Saturday, August 28, 2010

For 14th Sunday after Pentecost

August 29, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events
We will have our annual Sunday School Rally day and end of the summer celebration. Wear summer casual clothing and bring your mementos from the summer to share.

We will be kicking off our Sunday School program and commissioning our Sunday School teachers and staff. The students will meet their new teachers.

We will also be celebrating the end of the summer and ask everyone to wear summer casual clothes, (t-shirts and sandals are permitted), and to bring pictures or some item that symbolizes something fun you did this summer. We will have tables in the fellowship hall for you to display your stuff. You can make a poster or have pictures or items with a piece of paper with your name and explanation next to them. We are doing this to foster community in our congregation and to get to know each other better.

We will have a continental breakfast in the fellowship hall from 8-11

The sermon this Sunday is about "God's Great Banquet", and will focus on God's vision for us to be a community based on humility. This humility leads to a community of great hospitality, joy and peace. I hope that you will enjoy it.

We will also be dedicating our new playground and thanking all those who donated to make it possible. We still have some administrative tasks left to do: rules and a special way to remember children who now live in God's great kingdom. If you would like to help with this, contact Pastor Tart.

Council Leadership is also meeting that afternoon to
• Approve repairs to our air conditioning unit in the Education Building and other smaller building and grounds issues
• Discuss and perhaps charter a re-visioning process for our congregation
• Discuss the ELCA discontent in our congregation and devise a strategy for managing this discontent.
• Review Sept. 12 Congregation Meeting agenda and presentations
• Vote on Peace's participation in a Saturday Sept. 11 Synod wide leadership gathering at Zion Lutheran in Houston Fall Leadership Gathering
• Hear a report and any recommendation from Personnel and Policy about the hiring of a new director and administration.
• Hear reports from Pastor, Director of Youth and Family, Finance and Membership

We will also have our confirmation program at 6:00 pm. We are off to a great start with some wonderful students and leaders. This program is for 6-8 graders and we have an open enrollment policy. Never to late to join us!

On Sunday, Sept 12 at the 11:00 am service we will enroll the class and commission the leaders. Please keep these young people and leaders in your prayers.

Congregation Meeting: September 12 Following the 11:00 am Service
We will have a meeting to review our financial situation, vote on a proposed by-law change to switch the election cycle for council members and officers from January to September so that the new council members can be part of the visioning of the next year's ministry and mission planning. We will also have a report from our survey and give members an opportunity to share feedback. Subjects: Worship and Music, Outreach, Education, Council Communication, Pastoral Leadership, Programs.

We hope to have a very productive meeting. We plan to be done by 1:30. We need at least 59 people to have a quorum so please take this meeting seriously and plan to stay.

Journeying Faithfully Together: Human Sexuality and the ELCA
It has been a year since our church voted to allow a congregation to call a minister who is in a same sex publicly accountable relationships. I know that people in our congregation and community have some lingering resentments because of this decision and think that the ELCA is losing a moral compass. I have heard this and I totally respect a person's right to have and share their feelings, opinions and thoughts. I don't think someone else has to be wrong in order for me to be right. I, however, hope and pray that our community will stay focused not on laws of conduct, but on the bigger question of how we might lift the burdens of others and invite them to live lives of dignity and grace. Say what you will about this decision, but it is obvious to me that allowing such ministers is lifting a burden off those who for many years struggled with accepting who they are and loving who they want. The decision is allowing congregations that dearly love their minister the freedom for him or her to serve them with the good gifts of the Gospel.

I am very saddened by those who seek to disassociate over this decision or any policy or social statement of the church. I think such a decision to separate or not support helps no one to grow. Thus, on Tuesday, September 21 at 7:00 pm I am inviting all who struggle with this issue to come to Peace and join in a 10 week study of human sexuality that will include study of homosexuality and the ELCA policy. The approach to such issues is not polarization, but study, prayer, reflection and open minded dialog.

Thank You's
We want to thank Weldon Wilkerson and the Peace brotherhood for hosting The “Joyful Noise Praise Team & Nickel Strings"from Highlands United Methodist Church last Sunday. Wonderful music and great fellowship! Thank You!

Thanks to all who donated to Rev. Jan Menky from the Lutheran Church is Slovakia. We raised $1110! For a country where $500 per month is considered a good salary, this was tremendous and will make a huge impact. Blessings!

Two Great Sundays of Fun
The next two Sundays we are going to have some fun and, at the same time, bless and celebrate the people and ministries of Peace. Each Sunday will have a different theme and event, so pay attention and join in the activities.

Sunday, September 5, Vocation Sunday
We are asking everyone to wear what they wear to work on this Sunday as we celebrate our vocations as God's calling in our lives. We will also be inviting you to share what you do in a presentation we are presenting. It is always fun to see the kind of work our people do.

Sunday, September 12, College Sunday
We are asking everyone to wear or bring something that shows their favorite college. We will be praying for our college students that day and blessing care packages that we will send them.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Resumes
The Wednesday Bible Study group will resume on Wednesday, September 1 at 10:00 am with our study of other religions. We will meet in the upstairs conference room. Everyone is welcome!

Pastoral Care Notes
Julius Worley: Kindred
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Tart

General Operating Fund deposits for August 1st through August 15th.
8-01-10 $12,514
8-08-10 $7,153
8-15-10 $7,233

To meet our budgeted income, we need $10,673 a week.
For the first three weeks in August, our actual income is $26,900.
Our estimated income for these weeks is $32,019

Overview of actual vs. estimated income for 2010:

                            Actual                              Estimated
January                $44,549                          $53,365 (five Sundays)
February              $41,879                          $42,692
March                  $41,563                          $42,692
April                     $42,518                          $42,692
May                     $45,594                          $53,365 (five Sundays)
June                     $36,092                          $42,692
July                      $33,586                          $42,692

Designated deposits for January 3rd through August 15th:

Adult Education $70
Building Fund (A Time to Build/Mortgage) $12,405
Building Maintenance $200
Building Rental Fee $50
Fair Trade Coffee $502
Good Samaritan $128
Habitat for Humanity $1340
Haiti Relief Fund $1,390
Labyrinth $527
Loose Offering $5,641.51
Lutherhill Camp Registration $170
Memorial Fund $5,371
Office Supplies $30
Parish Life (free-will offering 4th of July) $220
Pasadena Community Ministries $3,735.07
Pasadena Faith in Action $130
Pony Express $660
Ruth Petty Kitchen Fund $50
Sheet Music $720
Souper Bowl $454.70
Sound System $7,005
Sunday School $282.90
Telephone Refund $174.40
TX/La Gulf Coast Synod $4,905
Vacation Bible School $518
Wedding Deposit $550
World Hunger $140
Youth Expense/Confirmation $484.90
Youth Mission Trip $30

From the Youth Director
Congratulations families, you survived the first week of school! This is often a very exciting time as you are meeting new people, new teachers, and getting bogged down with homework. This is also a time for our athletes as they begin their first games. So my question to my parents is this, how is the transition from summer to school year? Students, how are you spending your time with your family? I remember my times in school when I would barely see my parents throughout the week with all the school activities and my parents working. So this week, I challenge you to see how much time with your family you get to spend after school and work.

Just as Pastor David said in his last sermon, know that Jesus is here to uplift our burdens. So as the school year continues and work becomes more difficult, remember that Jesus gives us the gift of new life, forgiveness, and healing. Take care this week and I look forward to hearing your first day of school stories for the next couple of weeks.

C.R.O.P. Walk 2010
WE NEED SOME VOLUNTEERS! First Presbyterian asked us for some walkers (1K-10K) so that we can raise money for Pasadena Community Ministry and Church World service to fight hunger poverty at home and around the world. We will be walking at Rotary Pavilion Crenshaw Park on Sunday October 10th at 1:30 pm. This is a large community effort in Pasadena and I would love to make this our big family service event for the fall. I So if your interested, please contact me or sign up on our sign-in sheet in the narthex.

Confirmation 2010-2011- September 12th
Did you miss our parent and student orientation? Its okay, if you have a youth that is in 6th-8th grade you can still register your youth to be apart of our program this year as our first class will be on August 22nd we will begin our time together exploring our Christian heritage and learning how to proclaim the Christian faith by learning about the 10 Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, and the life of Martin Luther through songs, worship, prayer, and interactive activities (because we know you get lectured too much already at schools and work). We are also going to officially recognize our new confirmands on September 12th in our worship services, so be there confirmands!

Young Adult Chillin’
Calling all young adults! Do you need a time where you can leave your worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship? Then you should come to our “Chillin” events where we meet at Starbucks on Fairmont Parkway at 7:30 pm where we have time to catch up on the week and decide together as a group on the activity for the night. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

Sr. High and Jr. High Youth Group
Summer is only just a few more weeks longer and how many times can you watch the same movie or play the same video game. Why not come to our Jr. High and Sr. High to our youth groups where we will have fun fellowship while trying to stay cool in the Houston heat. For Jr. High youth group, we will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 5 pm - 6 pm (dates below) right before Confirmation (Begins August 15th) and Sr. High we will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00- 8:30pm! For sr. high, I encourage you to bring an item that we can snack on as we do our fellowship together. There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page! Here are the dates of this summer’s activities.

Tuesday Peace Family Night
Thank you for those families that have already talked to me about a time to meet, but for those that have not, there is still time! I have placed a sign up sheet on our youth bulletin for families to sign up what day and time you would like to schedule a meal together where we can bond together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. However you do have the choice of deny the invitation. This can be a home meal or out to eat, I will leave that up to you. I look forward to meeting everyone in our community.

When: Every Tuesday till July 2011 (Talk to me if there is another date in mind)
Where: You Choose (eat at home or out?)
What do I need to Do: You Choose

First Communion Classes
SIGN UPS ARE ON THE YOUTH BULLETIN BOARD! All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade or higher) are invited to attend classes every Sunday at 1pm on September 19, 26, and October 2. We will bake bread on Saturday, October 2 at the church kitchen at 10 am, and the children will receive their first Communion on October 3, Reformation Sunday at the service their families normally attend. Please contact Ben Remmert or sign up on the youth and family board.

College Recognition Sunday- Sept. 12th
On September 12th, we are going to recognize and pray for all our college students at all three of our worships. In the narthex, we will set up a table where you can prepare a college kit that we are going to send to our college students so that they we are keeping them in our prayers! So if you know any of our members that are college students, please contact Ben Remmert for their address!

Milestone Ministry- Worship and Church Calendar (4-5 year olds)
Research from the youth and family institute has discovered that spiritual healthy families practice their faith outside of the church. So we are going to celebrate milestones that our children and youth go through in their lives. On September 19th, I invite all the 4-5 year olds and their families at 9:45 am as I teach about worship and the church calendar. On September 26th, we will recognize our families and offer them a reminder of their milestone. So if you’re interested, please contact Ben Remmert.

Co-ed Softball and Volleyball
Softball registration is until August 31 with the City of Pasadena and league play begins September. Co-Ed Indoor Volleyball will be at First Baptist Church on Fairmont beginning in October. Sign-Up sheets are located on the table in the narthex (one yellow and the other blue). If you are interested, please be sure to sign up today! We still need quite a few people. Any questions, see Ben Remmert.

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministry

Come Sing With The Choir of Peace
Our 9:45 choir is now known as “The Choir of Peace.” We are the Choir of Peace because we belong to Peace Lutheran, but also we experience the peace that passes all understanding as we work together in our practices and enjoy Christian fellowship. Our practice room is a stress-free zone where you can enjoy singing and sharing your faith journey with others.

Rehearsals resume today at 8:30 a.m. While the music we sing this year will be easier to learn, we always remain committed to offering the best music in worship in a variety of styles. If you love singing, we really need you in choir. No auditions are required, and we have a great time! Please prayerfully consider making the commitment to a one hour weekly rehearsal and one weekly service, all on Sunday morning – a day we have found has fewer schedule conflicts. We need you! If you have any questions, please contact Martha Digges.

Installation of 2010-11 S.S. Teachers & Staff
The following Sunday School teachers and staff will be installed at the 8:30 and 11:00 services on Sunday. Please keep these dedicated people in your prayers. If you would like to volunteer in our Sunday School program, please call Jennifer Sanders or Julie Shaw.

2 Year Olds: Kelli Gregory & Christina Hanna
3 Year Olds: Carol McDonald & Natalie Blair
4-5 Year Olds: Julie Shaw & Lisa Hagemeister
1st-2nd Grade: Jennifer Sanders & Christina Loredo
3rd Grade: Judy Hance
4th-5th Grades: Judy Werner
Jr. High: Jessica Gaul
Sr. High: Ben Remmert
Adults: Pam Cronan, Joann Hutton, Geri Warren

Adult Classes For Fall
Midweek Bible Study: Wednesday Morning Study, led by Pastor Tart, will resume with our study of other religions on September 1 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Everyone is welcome!

What Is a Lutheran? An Eight-Week Study of The Lutheran Confessions: Ever wonder what makes a Lutheran a Lutheran? This study of key Lutheran beliefs and practices will use the Book of Concord and the 2003 movie Luther as resources. Taught by Pastor Gary Morgan-Gohlke, this class for adults will meet for eight Wednesdays in September and October at 7:00 p.m. in the upstairs conference room beginning on September 8th. You don’t have to be Lutheran to attend. Feel free to bring a friend or neighbor. If you are interested, sign up on the sheet on the narthex table.

“Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Lives”: This new Bible study, led by Joann Hutton, will begin September 12th during the Sunday School hour, 9:45 am - 10:45 am. We will meet in Room 201, the classroom upstairs near the conference room. (A copy of the study is found by the sign-up sheet on the narthex table.) This 14 chapter study should help us to remember that nobody is insignificant, that God pays attention to us, and God loves us dearly.

A Study of the Books of the Bible: This Bible Study, led by Geri Warren, meets on Sunday mornings in the upstairs conference room.

“1001 Surprising Things You Should Know About the Bible”: Pam Cronan leads this class in Room 202-203 (upstairs) beginning August 29th.

Weekly Christian Fellowship & Bible Study: Come meet the man whose psalms have often become your prayers. Follow his fervent pursuit of God as a shepherd boy, warrior, and king. And learn from his life about the grace that can transform every sinner into a person after God’s own heart. We will be using Chuck Swindoll’s CD study series, David, A Man of Passion and Destiny.

When: Weekly, beginning the Monday after Labor Day, September 13, 2010
Where: The home of Cliff and Barbara Hagemeister,
3613 East Desert Dr., LaPorte, TX 77571
Time: 7:00 PM.

A sign-up sheet is in on the table in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please given me a call – Home: 281-542-7961; Cell: 713-248-2119. Barbara Hagemeister

PCM Food Drive Next Sunday
Don’t forget your non-perishable food donations on September 5th for our monthly drive for Pasadena Community Ministries. Of course, monetary gifts are also accepted. Please make your check payable to Peace Lutheran Church and write “PCM” in the memo section. Thank you.

We were blessed this month with the donations that we collected for the PCM with both food and clothing donations. We did a great job with Sunday Undies on the Undie Sunday Collection Sundays.

DUE TO THE NEED .....We will continue putting a special emphasis on collecting UNDIES through the 2nd Sunday of September. There is still a great need for school uniforms for Pasadena and Deer Park schools. All types and sizes of clothing will also continue to be collected so Don't throw away-- DONATE.

The clothing donation boxes are located under the large table in the narthex. The Food donations go in the hallway between the narthex and fellowship hall. (Cereals, peanut butter, jelly and all canned/packaged goods are greatly needed.)

Fiesta Dinner Party
Peace Lutheran Church
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
6:30 P.M.

Please join Peace Lutheran Church and the Labyrinth Committee for a Fiesta Dinner on Tuesday, September 14, 2010. Tickets are $8.00 per adult, and go on sale today through September 5th in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or you may call any of the committee members listed to reserve tickets. Tickets are limited, and will not be sold at the door, so be sure and purchase yours early. Babysitting will be provided. The proceeds from the dinner will go toward building our prayer labyrinth.

Our Committee members are: Judy Griffin, Cheryl Picha, Judy & Allen Werner, Ruth Meyer, Ann Nicholson, Cindy Stang, Pearl Stockum, Marilyn Seich, Ellen Cumbie and Lin Peterson.

A labyrinth is a path of prayer, a walking meditation, a crucible of change, a watering hole for the spirit and a mirror of the soul.

Women of Peace General Meeting
Attention women of the congregation! Invite a friend and make plans now to join us for our General Meeting and election of 2011 officers on Sunday, September 12 at 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. As part of the entertainment, we are asking each lady who attends to bring one of your nighties in an unmarked brown paper bag. Then we’ll try and guess who the nightie belongs to. See Geri Warren for more information.

Creative Hands
We met this past month and made beautiful bracelets for the Bazaar. We had a small turn out but we were a busy bunch and we are pleased with the finished products. We are not scheduling a Creative Hands work day/night until after the Bazaar 2010. We know that everyone is busy finishing up their crafts for the bazaar. We will do cards for our special members in October.

For future classes/workshops we are collecting:
-Beads, charms and memory wire and other jewelry makings
-Roller Balls from roll on deodorants (or the empty container)
-Artificial carnations and small mums in fall and Christmas colors
-Plastic storage containers shoebox and sweater sizes
(These items maybe be place in the basket under the WOP table.)

Jany and Sherri

Convention News
The 23rd Annual Convention of the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synodical Womens’ Organization will be held here at Peace Lutheran Church on Saturday, September 25, 2010 beginning at 8:00 AM. “Ignite Your Spirit With Your Gifts” will be our theme and we will have gifts galore. Workshops will be offered as a gift to you by Sharon Sledge, Jany Reeve and many more. Convention Co-Chairs Peg Swavely and Mavis Greif are working long and hard to bring you a great convention. Jeanene Konviska and Virginia Rodriguez will be cooking up a great breakfast and lunch for you with the help of Sam’s and Antonio’s. Pastor David Tart will be our Chaplain for convention and will conduct the opening devotional and closing worship service. Friday night before convention will be a mixer and get to know you at House of Prayer Lutheran Church just a little ways down Space Center. Registration fee is $55.00. Forms are on two tables in the Narthex under the gifts. For more information, see Mavis, Jeanene, Virginia, Marilyn Seich or me. Plan now to come out to support your friends AND have a good time. I hope to see you here.

Ann Nicholson, President
TX/LA Gulf Coast Synod, Women of the ELCA

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