Friday, September 17, 2010

For 17th Sunday after Pentecost

September 19, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events

Sunday's Sermon
We have this interesting story about a steward who tries to recover from squandering his master's property. In the end Jesus challenges us to decide between service of God and wealth. Ultimately this is our choice. Who are you going to serve? What is your life going to be about? As a community that follows Christ we are on this journey of learning and practicing what it means to be the servants of God. I hope that you will enjoy the service and will attend.

Womens Thankoffering Sunday
We will give thanks for the ministry of our women's group this Sunday and invite the women of peace to make offering in support of their wonderful work. I think we need to never ever take for granted what this fantastic group of ladies does to further the work of God. Their commitment and dedication to serving our Lord is one of the heart beats of our community. Blessings to all and their faithful leadership

Open forum on the ELCA and ELCA Town Hall Meeting: Sunday, 4-6pm
We will meet at 4:00 pm to listen to Bishop Mark Hanson lead an online live open forum on the ELCA and then offer opportunity for us to discuss any issues concerning the ELCA. We will meet in the nave in the sanctuary.

Other News..................

New Administrator Begins Monday, October 4th (changed due to complications of schedule).
We welcome Bernadette Anderson to our staff. We are excited about her addition to our ministry and look forward to her gifts. She will be working 30 hours per week with flexible scheduling due to our expectations.

Journeying Faithfully Together: Human Sexuality and the ELCA
It has been a year since our church voted to allow a congregation to call a minister who is in a same sex publicly accountable relationships. I know that people in our congregation and community have some lingering resentments because of this decision and think that the ELCA is losing a moral compass. I have heard this and I totally respect a person's right to have and share their feelings, opinions and thoughts. I don't think someone else has to be wrong in order for me to be right. I, however, hope and pray that our community will stay focused not on laws of conduct, but on the bigger question of how we might lift the burdens of others and invite them to live lives of dignity and grace. Say what you will about this decision, but it is obvious to me that allowing such ministers is lifting a burden off those who for many years struggled with accepting who they are and loving who they want. The decision is allowing congregations that dearly love their minister the freedom for him or her to serve them with the good gifts of the Gospel.

I am very saddened by those who seek to disassociate over this decision or any policy or social statement of the church. I think such a decision to separate or not support helps no one to grow. Thus, on Tuesday, September 21 at 7:00 pm I am inviting all who struggle with this issue to come to Peace and join in a 10 week study of human sexuality that will include study of homosexuality and the ELCA policy. The approach to such issues is not polarization, but study, prayer, reflection and open minded dialog. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the narthex.

Talking Together As Christians about tough social issues

Journeying Faithfully Together: Part One, ELCA Studies on Sexuality
Journeying Faithfully Together: Part Two, The Church and Homosexuality

September Is Worship Servants Recruitment Month
We have been blessed by some very faithful servants who give tirelessly to make sure that our worship services happen. Their numbers have dwindled and we have a huge opportunity for you to share in the fun and joy of serving God's people. We have openings for ushers, readers, assisting ministers, acolytes, crucifers, communion servers. This is a great place to plug into our community.

You can sign up on Sunday morning or online at Worship Servant Sign up.

We are also recruiting for the new "Choir of Peace", a group that gathers on Sunday morning at 8:30am for rehearsal and then performs at the 9:45 service. They also can provide special music for the 11:00 service. For information and to offer your voice to leading the people of God, contact Martha Digges.

On Sunday, September 26 after the 11:00 am service in the fellowship hall, we are going to have a dinner to welcome everyone and thank them for serving others with the great gift of the Gospel.

Thank You’s
Thanks to all who participated in the congregation meeting and the feedback.. The council will share their evaluation in the near future.

Thanks for all the prayers and support for Bill Cook and the family of Millie Speck Clayton.

Thanks for all who helped with the Fiesta Dinner and those who attended. It was a big success. We are in the process of raising funds for the labyrinth project

No Wednesday Morning Bible Study Next Week
Because of the Sr. Citizens Day on Wednesday we will not have the morning Bible study. Bring a dish and a friend and join the seniors for a game of dominoes and lunch!

The Wednesday Bible Study group will resume on September 29th at 10:00 am with our study of other religions. We will be studying Buddhism on that day. We meet in the upstairs conference room. Everyone is welcome!

Pastoral Care Notes
Bill Cook: Memorial Hermann SICU. Severely injured in motorcycle accident
Cindy Smith: Methodist
Helen Shoppa: Patients
Brett Thornton: Released
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer.

Sympathy to the family and friends of Millie Speck Clayton whose funeral was September 16th at Peace. Also to the family and friends of little Sophie Knight, niece of Steve & Angie Kresse who went to be with the Lord on September 15th.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

From The Youth Director
Thank you for putting together our college care packages and writing your notes of encouragement. As our college students are finishing their first rounds of exams, I know they will appreciate our warm prayers and concerns.

In case you did not hear, we also have a youth ministry newsletter which highlights our ministries going on here at Peace, Jr. and Sr. High Students of the Month, and our mission together. If you would like a copy, they are on the table in the narthex and soon will be online on our website!

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministry

C.R.O.P. Walk 2010
WE NEED SOME VOLUNTEERS (BY SEPTEMBER 22) AND SPONSORS (OCTOBER 6)! First Presbyterian asked us for some walkers (1K-10K) so that we can raise money for Pasadena Community Ministry and Church World service to fight hunger poverty at home and around the world. We will be walking at Rotary Pavilion Crenshaw Park on Sunday October 10th at 1:30 pm. This is a large community effort in Pasadena and I would love to make this our big family service event for the fall. So if you’re interested, please contact me or sign up on our sign-in sheet in the narthex.

Young Adult Chillin’
Calling all young adults 18-26 years old! Do you need a time where you can leave your worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship? Then you should come to our “Chillin” events where we meet at Starbucks on Fairmont Parkway on Sundays at 7:30 pm where we have time to catch up on the week and decide together as a group on the activity for the night. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

Sr. High and Jr. High Youth Group
Summer is only just a few more weeks longer and how many times can you watch the same movie or play the same video game. Why not come to our Jr. High and Sr. High youth groups where we will have fun fellowship while trying to stay cool in the Houston heat. For Jr. High youth group, we will meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm right before Confirmation. Sr. High meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm! For Sr. High, I encourage you to bring an item that we can snack on as we do our fellowship together. There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page!

Volleyball Registration and Sports Ministry Meeting Today!
Today we are going to meet to talk about a new ministry that we can begin here at Peace Lutheran, our Sports Ministry. Every third Sunday of the Month at 2:00 PM, we will meet at Peace Lutheran for some time to come together to play. For September, we will play some softball in the field behind our church. We are hoping to make this a new ministry here at Peace so please if you are curious, please come today at 2:00 pm so that we can begin this new ministry together. If you not able to make it, please contact Ben Remmert.

First Communion Classes
WE BEGIN OUR CLASSES TODAY! Today at 1:00 pm we are going to begin our communion classes for our youth as we begin by discussing the purpose of communion. If you are not able to come to today’s class, we still have two other classes at 1:00 pm on September 26th, and on October 2nd at 10:00 am, we will bake bread in the church kitchen and stomp on grapes. The children will receive their Communion on October 3rd at the 11:00 service. Please contact Ben Remmert or sign up on the youth and family board

Milestone Ministry - Worship and Church Calendar (4-5 year olds): Today!
Research from the youth and family institute has discovered that spiritual healthy families practice their faith outside of the church. So we are going to celebrate milestones that our children and youth go through in their lives. Today, all the 4-5 year olds and their families at 9:45 am Sunday School time, we are going to go over the purpose of worship and the church calendar. On September 26th, we will recognize our families and offer them a reminder of their milestone. So if your interested, please contact Ben Remmert.

Sr. High- Haunted House Tour October 30th, 6:00 PM
Halloween is here, go through any Wal-Mart, Hobby Lobby, or Target and you can already see the costumes, the candy, and the decorations. But for our senior high, we are going to be going on a Haunted House tour. We will meet at the church first for a light devotion and meal and then go through some haunted houses. We will meet at 6:00 pm, and meet back at church at 12:00 am. Cost is $40 dollars.

October 9th, 9 am-5 pm: Oktoberfest at the Renaissance Festival
PLEASE SIGN UP EITHER IN THE NARTHEX OR YOUTH BULLETIN BOARD! What are we Lutherans if we do not celebrate our biggest German holiday? The Renaissance Festival on its opening weekend is having an Oktoberfest themed day where there are over 200 performances, hundreds of gift stands, plenty of German foods, and also polka and yodeling contests. It’s a huge event and I think our families here would have a lot of fun. So what I am planning is that if we get over 20 people, we can meet at Peace Lutheran and rent a bus to go over to the festival (additional $15). If you’re interested, we will have a sign up sheet in the narthex. Cost will be $12 per adult, $6 for children for this event.

Next Parent Huddle Time: October 21st, 7:00 PM
You asked for it so here it is! It’s a time where our parents can meet with the youth director and share how our ministry together is going. Every Third Thursday of the month, I am asking for parents and youth to come together where we can share together. This is also a time where we discuss future events. We had our first huddle in September and had great discussions. At this huddle, we will continue our discussions of the Christmas Pageant, Confirmation, and Sr. High Summer Trip. There will also be a time for us to come together in devotion where we explore our faith together. I would love to have our parents and youth at these meetings so we can build further on our community together!

Next Milestone: “10 Commandments” October 17th
\Just to give a head start in October, our next milestone celebration is going to be for our 1st and 2nd graders where we are going to talk about the 10 Commandments and how they are still important to our lives today. We will also spend the time making our own commandments to help us remember them in our everyday lives. On October 24th, we will recognize our families and offer them a reminder of their milestone at our 11:00 service. So if you’re interested, please contact Ben Remmert.

Blood Pressure Screening
Our free monthly blood pressure screening will be held on Sunday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am in the Library. This is for all ages. Children too!

Lunch Bunch
Parish Life Committee invites you to bring your family and join us for lunch at the Grand Buffet located at 8309 Spencer on September 26th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. A sign-up sheet is located on the Parish Life bulletin board in the back of the narthex. Any questions, please contact Owen King.

Lutheran World Relief
LWR Health Kits are given to people who must flee their homes quickly and do not have time to pack essential items. Health kits can help refugees maintain personal hygiene while living in exile. Items may also contribute to a new start for those who can return home. Items need to complete a health kit are as follows:

Hand Towels - Dark Colors
Wash Cloths - Dark Colors
Bath Size Bars of Soap
Comb - Wide Tooth
Band Aids
Nail File or Nail Clippers with Nail File (Please No Emery Boards)
One adult toothbrush in original packaging (Please No Toothpaste)

Look for the collection basket in the Narthex marked Lutheran World Relief. Have a blessed day.

Bazaar News
Five weeks and counting to October 16th Bazaar 2010. We will continue to sell raffle tickets each Sunday between services. If you have not purchased your tickets please do so at that time. We will be asking the women of Peace to pick up a container (tin or plate) to be filled with baked goods for the Bazaar Bake Sale. Look for the cart in the Narthex to choose your container. Craft items completed may be turned in at this time also. A reminder, we will have a plant table in the Bazaar. We hope everyone will donate a plant. Plants and Baked goods may be turned in Thursday and Friday October 14th & 15th in the Fellowship Hall. Have a blessed week.

Donations Needed For Sarah’s House
Sarah's House is a shelter for women who are in crisis and their children, and is located at 2210 Wichita, Pasadena, TX. These women have lost their jobs and can't afford housing. Many have been sleeping in their cars. Please consider making a donation of any of the following items:

Non-Perishable food items (including canned meats - Tuna, Span etc.)
Cleaning Products
Paper Products
Feminine Hygiene and Personal Hygiene Items
Look for a box in the Narthex under the Parish Life table for your donations.

Creative Hands
We are not scheduling a Creative Hands work day/night until after the Bazaar 2010. We will do cards for our special members in October.

For future classes/workshops we are collecting:
-Beads, charms and memory wire and other jewelry makings
-Roller Balls from roll on deodorants (or the empty container)
-Artificial carnations and small mums in fall and Christmas colors
-Plastic storage containers shoebox and sweater sizes

These items maybe be place in the basket under the WOP table. Thanks.

Jany and Sherri

Convention News
The 23rd Annual Convention of the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synodical Womens’ Organization will be held here at Peace Lutheran Church on Saturday, September 25, 2010 beginning at 8:00 AM. “Ignite Your Spirit With Your Gifts” will be our theme and we will have gifts galore. Workshops will be offered as a gift to you by Sharon Sledge, Jany Reeve and many more. Convention Co-Chairs Peg Swavely and Mavis Greif are working long and hard to bring you a great convention. Jeanene Konviska and Virginia Rodriguez will be cooking up a great breakfast and lunch for you with the help of Sam’s and Antonio’s. Pastor David

Tart will be our Chaplain for convention and will conduct the opening devotional and closing worship service. Friday night before convention will be a mixer and get to know you at House of Prayer Lutheran Church just a little ways down Space Center. Registration fee is $55.00. Forms are on two tables in the Narthex under the gifts. For more information, see Mavis, Jeanene, Virginia, Marilyn Seich or me. Plan now to come out to support your friends AND have a good time. I hope to see you here.

Ann Nicholson, President
TX/LA Gulf Coast Synod, Women of the ELCA

Texas Senator Mike Jackson, Dist. 11
Texas Representative John Davis, Dist. 129
Texas Representative Ken Legler, Dist. 144

September 23, 2010
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
at Zion Lutheran Church
5050 E. Sam Houston Pkwy. S.
Pasadena, TX 77505

For more information contact Pam or Moriah Guthrie at (281) 461-6200.

(Sponsored by Nassau Bay Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.)

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