Saturday, September 11, 2010

For 16th Sunday after Pentecost

September 12, 2010

For a list of upcoming activities go to

Be sure to check out our website

If you cannot attend this Sunday, you can still make an offering using our online service at Contribute Online. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and ministry.

We invite you to become a friend of Peace on the Peace Facebook webpage. Facebook is an online social networking site that helps communities of friends stay connected on an on-going basis. The cost is free. Facebook is a lot fun and you will enjoy the connections. You will need a Facebook account to join. Go to for more information and search Facebook for Peace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Texas. We look forward to you joining.

This Sundays Events

College Sunday
We are asking everyone to wear or bring something that shows their favorite college. We will be praying for our college students that day and blessing care packages that we will send them. We will have a special display for each of our students in the fellowship hall.

You can bring an item(s) that you think a college student would use or enjoy to place in their care packages. We have about 15 students.

Congregation Meeting after 11:00 am Service
We will have a meeting to review our financial situation, vote on a proposed by-law change to switch the election cycle for council members and officers from January to September so that the new council members can be part of the visioning of the next year's ministry and mission planning. We will also have a report from our survey and give members an opportunity to share feedback. Subjects: Worship and Music, Outreach, Education, Council Communication, Pastoral Leadership, Programs.

We hope to have a very productive meeting and ask that you please plan to stay if at all possible.
We plan to be done by 1:30. We need at least 59 people to have a quorum so please take this meeting seriously and plan to stay.

Enrollment of the 2010-2011 Confirmation Class at the 11:00 Service
We will be thanking God for the Holy Spirit working in these young people's lives and asking for God's blessing on their spiritual journey.

Sunday's Sermon
The title of my sermon is "Connected" and will lift up the imagine of God's kingdom as a place where no one is allowed to live alone. God calls us to be a passionate community that seeks to bring everyone under the umbrella of Grace and inclusion in God's joyful banquet.

New Administrator Begins Monday, September 13.
We welcome Bernadette Anderson to our staff this Monday. We are excited about her addition to our ministry and look forward to her gifts. She will be working 30 hours per week with flexible scheduling due to the nature of the ministry. Next week we will more fully introduce you to her.

Journeying Faithfully Together: Human Sexuality and the ELCA
It has been a year since our church voted to allow a congregation to call a minister who is in a same sex publicly accountable relationship. I know that people in our congregation and community have some lingering resentments because of this decision and think that the ELCA is losing a moral compass. I have heard this and I totally respect a person's right to have and share their feelings, opinions and thoughts. I don't think someone else has to be wrong in order for me to be right. I, however, hope and pray that our community will stay focused not on laws of conduct, but on the bigger question of how we might lift the burdens of others and invite them to live lives of dignity and grace. Say what you will about this decision, but it is obvious to me that allowing such ministers is lifting a burden off those who for many years struggled with accepting who they are and loving who they want. The decision is allowing congregations that dearly love their minister the freedom for him or her to serve them with the good gifts of the Gospel.

I am very saddened by those who seek to disassociate over this decision or any policy or social statement of the church. I think such a decision to separate or not support helps no one to grow. Thus, on Tuesday, September 21 at 7pm I am invite all who struggle with this issue to come to Peace and join in a 10 week study of human sexuality that will include study of homosexuality and the ELCA policy. The approach to such issues is not polarization, but study, prayer, reflection and open minded dialog.

Here are the downloads in preparation for the study.

We also have a sign-up in the narthex.

Talking Together As Christians about tough social issues

Journeying Faithfully Together: Part One, ELCA Studies on Sexuality

Journeying Faithfully Together: Part Two, The Church and Homosexuality

September is worship servants recruitment month
We have been blessed by some very faithful servants who give tirelessly to make sure that our worship services happen. Their numbers have dwindled and we have a huge opportunity for you to share in the fun and joy of serving God's people. We have openings for ushers, readers, assisting ministers, acolytes, crucifers, communion servers. This is a great place to plug into our community. You can sign up on Sunday morning or online at Worship Servant Sign up

We are also recruiting for the new "Choir of Peace", a group that gathers on Sunday morning at 8:30am for rehearsal and then performs at the 9:45 service. They also can provide special music for the 11:00 service. For information and to offer your voice to leading the people of God, contact Martha Digges

On Sunday, September 26 after the 11:00 am service in the fellowship hall, we are going to have a dinner to welcome everyone and thank them for serving others with the great gift of the Gospel.

Open forum on the ELCA and ELCA Town Hall meeting, Sunday September 19, 4-6pm
We will meet at 4:00 pm to listen to Bishop Mark Hanson lead an online live open forum on the ELCA and then offer opportunity for us to discuss any issues concerning the ELCA.

Thank You’s
Thanks to Darla Haygood and the Personnel and Policy team for all their hard work in managing the hiring process of the new director of administration.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Resumes
The Wednesday Bible Study group has resumed at 10:00am with our study of other religions. We are currently studying Islam. We meet in the upstairs conference room. Everyone is welcome!

Pastoral Care Notes
Karen Dahse: Released
Don Knudson: Patients
Sam Smith: Released
Dale Taggart continues his treatment for cancer
Jason Elliott continues his treatment for cancer

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tart

From The Youth Director
What an exciting day it is today. We have our college students and our confirmands to celebrate today. It is great to be a part of a community where we uplift these people. I remember from my days in confirmation and college where it was the love and prayers of my friends and family that got me through these years. Thanks be to God for you all! But this is not the only day we should uplift our college students so I encourage our congregation to continue to pray for these students and all the members of our congregation and the world.

I also wanted to let everyone know that we also have a youth ministry newsletter which highlights our ministries going on here at Peace, Jr. and Sr. High Students of the Month, and our mission together. If you would like a copy, they are on the table in the narthex and soon will be online on our website!

God Bless,
Ben Remmert, Dir. of Youth and Family Ministry

Recognition of Our Confirmation Class of 2010-2011- Sunday!
We are also going to officially recognize our new confirmands today at our 11:00 worship service, so here is a list of confirmation students this year!

Jacob Glazener Jacob Jett Kimberly Knowles Breann Koon Maddie Koon Jenna Lambert Kalyn Leslie Lauren Leslie Megan Loredo Joy Moore Kevin Moore Adam Sasek Jada Smith Aubrie Wells John Woodard Seth Woodard Dyzek Pettigrew

Great class, and we are excited for the coming year! We ask for your prayers throughout the year as we explore together our Christian and Lutheran heritage. If we forgot anyone, we are very sorry, please contact Ben Remmert so he can correct our records.

C.R.O.P. Walk 2010. We Need Some Volunteers and Sponsors!
First Presbyterian asked us for some walkers (1K-10K) so that we can raise money for Pasadena Community Ministry and Church World service to fight hunger poverty at home and around the world. We will be walking at Rotary Pavilion Crenshaw Park on Sunday October 10th at 1:30 pm. This is a large community effort in Pasadena and I would love to make this our big family service event for the fall. So if you’re interested, please contact me or sign up on our sign-in sheet in the narthex.

Young Adult Chillin’
Calling all young adults ages 18-26! Do you need a time where you can leave your worries from school and work to relax, sit, get some great food, and have a great time for fellowship? Then you should come to our “Chillin” events where we meet at Starbucks on Fairmont Parkway on Sunday evenings at 7:30 pm, and where we have time to catch up on the week and decide together as a group on the activity for the night. Check out our church bulletin, youth board, or our facebook page for more information!

Sr. High and Jr. High Youth Group
How many times can you watch the same movie or play the same video game? Why not come to our Jr. High and Sr. High youth groups where we will have fun fellowship while trying to stay cool in the Houston heat. For Jr. High youth group, we meet at Peace Lutheran Church at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm right before Confirmation. Sr. High meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm - 8:30pm! For Sr. High, I encourage you to bring an item that we can snack on as we do our fellowship together. There will be more announcements and information on the youth board, church bulletin, and our facebook page! Here are the dates of this summer’s activities.

Jr. High Lock-In: Rockin’ Leadership: September 18th at 6:00 pm till September 19th at 8:30 am
You have been in school for almost one month. Are you tired of the routine? Need to get away? Well come on over to the Junior High Lock-In where we will have fun fellowship, where we will have a rock out costume contest, guitar hero contests, and learn more about what it means to have a rockin’ style of leadership through devotions and worships. Cost is only $10 per person. And be sure to bring a friend!

Softball and Volleyball Registration
We could not get enough people to sign up for softball, but we still have some time for volleyball registration. However, for those that have signed up, I am thinking of holding on the third Sunday of every month a time where anyone that is interested can come to Peace Lutheran to play a sport. For September, we will play some softball in the field behind our church. We are hoping to make this a new ministry here at Peace so please, if you are curious, please contact Ben Remmert.

First Communion Classes. Sign Ups Are On The Youth Bulletin Board!
We are coming down to the date! All students ready for instruction in First Communion (we suggest 3rd grade- 5th grade) are invited to attend classes on September 19 and 26 at 1:00 pm. We will bake bread and stomp on grapes on Saturday, October 2 at the church kitchen at 10:00 am, and the Communion Celebration will be on October 3, Reformation Sunday, at the service their families normally attend. Please contact Ben Remmert or sign up on the youth and family board, ITS NOT TOO LATE.

College Recognition Sunday
In the narthex, we will set up a table where you can prepare a college kit that we are going to send to our college students. We also ask that you fill out a note card where we can let the college students know they are in our prayers. If you have any other items that you feel our college students would enjoy, please feel free to bring them as we will send care packages through out the year. Here are our college students:

Kevin Benson, Jenna Dockan, Jessica Dockan, Jessica Gaul, Christina Hanna, Joshua Jorgenson, Chelsea Lambert, Jonathan Klinkerman, Kevin Lambert, Karen Tart, Amanda Thompson, Tyler Werner, Brandi Wells, Kelsi Ural, Joanne Bowman

If we missed a name, sorry. Please contact Ben Remmert so we can update our records.

Milestone Ministry- Worship and Church Calendar (4-5 year olds)
Research from the youth and family institute has discovered that spiritual healthy families practice their faith outside of the church. So we are going to celebrate milestones that our children and youth go through in their lives. On September 19th, I invite all the 4-5 year olds and their families at 9:45 am as I teach about worship and the church calendar. On September 26th, we will recognize our families and offer them a reminder of their milestone. If you have any questions, please contact Ben Remmert.

Sr. High- PJ Night Bowling, September 17th

Please Sign Up Either In The Narthex Or Youth Bulletin Board!
High School has been going on for a while and you need a break from your daily routine. So come on over to Peace where we will have a light dinner, have the best PJ contest, and then go bowling till the late hours of the night. We will meet at 8:00 pm and bowl until 2:00 am. Cost is $10 dollars.

October 9th, 9:00 Am-5 Pm: Oktoberfest at The Renaissance Festival
Please Sign Up Either In The Narthex Or Youth Bulletin Board!
What are we Lutheran if we do not celebrate our biggest German holiday. The Renaissance Festival, on its opening weekend, is having an Oktoberfest themed day where there are over 200 performances, hundreds of gift stands, plenty of German foods, and also polka and yodeling contests. It’s a huge event and I think our families here would have a lot of fun. So what I am planning is that if we get over 20 people, we can meet at Peace Lutheran and rent a bus to go over to the festival (additional $15). If you’re interested, we will have a sign up sheet in the narthex. Cost will be $12 per adult, $6 for children for this event.

Parent Huddle Time: September 16th, 7:00 PM
You asked for it so here it is! It’s a time where our parents can meet with the youth director and share how our ministry together is going. Every Third Thursday of the month, I am asking for parents and youth to come together where we can share together. This is also a time where we discuss future events. At this huddle, we will discuss the Christmas Pageant, Confirmation, and Sr. High Summer Trip.

There will also be a time for us to come together in devotion where we explore our faith together. I would love to have our parents and youth at these meetings so we can build further on our community together!

Thank Offering Ingathering Sunday
September 19th is Thank Offering Ingathering Sunday and all women of the ELCA participate in this effort. It is one way of showing our thanks to our Lord by placing an offering in the basket for blessings that have been bestowed upon you. This money is used for many worthwhile projects such as helping our women in seminary, feeding the hungry, help in missions and many more ways. Please mark your calendars, and may God continue to shower blessings on everyone of you.

LWR Fair Trade Coffee Project
The midweek Bible Study group is a “partner” in the coffee business and sells coffee, tea and hot cocoa mix through the Lutheran World Relief Fair Trade Coffee Project. Micah 6:8 calls us, as Christians, to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly.

The LWR Coffee Project helps Lutherans answer that call by righting the injustices faced by small-scale farmers around the world. By using Fair Trade coffee and other products in our congregation and homes, we are helping farmers receive a fair price that covers their cost of production and guarantees them a living wage for their labors. Check out the table in the narthex today.

Lunch Bunch
Parish Life Committee invites you to bring your family and join us for lunch at the Grand Buffet located at 8309 Spencer on September 26th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. A sign-up sheet is located on the Parish Life bulletin board in the back of the narthex. Any questions, please contact Owen King.

Lutheran World Relief Health Kits
Please prayerfully consider donating items needed to complete a Health Kit. Items for Health Kits are as follows:
Hand Towels - Dark Colors
Wash Cloths - Dark Colors
Bath Size Bar of Soap
Comb - Wide Tooth
Band Aids
Nail File or Nail Clippers with nail file also acceptable (please no emery boards)
One Adult Toothbrush in original packaging

Look for the collection basket in the Narthex marked Lutheran World Relief. If you have any question, please contact Carol Young.

Habitat for Humanity House August Update
As of the end of August the Habitat for Humanity House that is being built in Pasadena with the help of volunteers from Peace is nearing completion. The exterior has been painted and the dry wall installed and prime painted.

During all Saturdays in September volunteers are needed. If you can work, all that is needed is for you to show up at the house at 1018 Ann St. in Pasadena. Ann St. is one block west of Pasadena Blvd. near Town Square Mall. To reach Ann St. you turn west off of Pasadena Blvd. at Beverly St. and proceed one block west. The scheduled work for September includes installing interior doors, trim, cabinetry, kitchen appliances, interior painting, and landscaping.

If you have questions or need directions you may call me at 281-930-0074 (home) or 281-782-0453 (cell) or by email at

Ted Brenneman,
Peace Lutheran Habitat for Humanity Champion.

Creative Hands
We are not scheduling a Creative Hands work day/night until after the Bazaar 2010, as we know that everyone is busy finishing up their crafts for the bazaar. We will do cards for our special members in October.

For future classes/workshops we are collecting:
-Beads, charms and memory wire and other jewelry makings
-Roller Balls from roll on deodorants (or the empty container)
-Artificial carnations and small mums in fall and Christmas colors
-Plastic storage containers shoebox and sweater sizes

These items maybe be place in the basket under the WOP table. Thanks.
Jany and Sherri

Donations Needed For Sarah’s House
Sarah's House is a shelter for women who are in crisis and their children, and is located at 2210 Wichita, Pasadena, TX. These women have lost their jobs and can't afford housing. Many have been sleeping in their cars. Please consider making a donation of any of the following items:

Non-Perishable food items (including canned meats - Tuna, Span etc.)
Cleaning Products
Paper Products
Feminine Hygiene and Personal Hygiene Items

Look for a box in the Narthex under the Parish Life table for your donations.

Convention News
The 23rd Annual Convention of the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synodical Womens’ Organization will be held here at Peace Lutheran Church on Saturday, September 25, 2010 beginning at 8:00 AM. “Ignite Your Spirit With Your Gifts” will be our theme and we will have gifts galore. Workshops will be offered as a gift to you by Sharon Sledge, Jany Reeve and many more. Convention Co-Chairs Peg Swavely and Mavis Greif are working long and hard to bring you a great convention. Jeanene Konviska and Virginia Rodriguez will be cooking up a great breakfast and lunch for you with the help of Sam’s and Antonio’s. Pastor David Tart will be our Chaplain for convention and will conduct the opening devotional and closing worship service. Friday night before convention will be a mixer and get to know you at House of Prayer Lutheran Church just a little ways down Space Center. Registration fee is $55.00. Forms are on two tables in the Narthex under the gifts. For more information, see Mavis, Jeanene, Virginia, Marilyn Seich or me. Plan now to come out to support your friends AND have a good time. I hope to see you here.

Ann Nicholson, President
TX/LA Gulf Coast Synod, Women of the ELCA

No Girls’ Night Out In September
Due to the Women’s annual convention we won’t be having Girls’ Night out in September. Look for information on our October event.

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