and event so pay attention and join in the activities.

Sunday, August 22, Back to Public and Private School Sunday.
We will be thanking and lifting up in prayer all teachers, students and staff at all three services. We will also be blessing backpacks at 8:30 and 11:00. We will also be celebrating all kindergartners as they begin their education with special recognition and gifts.

We ask all students to bring their backpacks. We will have a little token to make sure you remember to take your faith with you as you go to class.

Sunday, August 29, Sunday School Rally day and end of the summer celebration. Wear summer casual clothing and bring your mementos from the summer to share.

We will be kicking off our Sunday School program and commissioning our Sunday School teachers and staff. The students will meet their new teachers. We will also be celebrating the end of the summer and ask everyone to wear summer casual clothes, (t-shirts and sandals are permitted), and to bring pictures or some item that symbolizes something fun you did this summer. We will have tables in the fellowship hall for you to display your stuff. You can make a poster or have pictures or items with a piece of paper with your name and explanation next to them. We are doing this to foster community in our congregation and to get to know each other better.

We will have a continental breakfast in the fellowship hall from 8-11.

Sunday, September 5, Vocation Sunday
We are asking everyone to wear what they wear to work on this Sunday as we celebrate our vocations as God's calling in our lives. We will also be inviting you to share what you do in a presentation we are presenting. It is always fun to see the kind of work our people do.

Sunday, September 12, College Sunday
We are asking everyone to wear or bring something that shows their favorite college. We will be praying for our college students that day and blessing care packages that we will send them.

Pastoral Care Notes
Julius Worley: Kindred
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.
Charles Froehlich will have hip replacement surgery on August 16th.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

From the Youth Director
I would like to thank those who attended the youth and family ministry workshops over at IHOP the last couple of weeks. I am excited as I have taken everything that we discussed and implemented it into our youth and family ministry program this coming year. If you have any other comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.

I attended the CROP walk meeting last week and First Presbyterian asked us for some walkers (1K-10K) so that we can raise money for Pasadena Community Ministry and Church World service to fight hunger poverty at home and around the world. We will be walking at Rotary Pavilion Crenshaw Park on Sunday, October 10th at 1:30 pm. This is a large community effort in Pasadena and I would love to make this our big family service event for the fall. I would love for us to come out in big numbers so please contact me if you are interested!

I can’t thank everyone enough, as it has already been two months here and look how God has worked through our ministry together.

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministry

Confirmation 2010-2011
It’s coming sooner than you think. Beginning tonight, we will have our parent and student orientation to share our dream for our confirmation program and what to expect this year! This year we are going to learn about the 10 Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, and the life of Martin Luther through songs, worship, prayer, and interactive activities (because we know you get lectured too much already at schools and work). So if you have a youth that is in 6th-8th grade be sure to come to the August 15th meeting where we can register you for the year. On August 22nd we will begin our time together exploring our Christian heritage and learning how to proclaim the Christian faith with our voice!

Also I am looking for people who are called to be passionate leaders and mentors for our youth. We have a blessed congregation full of leaders and we need your help in teaching and nurturing our youth and families in exploring their faith.

Young Adult Chillin’
College and school are right around the corner as August is coming along. So if you need a time where you can leave your worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship, we are still continuing our Chillin’ events. We are going to change our days and times to meet on Sunday at 7:30 over at Starbucks on Fairmont Parkway beginning on August 22nd. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

Sr. High and Jr. High Youth Group
Summer is only just a few more weeks longer and how many times can you watch the same movie or play the same video game. Why not come to our Jr. High and Sr. High to our youth groups where we will have fun fellowship while trying to stay cool in the Houston heat.

For Jr. High youth group, we will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm (dates below) right before Confirmation (Begins August 15th) and Sr. High we will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00- 8:30 pm! For Sr. High, I encourage you to bring an item that we can snack on as we do our fellowship together. There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page!

Here are the dates of this summer’s activities.
1. Jr. High Group: Aug. 15th- Water Kickball, Aug. 22nd- Kick off to Year, Jr. High Style
2. Sr. High Group: Aug. 25th- Kick off to Year, Sr. High Style!
Jr. High and Senior High- Back To School, Peace Style!

Where did the summer go? Its been exciting, but its time to wind down for school.
Think again! Were going to have school here at Peace, but it’s not what you think, we’re going to go through the school day having fun in our classes of biology, science, lunch, English, and recess. So come one and come all, to our celebration of school on August 18th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Make sure to bring a friend!

Tuesday Peace Family Night
Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. However you do have the choice of deny the invitation. This can be a home meal or out to eat, I will leave that up to you. I look forward to meeting everyone in our community.

When: Every Tuesday till July 2011 (Talk to me if there is another date in mind)
Where: You Choose (eat at home or out?)
What do I need to Do: You Choose

First Communion Classes
All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade or higher) are invited to attend classes every Sunday at 1:00 pm on September 19 & 26. We will bake bread on Saturday, October 2 at the church kitchen at 10:00 am, We will bake bread on Saturday, October 2 at the church kitchen at 10:00 am, and the Communion Celebration will be on October 3, at the service their families normally attend. Please contact Ben Remmert or sign up on the youth and family ministry board.

Blessing our Students, Teachers and Backpacks: August 22nd and Rally Day August 29th
School is just around the corner! So at all three services on August 22nd, we are going to bless our students as they begin another milestone in their lives and we will also bless our teachers who continue to nurture and guide our children and youth in their education of the world and of their faith. So we are asking students to bring your backpacks to service! Also mark your calendars for August 29th for our Rally Day celebration as we will introduce our Sunday School teachers and also have a time in the fellowship hall where our we can share stories of our summer!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ben Remmert.

Bazaar News
We are counting down to October 16th. The Bazaar Team is selling Raffle Tickets today between the 8:30 & 9:45 service and the 9:45 and 11:00 service. Raffle items will be on display at that time.

Anyone working on crafts at home or have completed crafts for the Bazaar can turn these items over to the Bazaar Team on Sundays in August and September so these items may be priced. If you want a certain price for your items please pass this information on to someone on the team. The Bazaar Team appreciates your support and we are looking forward to a great Bazaar.

Lin Peterson Chair, Pam Cronan - Co-chair
Carol Young, Jeanene Konviska

Sunday School Teachers & Helpers Needed
The education program is in need of some helpers and teachers. If you would like to be a Sunday school teacher or helper please contact Jennifer Sanders or Julie Shaw.

Stroke Prevention Screening
Stroke is a leading cause of death and permanent disability. Life Line Screening will be coming to Peace Lutheran Church on Wednesday, August 18th. Pre-registration is required. For more information pick up a pink flyer on the table in the narthex.

CWU Book Review
Church Women United invites you to their annual Book Review and Luncheon on August 20th. This event will be held at Sunset Methodist Church, 709 Allendale, Pasadena. The book review starts at 10:30 am, with lunch at 11:30 am. Cost is $10.00 per person. If you would like to purchase a ticket or would like more information on Church Women United, please see Mavis Greif (281) 482-6823.

Lunch Bunch
Parish Life Committee invites you to bring your family and join us for lunch at Two Cities Grill & Cantina, 6915 Spencer Hwy on August 22nd from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Any questions, please contact Owen King.

Come Sing With the Choir of Peace
Our 9:45 choir is now known as “The Choir of Peace.” We are the Choir of Peace because we belong to Peace Lutheran, but also we experience the peace that passes all understanding as we work together in our practices and enjoy Christian fellowship. Our practice room is a stress-free zone where you can enjoy singing and sharing your faith journey with others.

We will be resuming rehearsals on Rally Day, August 29 at 8:30 a.m. While the music we sing this year will be easier to learn, we always remain committed to offering the best music in worship in a variety of styles. Last year, we lost several key choir leaders who have serious vocal health issues. If you love singing, we really need you in choir. Please prayerfully consider making the commitment to a one hour weekly rehearsal and one weekly service, all on Sunday morning – a day we have found has fewer schedule conflicts. We need you!

World Relief School & Health Kits
With the school year approaching fast, it’s time to gather items for World Relief Health and School Kits. This year our Sunday School Children are helping to collect the items needed to fill School Kits. Items need are as follows:

Spiral Notebooks
Blunt Scissors
Pencils Sharpeners
#2 Pencils
Erasers 2-1/2" long
Crayons - one box 16 or 24
Look for the box with large thermometer on top in the Narthex to leave your items.

Items for Health Kits are as follows:
Hand Towels - Dark Color
Wash Cloths - Dark Color
Bath size bar of soap
Comb - Wide Tooth
Band Aids
Nail File or Nail Clippers with Nail File also acceptable (no emery boards)
One adult Toothbrush in original packaging

If you have any questions, please contact Carol Young.

Friday, August 27th 6:30 PM To 8:30 PM
Summer was fun, but school is great, it's back to school bunco so don't be late! Let's say goodbye to summer vacation and hello to school. Cost is $5.00; last names A-L bring main or side dishes, and last names M-Z bring desserts. A sign-up sheet is located on the table in the narthex.

Pasadena Community Ministries
We were blessed this month with the donations that we collected for the PCM with both food and clothing donations. We did a great job with Sunday Undies on the Undie Sunday Collection Sundays.

DUE TO THE NEED .....We will continue putting a special emphasis on collecting UNDIES through the 2nd Sunday of September. There is still a great need for school uniforms for Pasadena and Deer Park schools. All types and sizes of clothing will also continue to be collected so Don't throw away-- DONATE. The clothing donation boxes are located under the large table in the narthex. The Food donations go in the hallway between the narthex and fellowship hall. (Cereals, peanut butter, jelly and all canned/packaged goods are greatly needed)

A big thanks to Millie Rath for her continued collecting of clothing, ink toners, stamps, newspapers and etc. Millie, you efforts are greatly appreciated.

LOOKING FOR; Bob and I have a TV we are donating to a deserving volunteer at the PCM. The person does not have cable or satellite so a Digital Converter Box is needed. If you have an extra converter that you are willing to donate please let Bob or my self know. Jany Reeves

Creative Hands Ministry
Please continue to save your used toners and inks. Place in the marked box on the WOP table in the Narthex. Toners may be placed in the basket under the table. Thank you.

New Member Inquiry Luncheon
If you have been visiting our church and would like more information on Peace, please plan to join us for an Inquiry Luncheon, which will be held on Sunday, August 22nd at 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. At this orientation you will have the opportunity to learn about who we are, what we do and what we are asking you to do with us here at Peace Lutheran. To register for the luncheon, you may either call Judy Griffin in the church office (281) 487-1635, or e-mail her at

Sunday School Mission Project
As a mission project we are encouraging our youth to bring school supplies for Haiti. The Women’s group at Peace supports many charitable organizations and we wanted to take this opportunity to get our youth involved in this important mission project. Boxes will be available in the narthex and Sunday School opening room for children to place the supplies in. We encourage all children to bring an item and support this charity. We will collect supplies until Sunday, September 13. Please bring one of the following items: pencils, spiral notebooks, crayons, scissors, erasers, rulers and pencil sharpeners. Thanks again for your support in this important project.

Donations Needed For Sarah’s House
Sarah's House is a shelter for women who are in crisis and their children, and is located at 2210 Wichita, Pasadena, TX. These women have lost their jobs and can't afford housing. Many have been sleeping in their cars. Please consider making a donation of any of the following items:

Non-Perishable food items (including canned meats - Tuna, Span etc.)
Cleaning Products
Paper Products
Feminine Hygiene and Personal Hygiene Items
Look for a box in the Narthex under the Parish Life table for your donations.

From Darla Haygood To All
As most of you know, Kenny Sanders will be leaving his part time position as Director of Administration at Peace Lutheran Church. We will be looking to refill the position immediately. If you are interested or know of someone that may be interested, please review the job description on the table in the narthex, and then forward your resume to The position is a part time position of 30 hours per week and the pay is $15.00 an hour.

Fiesta Dinner Party
Peace Lutheran Church
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
6:30 P.M.

Please join Peace Lutheran Church and the Labyrinth Committee for a Fiesta Dinner on Tuesday, September 14, 2010.

Tickets are $8.00 per adult, and go on sale today through September 5th in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or you may call any of the committee members listed to reserve tickets. Tickets are limited, so be sure and purchase yours early. Babysitting will be provided. The proceeds from the dinner will go toward building our prayer labyrinth.

Our Committee members are: Judy Griffin, Cheryl Picha, Judy & Allen Werner, Ruth Meyer, Ann Nicholson, Cindy Stang, Pearl Stockum, Marilyn Seich, Ellen Cumbie and Lin Peterson.

A labyrinth is a path of prayer, a walking meditation, a crucible of change, a watering hole for the spirit and a mirror of the soul.

Fascinating Stories Of Forgotten Lives
This new Bible study will begin September 12th during the Sunday School hour, 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. We will meet in Room 201, the classroom upstairs near the conference room. Some of the chapters we will study are Often-Overlooked Lives of Signifance; Achan, The Man Whose Sin Brought Calamity; Samuel, The Boy Who Heard God’s Voice; and other Bible stories about Naaman, Abigail, and Absalom.

This 14 chapter study should help us to remember that nobody is insignificant, that God pays attention to us, and God loves us dearly.

If you would enjoy an informal, but informative Sunday School class; if you are looking for a group who is loving and accepting; if you want to learn more about God and His people (that includes us); please join us.
Joann Hutton

Lutherhill Ministries S’Mores & Champagne
Gala 2010 will be held on Saturday, September 11th at The Woodlands, Waterway Marriott. Live entertainment, silent auction, live auction, signature raffle. For more information go to or call (979) 249-3232. The Gala benefits the year-round Outdoor Ministry at Lutherhill.

Co-Ed Softball and Volleyball
Softball registration is until August 31 with the City of Pasadena and league play begins September. Co-Ed Indoor Volleyball will be at First Baptist Church on Fairmont beginning in October. Sign-Up sheets are located on the table in the narthex (one yellow and the other blue)! Any questions, see Ben Remmert.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Resumes
The Wednesday Bible Study group, led by Pastor Tart, will resume on Wednesday, September 1 at 10:00am with our study of other religions. We will meet in the upstairs conference room. Everyone is welcome!

Worship Workshop: August 21, 9:00 AM
We will have a workshop to work on our fall liturgies and our Advent/Christmas liturgies. We will also discuss other worship issues. Please feel free to attend. You can also participate through the Google group Worship Google Group.

Convention News
The 23rd Annual Convention of the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synodical Womens’ Organization will be held here at Peace Lutheran Church on Saturday, September 25, 2010 beginning at 8:00 AM.

“Ignite Your Spirit With Your Gifts” will be our theme and we will have gifts galore. Workshops will be offered as a gift to you by Sharon Sledge, Jany Reeve and many more. Convention Co-Chairs Peg Swavely and Mavis Greif are working long and hard to bring you a great convention. Jeanene Konviska and Virginia Rodriguez will be cooking up a great breakfast and lunch for you with the help of Sam’s and Antonio’s. Pastor David Tart will be our Chaplain for convention and will conduct the opening devotional and closing worship service. Friday night before convention will be a mixer and get to know you at House of Prayer Lutheran Church just a little ways down Space Center. Registration fee is $55.00. Forms are on two tables in the Narthex under the gifts. For more information, see Mavis, Jeanene, Virginia, Marilyn Seich or me. Plan now to come out to support your friends AND have a good time. I hope to see you here.

Ann Nicholson, President
TX/LA Gulf Coast Synod, Women of the ELCA

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